1. 程式人生 > >[python]使用openpyxl在一個worksheet中新增跳轉到另一個worksheet中的超連結


在使用openpyxl的時候,希望新增一個超連結,從一個worksheet跳轉到另一個worksheet中。在stack overflow中找到一個很好的方法,儲存下來。



I found a way to do it.

Assuming one .xlsx file named 'workbookEx.xlsx' with two sheets named 'sheet1' and 'sheet2' and needing a link from one cell(A1) of the 'sheet1' to another cell(E5) of the 'sheet2':

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb = load_workbook(workbookEx.xlsx) 
ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("sheet1")

link = "workbookEx.xlsx#sheet2!E5"

ws.cell(row=1, column=1).hyperlink = (link)

The secret was the "#", Excel do not shows you but it uses the '#' for same file links, I just had to copy a same file link created in Excel to a Word document to see the '#'.

It is also possible to omit the filename, i.e. to link against a sheet of the active document just use: _cell.hyperlink = '#sheetName!A1'


To name the link you just created, just set the cell value to the desired string: _cell.value = 'Linkname'.



link = "#sheet2!E5"    #預設就是當前檔案