1. 程式人生 > >怎樣在mac上徹底刪除docker


No offense against Docker. I like the concept and the software!

– This guide is based on V1.3.0 of the installer –

But I absolutely do not like the official Docker OS X installer (install manual) which you can download here.

The reason for this are:

  • It installs Virtualbox and has downgraded my existing Virtualbox Host software!
  • It installs an app and several binaries.
  • Everything packaged up into a .pkg and no uninstall app or instructions anywhere!

In summary it tries to do too much. Many developers use tools like Vagrant & Homebrew. Why not go that way?

Uninstall steps for boot2docker / Docker

Be sure you’ve only used the official

 installer. This uninstall guide is not the right one if you have installed Docker with e.g. Homebrew or other methods.

First stop boot2docker and delete the VBox image:

boot2docker stop
boot2docker delete

Remove the environmental variable DOCKER_HOST in case you have fixed it somewhere like e.g. in .bash_profile

Drag and Drop the boot2docker app logo from applications into the trash can of OS X.

Remove Docker and boot2docker command line tools:

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/boot2docker

Remove boot2docker VBox image:

sudo rm /usr/local/share/boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
sudo rmdir /usr/local/share/boot2docker
rm -rf ~/.boot2docker

Remove boot2docker ssh keys:

rm ~/.ssh/id_boot2docker*

Remove additional boot2docker files in /private folder:

sudo rm -f /private/var/db/receipts/io.boot2docker.*
sudo rm -f /private/var/db/receipts/io.boot2dockeriso.*

(Optional) Uninstall steps for Virtualbox

You can also delete Virtualbox of course. But if you are a developer you probably need it anyway. In case your VBox got also downgraded: Reinstall Virtualbox.

If you really want to uninstall Virtualbox:

But I like Docker, how to install it without pain on OS X and how to upgrade?

I will explain this in a later post! :)

Update 2014-10-06:

Update 2014-11-13:

Update 2014-11-21: