1. 程式人生 > >Lucene深入學習(7)Lucene的索引過程


摘要: 索引是Lucene最重要的過程,通過IndexWriter的addDocument()方法可以加入各種Document。本節將以addDocument為入口,探索Lucene的索引過程。本次程式碼示例基於Lucene 6.2.1.


IndexWriter的 addDocument

public long addDocument(Iterable<? extends IndexableField> doc) {
    return updateDocument(null, doc);

該方法並沒有實際的邏輯,需要注意的是它返回的是一個sequence number。

IndexWriter的 updateDocument

 public long updateDocument(Term term, Iterable<? extends IndexableField> doc){
 long seqNo = docWriter.updateDocument(doc, analyzer, term);


DocumentsWriter的 updateDocument

long updateDocument(final Iterable<? extends IndexableField> doc, final Analyzer analyzer, final Term delTerm)){
    final DocumentsWriterPerThread dwpt = perThread.dwpt;
    seqNo = dwpt.updateDocument(docs, analyzer, delTerm);


DocumentsWriterPerThread的 updateDocument

public long updateDocument(Iterable<? extends IndexableField> doc, Analyzer analyzer, Term delTerm){
    docState.doc = doc;
    docState.analyzer = analyzer;


DocConsumer的 processDocument

public void processDocument(){

    int fieldCount = 0;
    long fieldGen = nextFieldGen++;
    for (IndexableField field : docState.doc) {
        fieldCount = processField(field, fieldGen, fieldCount);


DefaultIndexingChain的 processField

private int processField(IndexableField field, long fieldGen, int fieldCount){
String fieldName = field.name();
    IndexableFieldType fieldType = field.fieldType();
    PerField fp = null;
    if (fieldType.indexOptions() == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("IndexOptions must not be null (field: \"" + field.name() + "\")");
    // Invert indexed fields:
    if (fieldType.indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE) {
      // if the field omits norms, the boost cannot be indexed.
      if (fieldType.omitNorms() && field.boost() != 1.0f) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You cannot set an index-time boost: norms are omitted for field '" + field.name() + "'");
      fp = getOrAddField(fieldName, fieldType, true);
      boolean first = fp.fieldGen != fieldGen;
      fp.invert(field, first);
      if (first) {
        fields[fieldCount++] = fp;
        fp.fieldGen = fieldGen;
    } else {
      verifyUnIndexedFieldType(fieldName, fieldType);
    // Add stored fields:
    if (fieldType.stored()) {
      if (fp == null) {
        fp = getOrAddField(fieldName, fieldType, false);
      if (fieldType.stored()) {
        try {
          storedFieldsWriter.writeField(fp.fieldInfo, field);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
          throw AbortingException.wrap(th);
    DocValuesType dvType = fieldType.docValuesType();
    if (dvType == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException("docValuesType must not be null (field: \"" + fieldName + "\")");
    if (dvType != DocValuesType.NONE) {
      if (fp == null) {
        fp = getOrAddField(fieldName, fieldType, false);
      indexDocValue(fp, dvType, field);
    if (fieldType.pointDimensionCount() != 0) {
      if (fp == null) {
        fp = getOrAddField(fieldName, fieldType, false);
      indexPoint(fp, field);
    return fieldCount;

這裡的IndexableField代表索引時一個的filed。在IndexWriter中,你可以認為它就是一個document的內部表示形式。IndexableField是一個介面,它含有幾個重要的屬性:field-name, field-type, filed-value。

StoredFieldsWriter的 writeField

public void writeField(FieldInfo info, IndexableField field){
    if(long)    bufferedDocs.writeVLong(infoAndBits);
    if(int)     bufferedDocs.writeVInt(bytes.length);
    if(String)  bufferedDocs.writeString(string);


DataOutput的 writeXXX

public void writeByte(byte b) {
    if (length >= bytes.length) {
      bytes = ArrayUtil.grow(bytes);
    bytes[length++] = b;


public void writeLong(long i) throws IOException {
    writeInt((int) (i >> 32));
    writeInt((int) i);
