1. 程式人生 > >MySQL 刪除表中重複資料,保留最小ID值

MySQL 刪除表中重複資料,保留最小ID值


在表 tabel 1中,存在大量重複資料,需要刪除重複項,且儲存 ID 為最小的那條記錄。

tabel 1表中【jzmdid】資料重複
ID jzmdid aac002 aac003 yj_month
10001 3002 -- -- 201805
10002 3002 -- -- 201805
10003 3003 -- -- 201805
10004 3004 -- -- 201805
delete from table1  WHERE jzmdid in  
( select jzmdid from table1 where yj_month='201805' GROUP BY jzmdid
  HAVING COUNT(jzmdid) >1)  
  and id not in 
( select min(id) as minid
  from table1 where  yj_month='201805' group by jzmdid having count(jzmdid)>1 ) ;

[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause

[Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'table1' for update in FROM clause

分析:Mysql 中Delete和Update 語句,不允許子查詢中出現update和delete要操作表


1、刪除重複記錄,儲存 ID最小的一條

-- 1、刪除重複記錄,儲存Id最小的一條
 delete from table1  WHERE yj_month='201805' and jzmdid in  
  ( select * from (
    select jzmdid from table1 where yj_month='201805' GROUP BY jzmdid 
      HAVING COUNT( jzmdid ) >1) s
       ) and id not in 

        ( select minid from (
           select min(id) as minid
            from table1
             where  yj_month='201805' 
              group by jzmdid having count(jzmdid )>1 ) b) ; 

受影響的行: 431250
時間: 106.209s