1. 程式人生 > >Android 系統安裝 apk 時解壓 so 的邏輯問題

Android 系統安裝 apk 時解壓 so 的邏輯問題

0X0 前言

在 Android 系統中,當我們安裝apk檔案的時候,lib 目錄下的 so 檔案會被解壓到 app 的原生庫目錄,一般來說是放到 /data/data/<package-name>/lib 目錄下,而根據系統和CPU架構的不同,其拷貝策略也是不一樣的,在我們測試過程中發現不正確地配置了 so 檔案,比如某些 app 使用第三方的 so 時,只配置了其中某一種 CPU 架構的 so,可能會造成 app 在某些機型上的適配問題。所以這篇文章主要介紹一下在不同版本的 Android 系統中,安裝 apk 時,PackageManagerService 選擇解壓 so 庫的策略,並給出一些 so 檔案配置的建議。

0x1 Android4.0以前

當 apk 被安裝時,執行路徑雖然有差別,但最終要呼叫到的一個核心函式是 copyApk,負責拷貝 apk 中的資源。

參考2.3.6的 Android 原始碼,它的 copyApk 其內部函式一段選取原生庫 so 邏輯:

public static int listPackageNativeBinariesLI(ZipFile zipFile, List> nativeFiles) throws ZipException, IOException {
    String cpuAbi = Build.CPU_ABI;
    int result = listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(zipFile, cpuAbi, nativeFiles);
     * Some architectures are capable of supporting several CPU ABIs
     * for example, ‘armeabi-v7a‘ also supports ‘armeabi‘ native code
     * this is indicated by the definition of the ro.product.cpu.abi2
     * system property.
     * only scan the package twice in case of ABI mismatch
        final String cpuAbi2 = SystemProperties.get("ro.product.cpu.abi2", null);
        if (cpuAbi2 != null) {
            result = listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(zipFile, cpuAbi2, nativeFiles);
            Slog.w(TAG, "Native ABI mismatch from package file");
            return PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK;
            cpuAbi = cpuAbi2;
     * Debuggable packages may have gdbserver embedded, so add it to
     * the list to the list of items to be extracted (as lib/gdbserver)
     * into the application‘s native library directory later.
        listPackageGdbServerLI(zipFile, cpuAbi, nativeFiles);
    return PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED;

這段程式碼中的 Build.CPU_ABI 和 "ro.product.cpu.abi2" 分別為手機支援的主 abi 和次 abi 屬性字串,abi 為手機支援的指令集所代表的字串,比如 armeabi-v7a、armeabi、x86、mips 等,而主 abi 和次 abi 分別表示手機支援的第一指令集和第二指令集。程式碼首先呼叫 listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI 來遍歷主 abi 目錄。當主 abi 目錄不存在時,才會接著呼叫 listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI 遍歷次 abi 目錄。

private static int listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI(ZipFile zipFile, String cpuAbi, List> libEntries) throws IOException, ZipException {
    final int cpuAbiLen = cpuAbi.length();
    boolean hasNativeLibraries = false;
    boolean installedNativeLibraries = false;
    if (DEBUG_NATIVE) {
        Slog.d(TAG, "Checking " + zipFile.getName() + " for shared libraries of CPU ABI type " + cpuAbi);
    Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries();
    while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
        // skip directories
        if (entry.isDirectory()) {
        String entryName = entry.getName();
         * Check that the entry looks like lib//lib.so
         * here, but don‘t check the ABI just yet.
         * - must be sufficiently long
         * - must end with LIB_SUFFIX, i.e. ".so"
         * - must start with APK_LIB, i.e. "lib/"
        if (entryName.length() < MIN_ENTRY_LENGTH || !entryName.endsWith(LIB_SUFFIX) || !entryName.startsWith(APK_LIB)) {
        // file name must start with LIB_PREFIX, i.e. "lib"
        int lastSlash = entryName.lastIndexOf(‘/‘);
        if (lastSlash < 0 || !entryName.regionMatches(lastSlash + 1, LIB_PREFIX, 0, LIB_PREFIX_LENGTH)) {
        hasNativeLibraries = true;
        // check the cpuAbi now, between lib/ and /lib.so
        if (lastSlash != APK_LIB_LENGTH + cpuAbiLen || !entryName.regionMatches(APK_LIB_LENGTH, cpuAbi, 0, cpuAbiLen))
         * Extract the library file name, ensure it doesn‘t contain
         * weird characters. we‘re guaranteed here that it doesn‘t contain
         * a directory separator though.
        String libFileName = entryName.substring(lastSlash+1);
        if (!FileUtils.isFilenameSafe(new File(libFileName))) {
        installedNativeLibraries = true;
        if (DEBUG_NATIVE) {
            Log.d(TAG, "Caching shared lib " + entry.getName());
        libEntries.add(Pair.create(entry, libFileName));
    if (!hasNativeLibraries)
    if (!installedNativeLibraries)

listPackageSharedLibsForAbiLI 中判斷當前遍歷的 apk 中檔案的 entry 名是否符合 so 命名的規範且包含相應 abi 字串名。如果符合則規則則將 so 的 entry 名加入 list,如果遍歷失敗或者規則不匹配則返回相應錯誤碼。

拷貝 so 策略:

遍歷 apk 中檔案,當 apk 中 lib 目錄下主 abi 子目錄中有 so 檔案存在時,則全部拷貝主 abi 子目錄下的 so;只有當主 abi 子目錄下沒有 so 檔案的時候即 PACKAGE_INSTALL_NATIVE_ABI_MISMATCH 的情況,才會拷貝次 ABI 子目錄下的 so 檔案。


當 so 放置不當時,安裝 apk 時會導致拷貝不全。比如 apk 的 lib 目錄下存在 armeabi/libx.so , armeabi/liby.so , armeabi-v7a/libx.so 這3個 so 檔案,那麼在主 ABI 為 armeabi-v7a 且系統版本小於4.0的手機上, apk 安裝後,按照拷貝策略,只會拷貝主 abi 目錄下的檔案即 armeabi-v7a/libx.so,當載入 liby.so 時就會報找不到 so 的異常。另外如果主 abi 目錄不存在,這個策略會遍歷2次 apk,效率偏低。

0x2 Android 4.0-Android 4.0.3

參考4.0.3的 Android 原始碼,同理,找到處理 so 拷貝的核心邏輯( native 層):

static install_status_t iterateOverNativeFiles(JNIEnv *env, jstring javaFilePath, jstring javaCpuAbi, jstring javaCpuAbi2, iterFunc callFunc, void* callArg) {
    ScopedUtfChars filePath(env, javaFilePath);
    ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi(env, javaCpuAbi);
    ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi2(env, javaCpuAbi2);
    ZipFileRO zipFile;
    if (zipFile.open(filePath.c_str()) != NO_ERROR) {
        LOGI("Couldn‘t open APK %s\n", filePath.c_str());
    const int N = zipFile.getNumEntries();
    char fileName[PATH_MAX];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        const ZipEntryRO entry = zipFile.findEntryByIndex(i);
        if (entry == NULL) {
        // Make sure this entry has a filename.
        if (zipFile.getEntryFileName(entry, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
        // Make sure we‘re in the lib directory of the ZIP.
        if (strncmp(fileName, APK_LIB, APK_LIB_LEN)) {
        // Make sure the filename is at least to the minimum library name size.
        const size_t fileNameLen = strlen(fileName);
        static const size_t minLength = APK_LIB_LEN + 2 + LIB_PREFIX_LEN + 1 + LIB_SUFFIX_LEN;
        if (fileNameLen < minLength) {
        const char* lastSlash = strrchr(fileName, ‘/‘);
        LOG_ASSERT(lastSlash != NULL, "last slash was null somehow for %s\n", fileName);
        // Check to make sure the CPU ABI of this file is one we support.
        const char* cpuAbiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN;
        const size_t cpuAbiRegionSize = lastSlash - cpuAbiOffset;
        LOGV("Comparing ABIs %s and %s versus %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiOffset);
        if (cpuAbi.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize
                && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi.size()) == ‘/‘
                && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) {
            LOGV("Using ABI %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str());
        } else if (cpuAbi2.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize
                && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi2.size()) == ‘/‘
                && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) {
            LOGV("Using ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str());
        } else {
            LOGV("abi didn‘t match anything: %s (end at %zd)\n", cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbiRegionSize);
        // If this is a .so file, check to see if we need to copy it.
        if ((!strncmp(fileName + fileNameLen - LIB_SUFFIX_LEN, LIB_SUFFIX, LIB_SUFFIX_LEN)
                && !strncmp(lastSlash, LIB_PREFIX, LIB_PREFIX_LEN)
                && isFilenameSafe(lastSlash + 1))
                || !strncmp(lastSlash + 1, GDBSERVER, GDBSERVER_LEN)) {
            install_status_t ret = callFunc(env, callArg, &zipFile, entry, lastSlash + 1);
            if (ret != INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) {
                LOGV("Failure for entry %s", lastSlash + 1);
                return ret;

拷貝 so 策略:

遍歷 apk 中所有檔案,如果符合 so 檔案的規則,且為主 ABI 目錄或者次 ABI 目錄下的 so,就解壓拷貝到相應目錄。


存在同名 so覆蓋,比如一個 app 的 armeabi 和 armeabi-v7a 目錄下都包含同名的 so,那麼就會發生覆蓋現象,覆蓋的先後順序根據 so 檔案對應 ZipFileR0 中的 hash 值而定,考慮這樣一個例子,假設一個 apk 同時有 armeabi/libx.so 和 armeabi-v7a/libx.so,安裝到主 ABI 為 armeabi-v7a 的手機上,拷貝 so 時根據遍歷順序,存在一種可能即 armeab-v7a/libx.so 優先遍歷並被拷貝,隨後 armeabi/libx.so 被遍歷拷貝,覆蓋了前者。本來應該載入 armeabi-v7a 目錄下的 so,結果按照這個策略拷貝了 armeabi 目錄下的 so。

apk 中檔案 entry 的雜湊計算函式如下:

unsigned int ZipFileRO::computeHash(const char* str, int len)
    unsigned int hash = 0;
    while (len--)
        hash = hash * 31 + *str++;
    return hash;
 * Add a new entry to the hash table.
void ZipFileRO::addToHash(const char* str, int strLen, unsigned int hash)
    int ent = hash & (mHashTableSize-1);
 * We over-allocate the table, so we‘re guaranteed to find an empty slot.
    while (mHashTable[ent].name != NULL)
        ent = (ent + 1) & (mHashTableSize-1);
    mHashTable[ent].name = str;
    mHashTable[ent].nameLen = strLen;

0x3 Android 4.0.4以後

以4.1.2系統為例,遍歷選擇 so 邏輯如下:

static install_status_t iterateOverNativeFiles(JNIEnv *env, jstring javaFilePath, jstring javaCpuAbi, jstring javaCpuAbi2, iterFunc callFunc, void* callArg) {
    ScopedUtfChars filePath(env, javaFilePath);
    ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi(env, javaCpuAbi);
    ScopedUtfChars cpuAbi2(env, javaCpuAbi2);
    ZipFileRO zipFile;
    if (zipFile.open(filePath.c_str()) != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGI("Couldn‘t open APK %s\n", filePath.c_str());
    const int N = zipFile.getNumEntries();
    char fileName[PATH_MAX];
    bool hasPrimaryAbi = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        const ZipEntryRO entry = zipFile.findEntryByIndex(i);
        if (entry == NULL) {
        // Make sure this entry has a filename.
        if (zipFile.getEntryFileName(entry, fileName, sizeof(fileName))) {
        // Make sure we‘re in the lib directory of the ZIP.
        if (strncmp(fileName, APK_LIB, APK_LIB_LEN)) {
        // Make sure the filename is at least to the minimum library name size.
        const size_t fileNameLen = strlen(fileName);
        static const size_t minLength = APK_LIB_LEN + 2 + LIB_PREFIX_LEN + 1 + LIB_SUFFIX_LEN;
        if (fileNameLen < minLength) {
        const char* lastSlash = strrchr(fileName, ‘/‘);
        ALOG_ASSERT(lastSlash != NULL, "last slash was null somehow for %s\n", fileName);
        // Check to make sure the CPU ABI of this file is one we support.
        const char* cpuAbiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN;
        const size_t cpuAbiRegionSize = lastSlash - cpuAbiOffset;
        ALOGV("Comparing ABIs %s and %s versus %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiOffset);
        if (cpuAbi.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize
                && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi.size()) == ‘/‘
                && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) {
            ALOGV("Using primary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi.c_str());
            hasPrimaryAbi = true;
        } else if (cpuAbi2.size() == cpuAbiRegionSize
                && *(cpuAbiOffset + cpuAbi2.size()) == ‘/‘
                && !strncmp(cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbi2.c_str(), cpuAbiRegionSize)) {
         * If this library matches both the primary and secondary ABIs,
         * only use the primary ABI.
            if (hasPrimaryAbi) {
                ALOGV("Already saw primary ABI, skipping secondary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str());
            } else {
                ALOGV("Using secondary ABI %s\n", cpuAbi2.c_str());
        } else {
            ALOGV("abi didn‘t match anything: %s (end at %zd)\n", cpuAbiOffset, cpuAbiRegionSize);
        // If this is a .so file, check to see if we need to copy it.
        if ((!strncmp(fileName + fileNameLen - LIB_SUFFIX_LEN, LIB_SUFFIX, LIB_SUFFIX_LEN)
                && !strncmp(lastSlash, LIB_PREFIX, LIB_PREFIX_LEN)
                && isFilenameSafe(lastSlash + 1))
                || !strncmp(lastSlash + 1, GDBSERVER, GDBSERVER_LEN)) {
            install_status_t ret = callFunc(env, callArg, &zipFile, entry, lastSlash + 1);
            if (ret != INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) {
                ALOGV("Failure for entry %s", lastSlash + 1);
                return ret;

拷貝 so 策略:

遍歷 apk 中檔案,當遍歷到有主 Abi 目錄的 so 時,拷貝並設定標記 hasPrimaryAbi 為真,以後遍歷則只拷貝主 Abi 目錄下的 so,當標記為假的時候,如果遍歷的 so 的 entry 名包含次 abi 字串,則拷貝該 so。


經過實際測試, so 放置不當時,安裝 apk 時存在 so 拷貝不全的情況。這個策略想解決的問題是在 4.0 ~ 4.0.3 系統中的 so 隨意覆蓋的問題,即如果有主 abi 目錄的 so 則拷貝,如果主 abi 目錄不存在這個 so 則拷貝次 abi 目錄的 so,但程式碼邏輯是根據 ZipFileR0 的遍歷順序來決定是否拷貝 so,假設存在這樣的 apk, lib 目錄下存在 armeabi/libx.so , armeabi/liby.so , armeabi-v7a/libx.so 這三個 so 檔案,且 hash 的順序為 armeabi-v7a/libx.so 在 armeabi/liby.so 之前,則 apk 安裝的時候 liby.so 根本不會被拷貝,因為按照拷貝策略, armeabi-v7a/libx.so 會優先遍歷到,由於它是主 abi 目錄的 so 檔案,所以標記被設定了,當遍歷到 armeabi/liby.so 時,由於標記被設定為真, liby.so 的拷貝就被忽略了,從而在載入 liby.so 的時候會報異常。

0x4 64位系統支援

Android 在5.0之後支援64位 ABI,以5.1.0系統為例:

public static int copyNativeBinariesWithOverride(Handle handle, File libraryRoot, String abiOverride) {
    try {
        if (handle.multiArch) {
            // Warn if we‘ve set an abiOverride for multi-lib packages..
            // By definition, we need to copy both 32 and 64 bit libraries for
            // such packages.
            if (abiOverride != null && !CLEAR_ABI_OVERRIDE.equals(abiOverride)) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Ignoring abiOverride for multi arch application.");
            int copyRet = PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES;
            if (Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS.length > 0) {
                copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot,
                        Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS, true /* use isa specific subdirs */);
                if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES &&
                        copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying 32 bit native libraries; copyRet=" +copyRet);
                    return copyRet;
            if (Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS.length > 0) {
                copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot,
                        Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS, true /* use isa specific subdirs */);
                if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES &&
                        copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying 64 bit native libraries; copyRet=" +copyRet);
                    return copyRet;
        } else {
            String cpuAbiOverride = null;
            if (CLEAR_ABI_OVERRIDE.equals(abiOverride)) {
                cpuAbiOverride = null;
            } else if (abiOverride != null) {
                cpuAbiOverride = abiOverride;
            String[] abiList = (cpuAbiOverride != null) ?
                    new String[] { cpuAbiOverride } : Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS;
            if (Build.SUPPORTED_64_BIT_ABIS.length > 0 && cpuAbiOverride == null &&
                    hasRenderscriptBitcode(handle)) {
                abiList = Build.SUPPORTED_32_BIT_ABIS;
            int copyRet = copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(handle, libraryRoot, abiList,
                    true /* use isa specific subdirs */);
            if (copyRet < 0 && copyRet != PackageManager.NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Failure copying native libraries [errorCode=" + copyRet + "]");
                return copyRet;
        return PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        Slog.e(TAG, "Copying native libraries failed", e);
        return PackageManager.INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR;

copyNativeBinariesWithOverride 分別處理32位和64位 so 的拷貝,內部函式 copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi 首先會根據 abilist 去找對應的 abi。

public static int copyNativeBinariesForSupportedAbi(Handle handle, File libraryRoot, String[] abiList, boolean useIsaSubdir) throws IOException {
     * If this is an internal application or our nativeLibraryPath points to
     * the app-lib directory, unpack the libraries if necessary.
    int abi = findSupportedAbi(handle, abiList);
    if (abi >= 0) {
         * If we have a matching instruction set, construct a subdir under the native
         * library root that corresponds to this instruction set.
        final String instructionSet = VMRuntime.getInstructionSet(abiList[abi]);
        final File subDir;
        if (useIsaSubdir) {
            final File isaSubdir = new File(libraryRoot, instructionSet);
            subDir = isaSubdir;
        } else {
            subDir = libraryRoot;
        int copyRet = copyNativeBinaries(handle, subDir, abiList[abi]);
        if (copyRet != PackageManager.INSTALL_SUCCEEDED) {
            return copyRet;
    return abi;

findSupportedAbi 內部實現是 native 函式,首先遍歷 apk,如果 so 的全路徑中包含 abilist 中的 abi 字串,則記錄該 abi 字串的索引,最終返回所有記錄索引中最靠前的,即排在 abilist 中最前面的索引。

static int findSupportedAbi(JNIEnv *env, jlong apkHandle, jobjectArray supportedAbisArray) {
    const int numAbis = env->GetArrayLength(supportedAbisArray);
    Vector supportedAbis;
    for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; ++i) {
        supportedAbis.add(new ScopedUtfChars(env,
                (jstring) env->GetObjectArrayElement(supportedAbisArray, i)));
    ZipFileRO* zipFile = reinterpret_cast(apkHandle);
    if (zipFile == NULL) {
    UniquePtr it(NativeLibrariesIterator::create(zipFile));
    if (it.get() == NULL) {
    ZipEntryRO entry = NULL;
    char fileName[PATH_MAX];
    int status = NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES;
    while ((entry = it->next()) != NULL) {
        // We‘re currently in the lib/ directory of the APK, so it does have some native
        // code. We should return INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS if none of the
        // libraries match.
        if (status == NO_NATIVE_LIBRARIES) {
        const char* fileName = it->currentEntry();
        const char* lastSlash = it->lastSlash();
        // Check to see if this CPU ABI matches what we are looking for.
        const char* abiOffset = fileName + APK_LIB_LEN;
        const size_t abiSize = lastSlash - abiOffset;
        for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; i++) {
            const ScopedUtfChars* abi = supportedAbis[i];
            if (abi->size() == abiSize && !strncmp(abiOffset, abi->c_str(), abiSize)) {
                // The entry that comes in first (i.e. with a lower index) has the higher priority.
                if (((i < status) && (status >= 0)) || (status < 0) ) {
                    status = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < numAbis; ++i) {
        delete supportedAbis[i];
    return status;

舉例說明,在某64位測試手機上的abi屬性顯示如下,它有2個 abilist,分別對應該手機支援的32位和64位 abi 的字串組。


當處理32位 so 拷貝時, findSupportedAbi 索引返回之後,若返回為0,則拷貝 armeabi-v7a 目錄下的 so,如果為1,則拷貝 armeabi 目錄下 so。

拷貝 so 策略:

分別處理32位和64位 abi 目錄的 so 拷貝, abi 由遍歷 apk 結果的所有 so 中符合 abilist 列表的最靠前的序號決定,然後拷貝該 abi 目錄下的 so 檔案。


策略假定每個 abi 目錄下的 so 都放置完全的,這是和2.3.6一樣的處理邏輯,存在遺漏拷貝 so 的可能。

0x5 建議

針對 Android 系統的這些拷貝策略的問題,我們給出了一些配置 so 的建議:

  1. 1)針對 armeabi 和 armeabi-v7a 兩種 ABI

    方法1:由於 armeabi-v7a 指令集相容 armeabi 指令集,所以如果損失一些應用的效能是可以接受的,同時不希望保留庫的兩份拷貝,可以移除 armeabi-v7a 目錄和其下的庫檔案,只保留 armeabi 目錄;比如 apk 使用第三方的 so 只有 armeabi 這一種 abi 時,可以考慮去掉 apk 中 lib 目錄下 armeabi-v7a 目錄。

    方法2:在 armeabi 和 armeabi-v7a 目錄下各放入一份 so;

  2. 2)針對x86

    目前市面上的x86機型,為了相容 arm 指令,基本都內建了 libhoudini 模組,即二進位制轉碼支援,該模組負責把 ARM 指令轉換為 X86 指令,所以如果是出於 apk 包大小的考慮,並且可以接受一些效能損失,可以選擇刪掉 x86 庫目錄, x86 下配置的 armeabi 目錄的 so 庫一樣可以正常載入使用;

  3. 3)針對64位 ABI

    如果 app 開發者打算支援64位,那麼64位的 so 要放全,否則可以選擇不單獨編譯64位的 so,全部使用32位的 so,64位機型預設支援32位 so 的載入。比如 apk 使用第三方的 so 只有32位 abi 的 so,可以考慮去掉 apk 中 lib 目錄下的64位 abi 子目錄,保證 apk 安裝後正常使用。

0x6 備註

其實本文是因為在 Android 的 so 載入上遇到很多坑,相信很多朋友都遇到過 UnsatisfiedLinkError 這個錯誤,反應在使用者的機型上也是千差萬別,但是有沒有想過,可能不是 apk 邏輯的問題,而是 Android 系統在安裝 APK 的時候,由於 PackageManager 的問題,並沒有拷貝相應的 SO 呢?可以參考下面第4個連結,作者給出瞭解決方案,就是當出現 UnsatisfiedLinkError 錯誤時,手動拷貝 so 來解決的。

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