1. 程式人生 > >oracle常見異常——io異常,connection reset

oracle常見異常——io異常,connection reset


java -jar -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/../dev/urandom xxx.jar



java.security.SecureRandom is a standard API provided by sun. Among various methods offered by this class void nextBytes(byte[]) is one. This method is used for generating random bytes. Oracle 11g JDBC drivers use this API to generate random number during login. Users using Linux have been encountering SQLException(“Io exception: Connection reset”).

The problem is two fold
1. The JVM tries to list all the files in the /tmp (or alternate tmp directory set by -Djava.io.tmpdir) when SecureRandom.nextBytes(byte[]) is invoked. If the number of files is large the method takes a long time to respond and hence cause the server to timeout
2. The method void nextBytes(byte[]) uses /dev/random on Linux and on some machines which lack the random number generating hardware the operation slows down to the extent of bringing the whole login process to a halt. Ultimately the the user encounters SQLException(“Io exception:Connection reset”)

Users upgrading to 11g can encounter this issue if the underlying OS is Linux which is running on a faulty hardware.

CauseThe cause of this has not yet been determined exactly. It could either be a problem in your hardware or the fact that for some reason the software cannot read from /dev/random

SolutionChange the setup for your application, so you add the next parameter to the java command:





-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom #據說這種方法有Bug,沒有做進一步的驗證;也沒有查閱過程式碼,所以不瞭解問題在哪。

# Select the source of seed data for SecureRandom. By default an
# attempt is made to use the entropy gathering device specified by
# the securerandom.source property. If an exception occurs when
# accessing the URL then the traditional system/thread activity
# algorithm is used.
# On Solaris and Linux systems, if file:/dev/urandom is specified and it
# exists, a special SecureRandom implementation is activated by default.
# This “NativePRNG” reads random bytes directly from /dev/urandom.
# On Windows systems, the URLs file:/dev/random and file:/dev/urandom
# enables use of the Microsoft CryptoAPI seed functionality.
# The entropy gathering device is described as a URL and can also
# be specified with the system property “java.security.egd”. For example,
# -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom
# Specifying this system property will override the securerandom.source
# setting.







5)Linux環境下man random命令可以查閱到/dev/random和/dev/urandom的介紹,比較詳盡;
