1. 程式人生 > >MySQL從庫選項log-slave-updates未啟用引發的異常



  DB1M(Master)  ---> DB1S(Slave)
  DB2M(Master)  ---> DB2S(Slave)
  DB1M(tbname)  ---> DB1S(tbname) ---> DB2M(tbname) --->DB2S(tbname)
  配置完畢後,DB2M(Master)  ---> DB2S(Slave)上的表tbname並沒有徹底同步,總是存在資料丟失的問題

  a、DB1M(Master)  ---> DB1S(Slave)表tbname無異常,排除DB1S做為DB2M主存在問題的可能性
  b、DB1S(tbname) ---> DB2M(tbname)表tbname無異常,排除DB1S上啟用的相關配置等
  b、DB2M(Master)  ---> DB2S(Slave)期間表tbname存在問題,也就是說應該是在DB2M上基於表tbname的dml日誌並沒有寫入到binlog
  c、在DB2M上基於表tbname的dml日誌是來源於DB1S產生的relay log,同步到DB2M(Master)上無異常,一定可以在relay log找到tbname的相關操作
  e、驗證步驟c,再檢查DB2M(Master)上是否有tbname的binlog,如果沒有,一定是某個引數未設定或某個特定對的原因而導致在apply relay log時未新增到binlog



    Normally, a slave does not log to its own binary log any updates that are received from a master server. This option tells the slave to log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary log.

For this option to have any effect, the slave must also be started with the --log-bin [2039] option to enable binary logging. Prior to MySQL 5.5, the server would not start when using the --log-slave-updates [2004] option without also starting the server with the --log-bin [2039] option, and would fail with an error; in MySQL 5.6, only a warning is generated. (Bug #44663) --log-slave-updates [2004] is used when you want to chain replication servers. For example, you might want to set up replication servers using this arrangement:

    A -> B -> C

    Here, A serves as the master for the slave B, and B serves as the master for the slave C. For this to work, B must be both a master and a slave. You must start both A and B with --log-bin [2039] to enable binary logging, and B with the --log-slave-updates [2004] option so that updates received from A are logged by B to its binary log.
