1. 程式人生 > >live555 client多執行緒化

live555 client多執行緒化

2014-03-11 22:18:54 

為了讓live555 client線上程中使用,就必須讓env/task之類的獨立化。做法是把相關的內容放在一個class/struct內,必要的地方lock就好了。



struct MYRTSPClient
    TaskScheduler* pTaskScheduler;
    UsageEnvironment* pEnv;
    RTSPClient* pClient;
    MediaSession *pMediaSession;
    MediaSubsessionIterator *iter;
    Boolean bMadeProgress;
    unsigned fileSinkBufferSize;
    unsigned socketInputBufferSize;
    Boolean  bStreamUsingTCP;
    Authenticator* pAuthenticator;
    char     m_cEventLoop;
    ploginfo pLogInfo;
        pClient = NULL;
        pMediaSession = NULL;
        iter = NULL;
        bMadeProgress = False;
        fileSinkBufferSize = MAX_VGA_LEN;
        socketInputBufferSize = 524288;
        bStreamUsingTCP = False;
        pAuthenticator = NULL;
        m_cEventLoop = 0;
        pLogInfo = new loginfo();
    MYRTSPClient(RTSPClient *client)
        pClient = client;
        pMediaSession = NULL;
        iter = NULL;
        bMadeProgress = False;
        fileSinkBufferSize = MAX_VGA_LEN;
        socketInputBufferSize = 524288;
        bStreamUsingTCP = False;
        pAuthenticator = NULL;
        m_cEventLoop = 0;
        pLogInfo = new loginfo();


live555中有太多的static func,初衷是為了方便客戶不必關心類就可以定製自己的需求。但在多執行緒環境中,就要考慮了,static func要麼可重入(幸運的是live555的static func都是可重入的),要麼在具有"類原子操作"的地方加鎖。

從重要的static func說起。

1、static void afterGetting(FramedSource* source)
class FramedSource: public MediaSource {
static void afterGetting(FramedSource* source);
    // doGetNextFrame() should arrange for this to be called after the
    // frame has been read (*iff* it is read successfully)
