1. 程式人生 > >MKVToolNix v30.1.0 釋出,MKV 視訊編輯工具軟體

MKVToolNix v30.1.0 釋出,MKV 視訊編輯工具軟體


MKVToolNix v30.1.0 已釋出,主要修復了 30.0.0 版本的 GUI 功能更新導致 Bug ,具體更新內容如下:

Bug fixes

  • build system: fixed building on non-UTF-8 locales. Fixes #2474.

  • MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: implemented a workaround for drag & drop not working on macOS with Qt 5.12 due to a bug in Qt 5.12. Fixes 


  • MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: when opening a Matroska/WebM file that doesn’t contain chapters and later saving chapters back to them, the editor was truncating the file down to a couple of KB in size. This was a regression introduced with the implementation of #2439 in v30.0.0 Fixes 
