1. 程式人生 > >圖形 API 規範 Vulkan 1.1.97 釋出:新增5個擴充套件程式

圖形 API 規範 Vulkan 1.1.97 釋出:新增5個擴充套件程式


Vulkan 1.1.97 已經發布,該版本主要新增了一些擴充套件程式,內容如下:

  • VK_EXT_buffer_device_address - Provides a means to query a buffer device address value for a buffer. That value can then be used to access the buffer memory via PhysicalStorageBufferEXT in GLSL and SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer from SPIR-V.

  • VK_EXT_memory_budget - This exposes the memory used and total memory budgeted for a memory heap. From there it can be estimated for how much total memory from each heap a process is using at a particular moment.

  • VK_EXT_memory_priority - This allows specifying a priority value at memory allocation time. This memory priority is used for trying to keep those allocations in device-local memory rather than potentially moving it to non-device-local-memory when a heap becomes full. These new Vulkan memory extensions were developed by NVIDIA engineers.

  • VK_EXT_validation_features - A LunarG-developed extension for enabling/disabling different validation features and validation layer features.

  • VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve - Allows automatically resolving multi-sampled depth/stencil attachments in a sub-pass.
