1. 程式人生 > >鐳射雷達學習筆記(一)資料採集




官網資料:http://www.hokuyo-aut.jp/02sensor/07scanner/download/urg_programs_en/  上面包括鐳射雷達的驅動和採集軟體都有提供,需要的話只需要按照上面的步驟去做就可以。




001./*! 002.
\file 003.\brief Sample to get URG data using Win32 004. 005.\author Satofumi KAMIMURA 006. 007.$Id: capture_sample.cpp 1724 2010-02-25 10:43:11Z satofumi $ 008. 009.Compling and execute process 010.- In case of Visual Studio 011.- Select capture_sample.sln from capture_sample.zip 012.- When Visual Studio is started, press F5 to build and execute.
013.- If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. 014. 015.- In case of MinGW, Cygwin 016.- % g++ capture_sample.cpp -o capture_sample 017.- % ./capture_sample 018.- If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. 019. 020.\attention Change com_port, com_baudrate values in main() with relevant values. 021.\attention We are not responsible for any loss or damage occur by using this program 022.\attention We appreciate the suggestions and bug reports 023.*/ 024. 025.#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS 026. 027.#include <windows.h> 028.#include <cstdio> 029.#include <cstdlib> 030.#include <cstring> 031.#include <string> 032. 033.using namespace std; 034. 035. 036.// To record the output of SCIP,define RAW_OUTPUT 037.//#define RAW_OUTPUT 038. 039.#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) 040.static FILE* Raw_fd_ = NULL; 041.#endif 042. 043. 044.enum { 045.Timeout = 1000,               // [msec] 046.EachTimeout = 2,              // [msec] 047.LineLength = 64 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16, 048.}; 049. 050.static HANDLE HCom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; 051.static int ReadableSize = 0; 052.static char* ErrorMessage = "no error."; 053. 054. 055./*! 056.\brief Manage sensor information 057.*/ 058.typedef struct 059.{ 060.enum { 061.MODL = 0,                   //!< Sensor model information 062.DMIN,                       //!< Minimum measurable distance [mm] 063.DMAX,                       //!< Maximum measurable distance [mm] 064.ARES,                       //!< Angle of resolution 065.AMIN,                       //!< Minimum measurable area 066.AMAX,                       //!< Maximum measurable area 067.AFRT,                       //!< Front direction value 068.SCAN,                       //!< Standard angular velocity 069.}; 070.string model;                 //!< Obtained MODL information 071.long distance_min;            //!< Obtained DMIN information 072.long distance_max;            //!< Obtained DMAX information 073.int area_total;               //!< Obtained ARES information 074.int area_min;                 //!< Obtained AMIN information 075.int area_max;                 //!< Obtained AMAX information 076.int area_front;               //!< Obtained AFRT information 077.int scan_rpm;                 //!< Obtained SCAN information 078. 079.int first;                    //!< Starting position of measurement 080.int last;                     //!< End position of measurement 081.int max_size;                 //!< Maximum size of data 082.long last_timestamp;          //!< Time stamp when latest data is obtained 083.} urg_state_t; 084. 085. 086.// Delay 087.static void delay(int msec) 088.{ 089.Sleep(msec); 090.} 091. 092. 093.static int com_changeBaudrate(long baudrate) 094.{ 095.DCB dcb; 096. 097.GetCommState(HCom, &dcb); 098.dcb.BaudRate = baudrate; 099.dcb.ByteSize = 8; 100.dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; 101.dcb.fParity = FALSE; 102.dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; 103.SetCommState(HCom, &dcb); 104. 105.return 0; 106.} 107. 108. 109.// Serial transceiver 110.static int com_connect(const char* device, long baudrate) 111.{ 112.#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) 113.Raw_fd_ = fopen("raw_output.txt", "w"); 114.#endif 115. 116.char adjust_device[16]; 117._snprintf(adjust_device, 16, "\\\\.\\%s", device); 118.HCom = CreateFileA(adjust_device, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 119.NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); 120. 121.if (HCom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { 122.return -1; 123.} 124. 125.// Baud rate setting 126.return com_changeBaudrate(baudrate); 127.} 128. 129. 130.static void com_disconnect(void) 131.{ 132.if (HCom != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { 133.CloseHandle(HCom); 134.HCom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; 135.} 136.} 137. 138. 139.static int com_send(const char* data, int size) 140.{ 141.DWORD n; 142.WriteFile(HCom, data, size, &n, NULL); 143.return n; 144.} 145. 146. 147.static int com_recv(char* data, int max_size, int timeout) 148.{ 149.if (max_size <= 0) { 150.return 0; 151.} 152. 153.if (ReadableSize < max_size) { 154.DWORD dwErrors; 155.COMSTAT ComStat; 156.ClearCommError(HCom, &dwErrors, &ComStat); 157.ReadableSize = ComStat.cbInQue; 158.} 159. 160.if (max_size > ReadableSize) { 161.COMMTIMEOUTS pcto; 162.int each_timeout = 2; 163. 164.if (timeout == 0) { 165.max_size = ReadableSize; 166. 167.} else { 168.if (timeout < 0) { 169./* If timeout is 0, this function wait data infinity */ 170.timeout = 0; 171.each_timeout = 0; 172.} 173. 174./* set timeout */ 175.GetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto); 176.pcto.ReadIntervalTimeout = timeout; 177.pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = each_timeout; 178.pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout; 179.SetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto); 180.} 181.} 182. 183.DWORD n; 184.ReadFile(HCom, data, (DWORD)max_size, &n, NULL); 185.#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) 186.if (Raw_fd_) { 187.for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { 188.fprintf(Raw_fd_, "%c", data[i]); 189.} 190.fflush(Raw_fd_); 191.} 192.#endif 193.if (n > 0) { 194.ReadableSize -= n; 195.} 196. 197.return n; 198.} 199. 200. 201.// The command is transmitted to URG 202.static int urg_sendTag(const char* tag) 203.{ 204.char send_message[LineLength]; 205._snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "%s\n", tag); 206.int send_size = (int)strlen(send_message); 207.com_send(send_message, send_size); 208. 209.return send_size; 210.} 211. 212. 213.// Read one line data from URG 214.static int urg_readLine(char *buffer) 215.{ 216.int i; 217.for (i = 0; i < LineLength -1; ++i) { 218.char recv_ch; 219.int n = com_recv(&recv_ch, 1, Timeout); 220.if (n <= 0) { 221.if (i == 0) { 222.return -1;              // timeout 223.} 224.break; 225.} 226.if ((recv_ch == '\r') || (recv_ch == '\n')) { 227.break; 228.} 229.buffer[i] = recv_ch; 230.} 231.buffer[i] = '\0'; 232. 233.return i; 234.} 235. 236. 237.// Trasmit command to URG and wait for response 238.static int urg_sendMessage(const char* command, int timeout, int* recv_n) 239.{ 240.int send_size = urg_sendTag(command); 241.int recv_size = send_size + 2 + 1 + 2; 242.char buffer[LineLength]; 243. 244.int n = com_recv(buffer, recv_size, timeout); 245.*recv_n = n; 246. 247.if (n < recv_size) { 248.// if received data size is incorrect 249.return -1; 250.} 251. 252.if (strncmp(buffer, command, send_size -1)) { 253.// If there is mismatch in command 254.return -1; 255.} 256. 257.// !!! check checksum here 258. 259.// Convert the response string into hexadecimal number and return that value 260.char reply_str[3] = "00"; 261.reply_str[0] = buffer[send_size]; 262.reply_str[1] = buffer[send_size + 1]; 263.return strtol(reply_str, NULL, 16); 264.} 265. 266. 267.// Change baudrate 268.static int urg_changeBaudrate(long baudrate) 269.{ 270.char buffer[] = "SSxxxxxx\r"; 271._snprintf(buffer, 10, "SS%06d\r", baudrate); 272.int dummy = 0; 273.int ret = urg_sendMessage(buffer, Timeout, &dummy); 274. 275.if ((ret == 0) || (ret == 3) || (ret == 4)) { 276.return 0; 277.} else { 278.return -1; 279.} 280.} 281. 282. 283.// Read out URG parameter 284.static int urg_getParameters(urg_state_t* state) 285.{ 286.// Read parameter 287.urg_sendTag("PP"); 288.char buffer[LineLength]; 289.int line_index = 0; 290.enum { 291.TagReply = 0, 292.DataReply, 293.Other, 294.}; 295.int line_length; 296.for (; (line_length = urg_readLine(buffer)) > 0; ++line_index) { 297. 298.if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::MODL) { 299.buffer[line_length - 2] = '\0'; 300.state->model = &buffer[5]; 301. 302.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMIN) { 303.state->distance_min = atoi(&buffer[5]); 304. 305.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMAX) { 306.state->distance_max = atoi(&buffer[5]); 307. 308.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::ARES) { 309.state->area_total = atoi(&buffer[5]); 310. 311.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMIN) { 312.state->area_min = atoi(&buffer[5]); 313.state->first = state->area_min; 314. 315.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMAX) { 316.state->area_max = atoi(&buffer[5]); 317.state->last = state->area_max; 318. 319.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AFRT) { 320.state->area_front = atoi(&buffer[5]); 321. 322.} else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::SCAN) { 323.state->scan_rpm = atoi(&buffer[5]); 324.