1. 程式人生 > >bootstrap之BootstrapDialog



<div class="modal fade">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>One fine body…</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>
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        BootstrapDialog.alert('I want banana!');






        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!' });

Dialog Title

        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Say-hello dialog', message: 'Hi Apple!' });


        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Default Title', message: 'Click buttons below.', buttons: [{ label: 'Title 1', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setTitle('Title 1'); } }, { label: 'Title 2', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setTitle('Title 2'); } }] });


        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Default Title', message: 'Click buttons below.', buttons: [{ label: 'Message 1', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setMessage('Message 1'); } }, { label: 'Message 2', action: function(dialog) { dialog.setMessage('Message 2'); } }] });


        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: $('<div></div>').load('remote.html') });

載入遠端頁面 (2)

        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: function(dialog) { var $message = $('<div></div>'); var pageToLoad = dialog.getData('pageToLoad'); $message.load(pageToLoad); return $message; }, data: { 'pageToLoad': 'remote.html' } });


        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ label: 'Button 1' }, { label: 'Button 2', cssClass: 'btn-primary', action: function(){ alert('Hi Orange!'); } }, { icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle', label: 'Button 3', cssClass: 'btn-warning' }, { label: 'Close', action: function(dialogItself){ dialogItself.close(); } }] });


$button.enable(); // 相當於 $button.toggleEnable(true); 
$button.disable(); // 相當於  $button.toggleEnable(false); 
$button.spin(); // 相當於 $button.toggleSpin(true);
$button.stopSpin(); // 相當於  $button.toggleSpin(false);

        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Manipulating Buttons', message: function(dialog) { var $content = $('<div><button class="btn btn-success">Revert button status right now.</button></div>'); var $footerButton = dialog.getButton('btn-1'); $content.find('button').click({$footerButton: $footerButton}, function(event) { event.data.$footerButton.enable(); event.data.$footerButton.stopSpin(); dialog.setClosable(true); }); return $content; }, buttons: [{ id: 'btn-1', label: 'Click to disable and spin.', action: function(dialog) { var $button = this; // 'this' here is a jQuery object that wrapping the <button> DOM element. $button.disable(); $button.spin(); dialog.setClosable(false); } }] });



        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Button Hotkey', message: 'Try to press some keys...', onshow: function(dialog) { dialog.getButton('button-c').disable(); }, buttons: [{ label: '(A) Button A', hotkey: 65, // Keycode of keyup event of key 'A' is 65. action: function() { alert('Finally, you loved Button A.'); } }, { label: '(B) Button B', hotkey: 66, action: function() { alert('Hello, this is Button B!'); } }, { id: 'button-c', label: '(C) Button C', hotkey: 67, action: function(){ alert('This is Button C but you won\'t see me dance.'); } }] });


建立 dialog 例項

BootstrapDialog.show(...) 只是一個快捷方式,如果你需要對話方塊例項,用“新”。

        // Using init options
        var dialogInstance1 = new BootstrapDialog({ title: 'Dialog instance 1', message: 'Hi Apple!' }); dialogInstance1.open(); // Construct by using setters var dialogInstance2 = new BootstrapDialog(); dialogInstance2.setTitle('Dialog instance 2'); dialogInstance2.setMessage('Hi Orange!'); dialogInstance2.setType(BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS); dialogInstance2.open(); // Using chain callings var dialogInstance3 = new BootstrapDialog() .setTitle('Dialog instance 3') .setMessage('Hi Everybody!') .setType(BootstrapDialog.TYPE_INFO) .open();

事實上BootstrapDialog.show(...) 也將返回建立的對話方塊例項。

        // You can use dialogInstance later.
        var dialogInstance = BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hello Banana!' });

Button with identifier

        var dialog = new BootstrapDialog({ message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ id: 'btn-1', label: 'Button 1' }] }); dialog.realize(); var btn1 = dialog.getButton('btn-1'); btn1.click({'name': 'Apple'}, function(event){ alert('Hi, ' + event.data.name); }); dialog.open();


預設情況下,對話方塊的大小是 'size-normal' 或 BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL, 但你可以通過設定選項的 'size' 的'size-large' 或BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE.

        BootstrapDialog.show({ size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE, message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ label: 'Button 1' }, { label: 'Button 2', cssClass: 'btn-primary', action: function(){ alert('Hi Orange!'); } }, { icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle', label: 'Button 3', cssClass: 'btn-warning' }, { label: 'Close', action: function(dialogItself){ dialogItself.close(); } }] });

More dialog sizes

Please note that specifying BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE is equal to using css class 'modal-lg' on Bootstrap Modal.

        BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'More dialog sizes', message: 'Hi Apple!', buttons: [{ label: 'Normal', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Normal'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL); } }, { label: 'Small', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Small'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_SMALL); } }, { label: 'Wide', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Wide'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE); } }, { label: 'Large', action: function(dialog){ dialog.setTitle('Large'); dialog.setSize(BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE); } }] });



        var $textAndPic = $('<div></div>'); $textAndPic.append('Who\'s this? <br />'); $textAndPic.append('<img src="./images/pig.ico" />'); BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Guess who that is', message: $textAndPic, buttons: [{ label: 'Acky', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.close(); } }, { label: 'Robert', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.close(); } }] });

Dialog closable / unclosable

If option 'closable' is set to false, the default closing behaviors will be disabled, but you can still close the dialog by using dialog.close().

        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!', closable: false, buttons: [{ label: 'Dialog CLOSABLE!', cssClass: 'btn-success', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.setClosable(true); } }, { label: 'Dialog UNCLOSABLE!', cssClass: 'btn-warning', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.setClosable(false); } }, { label: 'Close the dialog', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.close(); } }] });



預設情況下,當選擇 'closable' 設定為true,對話方塊可以通過這些方式關閉:點選在對話方塊中,按ESC鍵,點選對話方塊標題右側的關閉圖示。

如果你想讓你的對話方塊關閉時,對話方塊標題的關閉圖示被點選,可以設定的選項 'closeByBackdrop' and 'closeByKeyboard' 為 false.

        BootstrapDialog.show({ message: 'Hi Apple!', message: 'You can not close this dialog by clicking outside and pressing ESC key.', closable: true, closeByBackdrop: false, closeByKeyboard: false, buttons: [{ label: 'Close the dialog', action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.close(); } }] });


  BootstrapDialog.confirm('Hi Apple, are you sure?');

Confirm with callback

        BootstrapDialog.confirm('Hi Apple, are you sure?', function(result){ if(result) { alert('Yup.'); }else { alert('Nope.'); } });



Available options

Please note that all options described below are optional, but you will have a weird dialog if you don't even give it a message to display. 
Most options can be set via init options or property setters.

Option Possible values Description
type BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DEFAULT or 'type-default' 
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_INFO or 'type-info' 
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_PRIMARY or 'type-primary' (default) 
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS or 'type-success' 
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING or 'type-warning' 
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER or 'type-danger'
Give your dialog a specific look, color scheme can be seen on Bootstrap's Button.
size BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL or 'size-normal' (default) 
BootstrapDialog.SIZE_WIDE or 'size-wide' 
BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE or 'size-large' 
cssClass - Additional css classes that will be added to your dialog.
title String or Object(html) -
message String or Object(html) -
buttons array Examples:

BootstrapDialog.show({ title: 'Say-hello dialog', message: 'Hello world!', buttons: [{ id: 'btn-ok', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-check', label: 'OK', cssClass: 'btn-primary', autospin: false, action: function(dialogRef){ dialogRef.close(); } }] });
  id: optional, if id is set, you can use dialogInstance.getButton(id) to get the button later. 
icon: optional, if set, the specified icon will be added to the button. 
cssClass: optional, additional css class to be added to the button. 
autospin: optinal, if it's true, after clicked the button a spinning icon appears. 
action: optional, if provided, the callback will be invoked after the button is clicked, and the dialog instance will be passed to the callback function.
closable true | false When set to true, you can close the dialog by: 
  • Clicking the close icon in dialog header.
  • Clicking outside the dialog.
  • ESC key.
spinicon Icon class name, for example 'glyphicon glyphicon-check'. 
Default value is 'glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk'.
Specify what icon to be used as the spinning icon when button's 'autospin' is set to true.
data Key-value object. For example {'id' : '100'} Data to be bound to the dialog.
onshow function If provided, it will be invoked when the dialog is popping up. 
onshown function If provided, it will be invoked when the dialog is popped up. 
onhide function If provided, it will be invoked when the dialog is popping down. 
onhidden function If provided, it will be invoked when the dialog is popped down. 
autodestroy true (default) | false When it's true, all modal stuff will be removed from the DOM tree after the dialog is popped down, set it to false if you need your dialog (same instance) pups up and down again and again.
description String If provided, 'aria-describedby' attribute will be added to the dialog with the description string as its value. This can improve accessibility, as the description can be read by screen readers.
nl2br true | false Automatically convert line breaking character to <br /> if it's set to true, everything keeps original if it's false.

Available methods

Method Description
open() Open the dialog. Usage: dialogInstance.open()



模態彈框: <div class="modal fade"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <bu


組件 tro div time 事件 r.js 日期 功能 date 一、擴展的功能 1、初始化時,會自動創建一個select標簽; 2、當改變select值時,日期也會自動改變,並且會調用apply按鈕的click事件 3、點擊此處進行


sys mes sage nds dha param ack bject left Orientation 調整屏幕方向的操作。 package io.appium.android.bootstrap.handler; import and


mit tip erro context ups highlight tac esc boot 一 bootstrap的介紹  Bootstrap是將html,css和js的代碼打包好了,只管我們拿來調用。是基於jquery開發的。  使用BootCDN提供的免費CDN加速


warn other thumbnail 選擇 膠囊 inverse con port nav-tab 一 文本居中  col-xx-offset-xx:水平居中  center-block:使用於不涉及float標簽的水平居中,也不涉及列的居中,讓哪裏居中就寫到哪裏,本質


ins 定義 添加 文本 必須 pad 多個 子類 內容 一、排版樣式(paiban)   1、標題標簽   <body style="padding:20px">   <h1>h1.bootstrap</h1><br/>


boot mis out strong 設置 cnblogs true -o 分享圖片 簡介:   彈出框是一個經常使用的組件,一般用於彈出提示信息,確認信息,表單內容。 完整結構分析(可以沒有頭部和底部): 代碼示例: <!-- 彈出框的頭部 -->


java ssm pageHelper 分頁 bootstrap 分頁是我們經常會碰到的需求之一,今天我們就使用企業中很常用的mybatis分頁插件pageHelper來給大家做一個ssm整合bootstrap分頁的案例先看效果圖:一:建立數據庫student:學生表student年級表g


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ali odata .html 顯示 return style pagelist CA null 後臺使用spring boot和spring cloud等。前端使用bootstrap框架進行基本操作,項目采用前後端分離。 1、查詢 <!-- HTML中代碼 此中


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1、柵格系統(佈局) Bootstrap內建了一套響應式、移動裝置優先的流式柵格系統,隨著螢幕裝置或視口(viewport)尺寸的增加,系統會自動分為最多12列。 我在這裡是把Bootstrap中的柵格系統叫做佈局。它就是通過一系列的行(row)與列(column)的組合建立頁面佈局,然後你的內


 前言~ 前段時間做專案用到了bootstrap裡中的檔案上傳控制元件,對此特定寫這篇文章,講述一下bootstrap的檔案上傳空間的使用方法。 我們進入正題吧!        首先bootstrap是基於jquery的,因此要匯入


1、什麼是Bootstrap? Bootstrap是由Twiter的Mark Otto和Jacob ThornTon 兩位設計師開發的。 Bootstrap是2011年8月在GitHub上釋出的開源產品(開發原始碼)。 Bootstrap是個用於快速開發Web應用程式和網站的前端


1、引入檔案         除了引入基本的jquery和bootstrap的js、bootstrap的css外,還需要引入bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js,還有就是bootstrap-datet

bootstrap 表單佈局

文章來自:原始碼線上https://www.shengli.me/css/422.html   垂直表單:     效果圖:       (2)內聯表單:它的所有元素是內聯的,向左對齊的,標籤


用法: <div class="row col-md-5 text-center"> <div class="input-group"><!--保持內聯,消除邊框,類


普通導航: <ul class="nav nav-tabs nav-justified"> <!-- class=“active”:表示選中當前tab頁,高亮顯示,通過


普通面板: <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="pane


資訊彈窗: <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> <div class="alert alert-info">資訊