1. 程式人生 > >python GUI程式設計範例

python GUI程式設計範例


from tkinter import *  #控制元件基礎包,匯入這個包後,這個包下的所有函式可以直接呼叫
import tkinter
from tkinter import Label, Button, END
from tkinter.tix import Tk, Control, ComboBox  #升級的組合控制元件包
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo, showwarning, showerror #各種型別的提示框

top = tkinter.Tk()  #建立頂層視窗
top.geometry('250x150')  #初始化視窗大小
top.tk.eval('package require Tix')  #引入升級包,這樣才能使用升級的組合控制元件

label = tkinter.Label(top, text='Hello World!',font='Helvetica -12 bold')   #建立標籤
label.pack(fill=Y, expand=1)  #填充到介面

button = tkinter.Button(top, text='QUIT',command=top.quit,activeforeground='white',activebackground='red', bg='red', fg='white')  #建立按鈕,command為回撥函式
button.pack(fill=tkinter.X, expand=1) #fill=tkinter.X表示橫向拉伸完全

def resize(ev=None):
    label.config(font='Helvetica -%d bold' % scale.get())

scale = Scale(top, from_=10, to=40,orient=HORIZONTAL, command=resize)  #縮放比例尺
scale.set(12)  #初始值
scale.pack(fill=X, expand=1)  #填充到介面

ct = Control(top, label='Number:',integer=True, max=12, min=2, value=2, step=2)
ct.label.config(font='Helvetica -14 bold')

cb = ComboBox(top, label='Type:', editable=True)
for animal in ('dog', 'cat', 'hamster', 'python'):
    cb.insert(END, animal)

tkinter.mainloop()  #執行這個GUI應用


Created on 2019年1月3日

@author: hcl
import tkinter  
from tkinter import Button, Canvas, Entry, Frame, filedialog,messagebox
from tkinter.tix import Control 
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os

class DataAnnotationWindow(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.img_Wid = 500
        self.img_Hei = 500
        self.win_wid = self.img_Wid + 200
        self.win_Hei = self.img_Hei
        # init state control variable
        self.has_select_path = False  # sign has select image path(to do data annotation) or not
        self.img_path = ''
        self.img_list = []
        # create main window
        self.mainWin = tkinter.Tk()  
        self.mainWin.geometry(str(self.win_wid) + 'x' + str(self.win_Hei))  # init the size of window
        self.mainWin.title("data annotation tool")
        self.mainWin.tk.eval('package require Tix') 

        # create init image(a black background)
        self.img = Image.new("RGB", (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei), (0,0,0))
        self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img)
        # create Canvas control
        self.cv = Canvas(self.mainWin, bg = 'white', width = self.img_Wid, height = self.img_Hei) 
        self.cv.create_image((0,0), anchor=tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img) 
        self.cv.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, expand=True)

        # create total Frame to lay out all components
        self.frame = Frame(self.mainWin)
        self.frame.pack(fill=tkinter.X, expand=tkinter.YES, side=tkinter.LEFT)

        # create text control
        root_save_path = './data_annotation_result'
        self.entry= Entry(self.frame, state = 'normal')
        self.entry.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, fill = tkinter.X)
        self.entry.insert(0, root_save_path)
        # mkdir of annotation result
        self.categoryList = ['Dog', 'Cat']
        self.category_savepath_list = []
        for category in self.categoryList:
            cur_category_save_path = os.path.join(root_save_path, category)
            if os.path.exists(cur_category_save_path) == False:
        # create 'START' button
        self.btn_start = Button(self.frame, text='START', command=self._selectPath, activeforeground='blue',
                        activebackground='white', bg='blue', fg='white')  
        self.btn_start.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, pady=30)
        # create data annotation label button
        self.btn_dog = Button(self.frame, text='Dog',command=lambda:self._labelButtonClick('Dog'), activeforeground='black',
                        activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black')  
        self.btn_dog.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, pady=10)
        # create data annotation label button
        self.btn_cat = Button(self.frame, text='Cat',command=lambda:self._labelButtonClick('Cat'), activeforeground='black',
                        activebackground='blue', bg='white', fg='black')  
        self.btn_cat.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, pady=10)
        self.num_count = Control(self.frame,integer=True, max=-1, min=-1, value=-1, step=1,
                                 label='current Image:', command=self._showImage)
        self.num_count.label.config(font='Helvetica -14 bold')
        self.num_count.pack(side = tkinter.TOP, pady=50)
        # create 'QUIT' button
        self.btn_quit = Button(self.frame, text='QUIT',command=self.mainWin.quit,activeforeground='blue',
                        activebackground='white', bg='red', fg='white')  
        self.btn_quit.pack(side = tkinter.BOTTOM, pady=10)

    def _showImage(self, ev=None):
        if self.has_select_path:
            if int(self.num_count['value']) == -1:
                # create init image(a black background)
                self.img = Image.new("RGB", (self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei), (0,0,0))
                self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img)
                self.cv.create_image((0,0), anchor=tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img) 
                img_cur_path = self.img_list[int(self.num_count['value'])]
                self.img = Image.open(img_cur_path).resize((self.img_Wid, self.img_Hei))
                self.photo_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(self.img)
                self.cv.create_image((0,0), anchor=tkinter.NW, image=self.photo_img) 
    def _labelButtonClick(self, label):
        cur_idx = int(self.num_count['value'])
        if cur_idx != -1:
            # save cur image's annotation result
            catgory_idx = self.categoryList.index(label)
            save_path = self.category_savepath_list[catgory_idx]
            cur_img_name = self.img_list[cur_idx].split('\\')[-1]
            save_path = os.path.join(save_path, cur_img_name)
            # check has next image or not
            if cur_idx + 1 < len(self.img_list):
                self.num_count['value'] = str(cur_idx + 1)
                messagebox.showinfo(title='thanks', message='all the data annotation mission has finished~')
    def _selectPath(self):
        self.img_path = filedialog.askdirectory()
        self.img_list = self._getImagList()
        if len(self.img_list) > 0:
            self.has_select_path = True
            self.num_count.config(max = len(self.img_list))
            self.num_count['value'] = str(0)
            self.has_select_path = False
            self.num_count['value'] = str(-1)
            self.num_count.config(max = -1)
            messagebox.showwarning('warning','No available images detected! please re-select image path and start')

    def _getImagList(self):
        img_list = []
        img_suffix = ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp']
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.img_path):
            for file_name in files:
                suffix = file_name.split('.')[-1]
                if suffix in img_suffix:
                    cur_img_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
        return img_list

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data_annotation_tool = DataAnnotationWindow()
    tkinter.mainloop()  # run GUI