1. 程式人生 > >論文閱讀——《Crafting a Toolchain for Image Restoration by Deep Reinforcement Learning》

論文閱讀——《Crafting a Toolchain for Image Restoration by Deep Reinforcement Learning》




existing dynamic networks treat all image regions as an integration

different paths for different regions.



In contrast to existing methods that concentrate on a single type of distortion, we intend to handle a mix of multiple distortions

To address mixed distortions, we propose to restore the corrupted image step by step with a sequence of restoration tools.因此。如何去選擇工具箱,將會十分具備challenge

the choice of the restoration type, level and the processing order all influence the final performance.

The results indicate that minor changes in a toolchain can severely impact the restoration performance. 

除此以外,using improper tools may lead to unnatural outputs(使用不合適的工具會導致結果變化)


When the tools are trained on specific tasks, we encounter another problem that none of the tools can perfectly handle the ‘middle state’, which refers to the intermediate result after several steps of processing.並且沒有一個工具可以完美的handle中間狀態


As most distortions are irreversible (不可逆), the restoration of their mixture is not a simple composition of the corresponding restorers.

New artifacts could be introduced in the middle states. For example, the deblurring operation will also enhance the noises, causing the following denoisers fail in removing the newly introduced artifacts.

  • treat the sequential tool selection problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and solve it in a deep reinforcement learning manner.
  •  propose a training scheme to refine the agent and tools jointly so that the tools are more well-informed with the middle states observable by the agent.

所以關鍵就是強化學習選擇工具的過程,以及這個訓練的方案可以fine tune



The toolbox contains a set of tools that might be applied to the corrupted image.

each tool is trained only on a narrow range of distortions


After training the agent, all tools are jointly fine-tuned on the basis of the well-trained toolchains.



Given an input image, the agent first selects a tool from the toolbox and uses it to restore the image, then the agent chooses another tool according to the previous result and repeats the restoration process until it decides to stop.

