1. 程式人生 > >GWO(灰狼優化)演算法MATLAB原始碼逐行中文註解


tic % 計時器
%% 清空環境變數
close all
format compact
%% 資料提取
% 載入測試資料wine,其中包含的資料為classnumber = 3,wine:178*13的矩陣,wine_labes:178*1的列向量
load wine.mat
% 選定訓練集和測試集
% 將第一類的1-30,第二類的60-95,第三類的131-153做為訓練集
train_wine = [wine(1:30,:);wine(60:95,:);wine(131:153,:)];
% 相應的訓練集的標籤也要分離出來
train_wine_labels = [wine_labels(1
; % 將第一類的31-59,第二類的96-130,第三類的154-178做為測試集 test_wine = [wine(31:59,:);wine(96:130,:);wine(154:178,:)]; % 相應的測試集的標籤也要分離出來 test_wine_labels = [wine_labels(31:59);wine_labels(96:130);wine_labels(154:178)]; %% 資料預處理 % 資料預處理,將訓練集和測試集歸一化到[0,1]區間 [mtrain,ntrain] = size
(train_wine); [mtest,ntest] = size(test_wine); dataset = [train_wine;test_wine]; % mapminmax為MATLAB自帶的歸一化函式 [dataset_scale,ps] = mapminmax(dataset',0,1); dataset_scale = dataset_scale'; train_wine = dataset_scale(1:mtrain,:); test_wine = dataset_scale( (mtrain+1):(mtrain+mtest),: ); %% 利用灰狼演算法選擇最佳的SVM引數c和g
SearchAgents_no=10; % 狼群數量,Number of search agents Max_iteration=10; % 最大迭代次數,Maximum numbef of iterations dim=2; % 此例需要優化兩個引數c和g,number of your variables lb=[0.01,0.01]; % 引數取值下界 ub=[100,100]; % 引數取值上界 % v = 5; % SVM Cross Validation引數,預設為5 % initialize alpha, beta, and delta_pos Alpha_pos=zeros(1,dim); % 初始化Alpha狼的位置 Alpha_score=inf; % 初始化Alpha狼的目標函式值,change this to -inf for maximization problems Beta_pos=zeros(1,dim); % 初始化Beta狼的位置 Beta_score=inf; % 初始化Beta狼的目標函式值,change this to -inf for maximization problems Delta_pos=zeros(1,dim); % 初始化Delta狼的位置 Delta_score=inf; % 初始化Delta狼的目標函式值,change this to -inf for maximization problems %Initialize the positions of search agents Positions=initialization(SearchAgents_no,dim,ub,lb); Convergence_curve=zeros(1,Max_iteration); l=0; % Loop counter迴圈計數器 % Main loop主迴圈 while l<Max_iteration % 對迭代次數迴圈 for i=1:size(Positions,1) % 遍歷每個狼 % Return back the search agents that go beyond the boundaries of the search space % 若搜尋位置超過了搜尋空間,需要重新回到搜尋空間 Flag4ub=Positions(i,:)>ub; Flag4lb=Positions(i,:)<lb; % 若狼的位置在最大值和最小值之間,則位置不需要調整,若超出最大值,最回到最大值邊界; % 若超出最小值,最回答最小值邊界 Positions(i,:)=(Positions(i,:).*(~(Flag4ub+Flag4lb)))+ub.*Flag4ub+lb.*Flag4lb; % ~表示取反 % 計算適應度函式值 cmd = [' -c ',num2str(Positions(i,1)),' -g ',num2str(Positions(i,2))]; model=svmtrain(train_wine_labels,train_wine,cmd); % SVM模型訓練 [~,fitness]=svmpredict(test_wine_labels,test_wine,model); % SVM模型預測及其精度 fitness=100-fitness(1); % 以錯誤率最小化為目標 % Update Alpha, Beta, and Delta if fitness<Alpha_score % 如果目標函式值小於Alpha狼的目標函式值 Alpha_score=fitness; % 則將Alpha狼的目標函式值更新為最優目標函式值,Update alpha Alpha_pos=Positions(i,:); % 同時將Alpha狼的位置更新為最優位置 end if fitness>Alpha_score && fitness<Beta_score % 如果目標函式值介於於Alpha狼和Beta狼的目標函式值之間 Beta_score=fitness; % 則將Beta狼的目標函式值更新為最優目標函式值,Update beta Beta_pos=Positions(i,:); % 同時更新Beta狼的位置 end if fitness>Alpha_score && fitness>Beta_score && fitness<Delta_score % 如果目標函式值介於於Beta狼和Delta狼的目標函式值之間 Delta_score=fitness; % 則將Delta狼的目標函式值更新為最優目標函式值,Update delta Delta_pos=Positions(i,:); % 同時更新Delta狼的位置 end end a=2-l*((2)/Max_iteration); % 對每一次迭代,計算相應的a值,a decreases linearly fron 2 to 0 % Update the Position of search agents including omegas for i=1:size(Positions,1) % 遍歷每個狼 for j=1:size(Positions,2) % 遍歷每個維度 % 包圍獵物,位置更新 r1=rand(); % r1 is a random number in [0,1] r2=rand(); % r2 is a random number in [0,1] A1=2*a*r1-a; % 計算係數A,Equation (3.3) C1=2*r2; % 計算係數C,Equation (3.4) % Alpha狼位置更新 D_alpha=abs(C1*Alpha_pos(j)-Positions(i,j)); % Equation (3.5)-part 1 X1=Alpha_pos(j)-A1*D_alpha; % Equation (3.6)-part 1 r1=rand(); r2=rand(); A2=2*a*r1-a; % 計算係數A,Equation (3.3) C2=2*r2; % 計算係數C,Equation (3.4) % Beta狼位置更新 D_beta=abs(C2*Beta_pos(j)-Positions(i,j)); % Equation (3.5)-part 2 X2=Beta_pos(j)-A2*D_beta; % Equation (3.6)-part 2 r1=rand(); r2=rand(); A3=2*a*r1-a; % 計算係數A,Equation (3.3) C3=2*r2; % 計算係數C,Equation (3.4) % Delta狼位置更新 D_delta=abs(C3*Delta_pos(j)-Positions(i,j)); % Equation (3.5)-part 3 X3=Delta_pos(j)-A3*D_delta; % Equation (3.5)-part 3 % 位置更新 Positions(i,j)=(X1+X2+X3)/3;% Equation (3.7) end end l=l+1; Convergence_curve(l)=Alpha_score; end bestc=Alpha_pos(1,1); bestg=Alpha_pos(1,2); bestGWOaccuarcy=Alpha_score; %% 列印引數選擇結果 disp('列印選擇結果'); str=sprintf('Best Cross Validation Accuracy = %g%%,Best c = %g,Best g = %g',bestGWOaccuarcy*100,bestc,bestg); disp(str) %% 利用最佳的引數進行SVM網路訓練 cmd_gwosvm = ['-c ',num2str(bestc),' -g ',num2str(bestg)]; model_gwosvm = svmtrain(train_wine_labels,train_wine,cmd_gwosvm); %% SVM網路預測 [predict_label,accuracy] = svmpredict(test_wine_labels,test_wine,model_gwosvm); % 列印測試集分類準確率 total = length(test_wine_labels); right = sum(predict_label == test_wine_labels); disp('列印測試集分類準確率'); str = sprintf( 'Accuracy = %g%% (%d/%d)',accuracy(1),right,total); disp(str); %% 結果分析 % 測試集的實際分類和預測分類圖 figure; hold on; plot(test_wine_labels,'o'); plot(predict_label,'r*'); xlabel('測試集樣本','FontSize',12); ylabel('類別標籤','FontSize',12); legend('實際測試集分類','預測測試集分類'); title('測試集的實際分類和預測分類圖','FontSize',12); grid on snapnow %% 顯示程式執行時間 toc
% This function initialize the first population of search agents
function Positions=initialization(SearchAgents_no,dim,ub,lb)

Boundary_no= size(ub,2); % numnber of boundaries

% If the boundaries of all variables are equal and user enter a signle
% number for both ub and lb
if Boundary_no==1

% If each variable has a different lb and ub
if Boundary_no>1
    for i=1:dim

