1. 程式人生 > >讓NotePad++高亮顯示SQLite關鍵字


近日用SQLite開發一Android專案,手寫了一個.sql指令碼檔案,但在NotePad++中部分關鍵字(比如 TEXT NTEXT NVARCHAR)無法高亮顯示。


找到NotePad++的langs.xml,一般在  C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\ ,找到sql一段,<Language name="sql"

按字母順序,分別加入text ntext nvarchar,儲存退出。重啟NotePad++,發現這3個關鍵字已經變成高亮了。


<Language name="sql" ext="sql" commentStart="/*" commentEnd="*/" commentLine="--">
            <Keywords name="instre1">abs absolute access acos add add_months adddate admin after aggregate all allocate alter and any app_name are array as asc ascii asin assertion at atan atn2 audit authid authorization autonomous_transaction avg before begin benchmark between bfilename bigint bin binary binary_checksum binary_integer bit bit_count bit_and bit_or blob body boolean both breadth bulk by call cascade cascaded case cast catalog ceil ceiling char char_base character charindex chartorowid check checksum checksum_agg chr class clob close cluster coalesce col_length col_name collate collation collect column comment commit completion compress concat concat_ws connect connection constant constraint constraints constructorcreate contains containsable continue conv convert corr corresponding cos cot count count_big covar_pop covar_samp create cross cube cume_dist current current_date current_path current_role current_time current_timestamp current_user currval cursor cycle data datalength databasepropertyex date date_add date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datename datepart datetime day db_id db_name deallocate dec declare decimal decode default deferrable deferred degrees delete dense_rank depth deref desc describe descriptor destroy destructor deterministic diagnostics dictionary disconnect difference distinct do domain double drop dump dynamic each else elsif empth encode encrypt end end-exec equals escape every except exception exclusive exec execute exists exit exp export_set extends external extract false fetch first first_value file float floor file_id file_name filegroup_id filegroup_name filegroupproperty fileproperty for forall foreign format formatmessage found freetexttable from from_days fulltextcatalog fulltextservice function general get get_lock getdate getansinull getutcdate global go goto grant greatest group grouping having heap hex hextoraw host host_id host_name hour ident_incr ident_seed ident_current identified identity if ifnull ignore immediate in increment index index_col indexproperty indicator initcap initial initialize initially inner inout input insert instr instrb int integer interface intersect interval into is is_member is_srvrolemember is_null is_numeric isdate isnull isolation iterate java join key lag language large last last_day last_value lateral lcase lead leading least left len length lengthb less level like limit limited ln lpad local localtime localtimestamp locator lock log log10 long loop lower ltrim make_ref map match max maxextents mid min minus minute mlslabel mod mode modifies modify module month months_between names national natural naturaln nchar nclob new new_time newid next next_day nextval no noaudit nocompress nocopy none not nowait ntext null nullif number number_base numeric nvarchar nvl nvl2 object object_id object_name object_property ocirowid oct of off offline old on online only opaque open operator operation option or ord order ordinalityorganization others out outer output package pad parameter parameters partial partition path pctfree percent_rank pi pls_integer positive positiven postfix pow power pragma precision prefix preorder prepare preserve primary prior private privileges procedure public radians raise rand range rank ratio_to_export raw rawtohex read reads real record recursive ref references referencing reftohex relative release release_lock rename repeat replace resource restrict result return returns reverse revoke right rollback rollup round routine row row_number rowid rowidtochar rowlabel rownum rows rowtype rpad rtrim savepoint schema scroll scope search second section seddev_samp select separate sequence session session_user set sets share sign sin sinh size smallint some soundex space specific specifictype sql sqlcode sqlerrm sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sqrt start state statement static std stddev stdev_pop strcmp structure subdate substr substrb substring substring_index subtype successful sum synonym sys_context sys_guid sysdate system_user table tan tanh temporary terminate text than then time timestamp timezone_abbr timezone_minute timezone_hour timezone_region tinyint to to_char to_date to_days to_number to_single_byte trailing transaction translate translation treat trigger trim true trunc truncate type ucase uid under union unique unknown unnest update upper usage use user userenv using validate value values var_pop var_samp varbinary varchar varchar2 variable variance varying view vsize when whenever where with without while with work write year zone</Keywords>



近日用SQLite開發一Android專案,手寫了一個.sql指令碼檔案,但在NotePad++中部分關鍵字(比如 TEXT NTEXT NVARCHAR)無法高亮顯示。 解決辦法: 找到NotePad++的langs.xml,一般在  C:\Users\Administ


前端程式碼<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" > <ItemTemplate> <li class=Sub> <a href="Leav


繫結的時候,比如你的資料來源是datatableif(keyword.Text != "" && keyword.Text != null ){for(int iloop =0 ;iloop < dstemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count ;

sublime text3支持Vue語法顯示

壓縮 pack https 加載 http text -h 語法高亮 color 1.準備語法高亮插件vue-syntax-highlight。 下載地址: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-syntax-highlight 下載頁面並下


需求中我們經常會遇到模糊查詢的方式渲染資料,效果類似於下圖: js渲染資料的方式如下: var keyword = $("#searchSchool").val(); for(var i=0;i<data.schoolNames.length;i++){ var renderPa


notepad++是一款很笨重並且支援程式碼高亮顯現的文字修改軟體,只不過內建的程式碼高亮語法不包羅nginx.conf 分享1個自定義的nginx.conf高亮配置 下載:https://file.bugxia.com/s/NSdf3mi3NrbfqiY


1.在Eclipse的開發當中,雙擊某個關鍵字或變數,整個視窗中相同的內容會同時高亮顯示,這一小功能十分便利。 2.但有時候會發現這個功能會莫名其妙的被關掉,雖然是一個小問題,但也“牙疼不是病,疼起


    自定義函式實現類似百度搜索關鍵字在網頁中匹配字元高亮顯示效果。完全用php來實現簡單但很有趣的效果。函式如下: <?php /**     * @param $wd 搜尋的詞語


資源下載: http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/download/ 點選開啟連結  示例程式碼: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta chars


{                        //sqlstr 待查詢的關鍵字            //str 已經查詢到帶有關鍵字的字串            int len=sqlkey.Length;            int len1=str.Length;                 


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>程式碼實現查詢關鍵字高亮顯示</title> <style type="


讓TextView的文字中指定關鍵字高亮顯示的工具類 public class HighLightKeyWordUtil { /** * @param color 關鍵字

VUE:vue 搜尋結果顯示關鍵字(父+子)

1. 需要解決的問題 父元件將搜尋的欄位傳到子元件 子元件接受資料,正則匹配,並替換欄位 2. 具體程式碼 父元件程式碼 <template> <div> <div v-if="showMe"> <

js 搜尋關鍵字,文章中關鍵字顯示

實現程式碼如下: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126/DTD/xhtml1-tran


目標:在WPF中,對lucene.net進行全文檢索後的結果中包含的關鍵字進行高亮顯示。 檢索結果中的關鍵字高亮顯示,在網頁中顯示是很簡單的,lucene中加標籤樣式就可以了,可是在WPF中就不行了。 我在WPF中用GridControl顯示搜尋結果列表,GridContr


class="black-top mini left-nav-prod-pos"><i class="black-top1"></i></span> <ul class="nav">

從寫JTextPane元件 實現關鍵字顯示

package my2; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.

sublime text3支援Vue語法顯示

讓sublime text3 支援vue檔案語法高亮   的外掛安裝(其他外掛安裝也是)就是下面的兩個步驟:1,把外掛放入外掛包 Sublime Text 3.3126x86\Data\Packages  ;2 . 載入外掛 按下快捷鍵"shift + ctrl +p" 在

javascript 關鍵字顯示實現程式碼

<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>關鍵字高亮顯示</title> </head>

JQuery:頁面文字匹配檢索關鍵字 並加紅字顯示

/**頁面上有一行標籤定義內容如下  a中顯示的文字可以自己定義**/ <div class="right_a_a1"><a href="#">...網際網路行業...</a></div> <script languag