1. 程式人生 > >source tree 對 sql 檔案 git 不能預覽比較的問題

source tree 對 sql 檔案 git 不能預覽比較的問題

原因是因為 sql 檔案編碼的問題。不累述,見  https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/SRCTREEWIN-5485 裡的解釋。



Found a solution that makes it work for ST

Put this inside your .gitconfig Either globally in $HOME/.gitconfig or in your repository $REPO/.git/config

[diff "sql"] 
    textconv = "iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-8"

Then just put the following in .gitattributes

*.sql diff=sql

Works with ST and the MINGW64 console. 

Note: This will not work from cmd! If needed it might be doable by creating a different difftool I guess. But don't really care for cmd right now.