1. 程式人生 > >docker pull命令實現與映象儲存(3)

docker pull命令實現與映象儲存(3)


func initRouter(s *apiserver.Server, d *daemon.Daemon, c *cluster.Cluster) {
    decoder := runconfig.ContainerDecoder
{} routers := []router.Router{} // we need to add the checkpoint router before the container router or the DELETE gets masked routers = addExperimentalRouters(routers, d, decoder) routers = append(routers, []router.Router{ container.NewRouter(d, decoder), //關於容器命令的API image.NewRouter
(d, decoder), //關於鏡命令的API systemrouter.NewRouter(d, c), //關於繫命令的API api/server/router/system被重新命名了 volume.NewRouter(d), //關於卷命令的API build.NewRouter(dockerfile.NewBuildManager(d)),//關於構建命令的API swarmrouter.NewRouter(c), }...) if d.NetworkControllerEnabled
() { routers = append(routers, network.NewRouter(d, c)) } s.InitRouter(utils.IsDebugEnabled(), routers...) }

可以看到有關於映象的API “ image.NewRouter(d, decoder)”,實現在docker\api\server\router\image\image.go:

// NewRouter initializes a new image router
func NewRouter(backend Backend, decoder httputils.ContainerDecoder) router.Router {
    r := &imageRouter{
        backend: backend,
        decoder: decoder,
    return r

// Routes returns the available routes to the image controller
func (r *imageRouter) Routes() []router.Route {
    return r.routes

// initRoutes initializes the routes in the image router
func (r *imageRouter) initRoutes() {
    r.routes = []router.Route{
        // GET
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/json", r.getImagesJSON),
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/search", r.getImagesSearch),
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/get", r.getImagesGet),
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/{name:.*}/get", r.getImagesGet),
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/{name:.*}/history", r.getImagesHistory),
        router.NewGetRoute("/images/{name:.*}/json", r.getImagesByName),
        // POST
        router.NewPostRoute("/commit", r.postCommit),
        router.NewPostRoute("/images/load", r.postImagesLoad),
        router.Cancellable(router.NewPostRoute("/images/create", r.postImagesCreate)),
        router.Cancellable(router.NewPostRoute("/images/{name:.*}/push", r.postImagesPush)),
        router.NewPostRoute("/images/{name:.*}/tag", r.postImagesTag),
        router.NewPostRoute("/images/prune", r.postImagesPrune),
        // DELETE
        router.NewDeleteRoute("/images/{name:.*}", r.deleteImages),


// Creates an image from Pull or from Import
func (s *imageRouter) postImagesCreate(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, vars map[string]string) error {
    if err := httputils.ParseForm(r); err != nil {
        return err
    // Calling POST /v1.25/images/create?fromImage=gplang&tag=latest
    var (
        image   = r.Form.Get("fromImage")
        repo    = r.Form.Get("repo")
        tag     = r.Form.Get("tag")
        message = r.Form.Get("message")
        err     error
        output  = ioutils.NewWriteFlusher(w)
    defer output.Close()
    w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
    if image != "" { //pull
        metaHeaders := map[string][]string{}
        for k, v := range r.Header {
            if strings.HasPrefix(k, "X-Meta-") {
                metaHeaders[k] = v

        authEncoded := r.Header.Get("X-Registry-Auth")
        authConfig := &types.AuthConfig{}
        if authEncoded != "" {
            authJSON := base64.NewDecoder(base64.URLEncoding, strings.NewReader(authEncoded))
            if err := json.NewDecoder(authJSON).Decode(authConfig); err != nil {
                // for a pull it is not an error if no auth was given
                // to increase compatibility with the existing api it is defaulting to be empty
                authConfig = &types.AuthConfig{}
        // Backend is all the methods that need to be implemented
        // to provide image specific functionality(功能).
        err = s.backend.PullImage(ctx, image, tag, metaHeaders, authConfig, output)

    } else { //import
        src := r.Form.Get("fromSrc")
        // 'err' MUST NOT be defined within this block, we need any error
        // generated from the download to be available to the output
        // stream processing below
        err = s.backend.ImportImage(src, repo, tag, message, r.Body, output, r.Form["changes"])
    if err != nil {
        if !output.Flushed() {
            return err
        sf := streamformatter.NewJSONStreamFormatter()

    return nil

—————————————2016.12.09 22:03 更新—————————————————

可以看到主要是從http引數中解析出映象名和tag,分了有映象名和無映象名兩個分支。我們拉取映象時我們傳入了ubuntu這個映象名,所以走if分支(image 為空的情況不知是什麼情況,暫時不去深究)。從上面的程式碼中我們可以看到以映象名,tag以及授權資訊等引數呼叫函式s.backend.PullImage。可是backend這個是什麼呢?backend是介面Backend的例項,我們要找其實現類。

type Backend interface {


// NewRouter initializes a new image router
func NewRouter(backend Backend, decoder httputils.ContainerDecoder) router.Router {
    r := &imageRouter{
        backend: backend,
        decoder: decoder,
    return r

可以看到是NewRouter的時候傳入的,我們看下呼叫程式碼,在docker\cmd\dockerd\daemon.go的 initRouter(s *apiserver.Server, d *daemon.Daemon, c *cluster.Cluster) 函式,有:

image.NewRouter(d, decoder),


    initRouter(api, d, c)


    d, err := daemon.NewDaemon(cli.Config, registryService, containerdRemote)


// PullImage initiates a pull operation. image is the repository name to pull, and
// tag may be either empty, or indicate a specific tag to pull.
func (daemon *Daemon) PullImage(ctx context.Context, image, tag string, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error {
    // Special case: "pull -a" may send an image name with a
    // trailing :. This is ugly, but let's not break API
    // compatibility.
    image = strings.TrimSuffix(image, ":")
    //name格式: xxx:yyy | @zzz  xxx 代表映象名,如果沒有加上倉庫地址:docker.io,會使用預設的倉庫地址, yyy :代表版本 zzz: 代表摘要
    ref, err := reference.ParseNamed(image)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if tag != "" {
        // The "tag" could actually be a digest.
        var dgst digest.Digest
        dgst, err = digest.ParseDigest(tag)
        if err == nil {
            ref, err = reference.WithDigest(ref, dgst)
        } else {
            ref, err = reference.WithTag(ref, tag)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return daemon.pullImageWithReference(ctx, ref, metaHeaders, authConfig, outStream)


func (daemon *Daemon) pullImageWithReference(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, metaHeaders map[string][]string, authConfig *types.AuthConfig, outStream io.Writer) error {
    // Include a buffer so that slow client connections don't affect
    // transfer performance.
    progressChan := make(chan progress.Progress, 100)

    writesDone := make(chan struct{})

    ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)

    go func() {
        writeDistributionProgress(cancelFunc, outStream, progressChan)
    imagePullConfig := &distribution.ImagePullConfig{
        MetaHeaders:      metaHeaders,
        AuthConfig:       authConfig,
        ProgressOutput:   progress.ChanOutput(progressChan),
        RegistryService:  daemon.RegistryService,//預設regist服務介面實現的例項
        ImageEventLogger: daemon.LogImageEvent,
        MetadataStore:    daemon.distributionMetadataStore,
        ImageStore:       daemon.imageStore,
        ReferenceStore:   daemon.referenceStore,
        DownloadManager:  daemon.downloadManager,

    err := distribution.Pull(ctx, ref, imagePullConfig)
    return err

這裡再呼叫distribution.Pull,還有就是要注意這裡構造了一個imagePullConfig 物件,裡面包含了很多拉取映象時要用到的介面(我們暫且先記下,後面分析到的時候再回過頭來看)。如此繞來繞去,想必是有點暈頭轉向了。在繼續之前我們先說下docker的程式碼風格,如果瞭解了docker的程式碼風格,我想我們就知道docker解決問題的套路,這樣即使我們沒有完全掌握docker原始碼,我們也可以根據我們看過的docker原始碼推測出其他邏輯。我們先就以即將要分析的distribution.Pull中的Service為例。

// NewService returns a new instance of DefaultService ready to be
// installed into an engine.
func NewService(options ServiceOptions) *DefaultService {
    return &DefaultService{
        config: newServiceConfig(options),


/ Pull initiates a pull operation. image is the repository name to pull, and
// tag may be either empty, or indicate a specific tag to pull.
func Pull(ctx context.Context, ref reference.Named, imagePullConfig *ImagePullConfig) error {
    // Resolve the Repository name from fqn to RepositoryInfo

    //在/docker/registry/config.go的 newServiceConfig初始化倉庫地址和倉庫映象地址,其中有官方的和通過選項insecure-registry自定義的私有倉庫,實質是通過IndexName找到IndexInfo,有用的也只有IndexName

    repoInfo, err := imagePullConfig.RegistryService.ResolveRepository(ref)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // makes sure name is not empty or `scratch`
    if err := ValidateRepoName(repoInfo.Name()); err != nil {
        return err
    // APIEndpoint represents a remote API endpoint
    // /docker/cmd/dockerddaemon.go----大約125 和 248

    // 否則就是私有地址的兩種型別:http和https

    logrus.Debugf("Get endpoint from:%s", repoInfo.Hostname())
    endpoints, err := imagePullConfig.RegistryService.LookupPullEndpoints(repoInfo.Hostname())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var (
        lastErr error

        // discardNoSupportErrors is used to track whether an endpoint encountered an error of type registry.ErrNoSupport
        // By default it is false, which means that if an ErrNoSupport error is encountered, it will be saved in lastErr.
        // As soon as another kind of error is encountered, discardNoSupportErrors is set to true, avoiding the saving of
        // any subsequent ErrNoSupport errors in lastErr.
        // It's needed for pull-by-digest on v1 endpoints: if there are only v1 endpoints configured, the error should be
        // returned and displayed, but if there was a v2 endpoint which supports pull-by-digest, then the last relevant
        // error is the ones from v2 endpoints not v1.
        discardNoSupportErrors bool

        // confirmedV2 is set to true if a pull attempt managed to
        // confirm that it was talking to a v2 registry. This will
        // prevent fallback to the v1 protocol.
        confirmedV2 bool

        // confirmedTLSRegistries is a map indicating which registries
        // are known to be using TLS. There should never be a plaintext
        // retry for any of these.
        confirmedTLSRegistries = make(map[string]struct{})
    for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
        logrus.Debugf("Endpoint API version:%d", endpoint.Version)
        if confirmedV2 && endpoint.Version == registry.APIVersion1 {
            logrus.Debugf("Skipping v1 endpoint %s because v2 registry was detected", endpoint.URL)

        if endpoint.URL.Scheme != "https" {
            if _, confirmedTLS := confirmedTLSRegistries[endpoint.URL.Host]; confirmedTLS {
                logrus.Debugf("Skipping non-TLS endpoint %s for host/port that appears to use TLS", endpoint.URL)

        logrus.Debugf("Trying to pull %s from %s %s", repoInfo.Name(), endpoint.URL, endpoint.Version)
        //針對每一個endpoint,建立一個Puller,newPuller會根據endpoint的形式(endpoint應該遵循restful api的設計,url中含有版本號),決定採用version1還是version2版本
        puller, err := newPuller(endpoint, repoInfo, imagePullConfig)
        if err != nil {
            lastErr = err
        if err := puller.Pull(ctx, ref); err != nil {
            // Was this pull cancelled? If so, don't try to fall
            // back.
            fallback := false
            select {
            case <-ctx.Done():
                if fallbackErr, ok := err.(fallbackError); ok {
                    fallback = true
                    confirmedV2 = confirmedV2 || fallbackErr.confirmedV2
                    if fallbackErr.transportOK && endpoint.URL.Scheme == "https" {
                        confirmedTLSRegistries[endpoint.URL.Host] = struct{}{}
                    err = fallbackErr.err
            if fallback {
                if _, ok := err.(ErrNoSupport); !ok {
                    // Because we found an error that's not ErrNoSupport, discard all subsequent ErrNoSupport errors.
                    discardNoSupportErrors = true
                    // append subsequent errors
                    lastErr = err
                } else if !discardNoSupportErrors {
                    // Save the ErrNoSupport error, because it's either the first error or all encountered errors
                    // were also ErrNoSupport errors.
                    // append subsequent errors
                    lastErr = err
                logrus.Errorf("Attempting next endpoint for pull after error: %v", err)
            logrus.Errorf("Not continuing with pull after error: %v", err)
            return err

        imagePullConfig.ImageEventLogger(ref.String(), repoInfo.Name(), "pull")
        return nil

    if lastErr == nil {
        lastErr = fmt.Errorf("no endpoints found for %s", ref.String())

    return lastErr


type RepositoryInfo struct {
    // Index points to registry information
    Index *registrytypes.IndexInfo
    // Official indicates whether the repository is considered official.
    // If the registry is official, and the normalized name does not
    // contain a '/' (e.g. "foo"), then it is considered an official repo.
    Official bool

// RepositoryInfo Examples:
// {
//   "Index" : {
//     "Name" : "docker.io",
//     "Mirrors" : ["https://registry-2.docker.io/v1/", "https://registry-3.docker.io/v1/"],
//     "Secure" : true,
//     "Official" : true,
//   },
//   "RemoteName" : "library/debian",
//   "LocalName" : "debian",
//   "CanonicalName" : "docker.io/debian"
//   "Official" : true,
// }
// {
//   "Index" : {
//     "Name" : "",
//     "Mirrors" : [],
//     "Secure" : false,
//     "Official" : false,
//   },
//   "RemoteName" : "user/repo",
//   "LocalName" : "",
//   "CanonicalName" : "",
//   "Official" : false,
// }

———————2016.12.10 22:31更新————————————-

func (s *DefaultService) ResolveRepository(name reference.Named) (*RepositoryInfo, error) {
    return newRepositoryInfo(s.config, name)

// newRepositoryInfo validates and breaks down a repository name into a RepositoryInfo
func newRepositoryInfo(config *serviceConfig, name reference.Named) (*RepositoryInfo, error) {
    // newIndexInfo returns IndexInfo configuration from indexName
    index, err := newIndexInfo(config, name.Hostname())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    official := !strings.ContainsRune(name.Name(), '/')
    return &RepositoryInfo{name, index, official}, nil

// newIndexInfo returns IndexInfo configuration from indexName
func newIndexInfo(config *serviceConfig, indexName string) (*registrytypes.IndexInfo, error) {
    var err error
    indexName, err = ValidateIndexName(indexName)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Return any configured index info, first.
    if index, ok := config.IndexConfigs[indexName]; ok {
        return index, nil

    // Construct a non-configured index info.
    index := &registrytypes.IndexInfo{
        Name:     indexName,
        Mirrors:  make([]string, 0),
        Official: false,
    index.Secure = isSecureIndex(config, indexName)
    return index, nil

三個成員,Name就是根據引數(ubuntu:latest)解析出來的Named物件,Official 如果我們只傳入類似ubuntu:latest則使用官方預設的,該成員就是true,就剩下Index了.可以看到Index來源於config.IndexConfigs.那config.IndexConfigs是什麼呢?容易發現config.IndexConfigs來源於DefaultService的config。DefaultService的config則來源於NewService時的ServiceOptions。先看下ServiceOptions,實現在docker\registry\config.go:

// ServiceOptions holds command line options.
type ServiceOptions struct {
    Mirrors            []string `json:"registry-mirrors,omitempty"`
    InsecureRegistries []string `json:"insecure-registries,omitempty"`

    // V2Only controls access to legacy registries.  If it is set to true via the
    // command line flag the daemon will not attempt to contact v1 legacy registries
    V2Only bool `json:"disable-legacy-registry,omitempty"`


docker pull命令實現映象儲存3



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前言 在上一篇部落格《Docker介紹及常用操作演示--技術流ken》中,已經詳細介紹了docker相關內容以及有關映象和容器的使用命令演示。 現在我們已經可以自己下載映象,以及建立容器了。 但是現在有這樣一個問題,我們建立的容器可以被其他人或者另外一臺伺服器訪問嗎? 基於上一篇部落格中容器的

十二 web服務javaweb結合3

pack ppi web工程 配置 time star con http ont 一、需求 上一章節雖然將webservice和web項目綁定在了一起,但是還是不能共同一個端口,本章講解webservice和web項目綁定且共同端口。 二、案例   2.1  創建w


ise 技術分享 bool and s函數 span spa push_back 返回 一簡介 1、凸包   凸包(Convex Hull)是一個計算機幾何圖形學中的概念, 簡單來說, 給定二維平面點集, 凸包就是能夠將最外層的點連接起來構成的凸多邊形, 它能夠包含點集中所


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 在《 C++ 程式設計思想》一書中對虛擬函式的實現機制有詳細的描述,一般的編譯器通過虛擬函式表,在編譯時插入一段隱藏的程式碼,儲存型別資訊和虛擬函式地址,而在呼叫時,這段隱藏的程式碼可以找到和實際物件一致的虛擬函式實現。     我們在這裡提供


target 實例化 定義 方法 int () a* 創建 但是 4. 類的初始化函數__init__(): 本章參考:https://blog.csdn.net/hellocsz/article/details/82795514 原作者: hellocsz 總結


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LLF演算法例題: 一個實時系統中兩個週期型實時任務A、B 週期 執行時間長 任務A:20ms, 10ms; 任務B:50ms, 25ms; t=0時 :A1的鬆弛度為20-10=10ms,B1的鬆弛度為50-25=25ms,所以執行A1任務; t=10時



資料結構演算法複習3—— 線段樹

http://www.cppblog.com/MemoryGarden/archive/2009/04/11/79565.aspx http://www.notonlysuccess.com/?p=59 http://edu.codepub.com/2009/1125/18163.php POJ 2104,


3.1 什麼是程式碼 什麼是寫程式碼 程式碼是現實世界事物在計算機世界中的對映 寫程式碼是將現實世界中的事物用計算機語言來描述 程式碼和寫程式碼就像畫家畫畫,攝影師拍照 如果我們需要在一個世界中描述另外一個世界裡面的一些事物,我們就需要一些基本的元素和素材,在計

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/**********************作者資訊****************/ Dr. E. Garcia Mi Islita.com Email | Last Update: 01/07/07 /**********************


當一個程式啟動的時候,系統會為程式建立一個名為main的執行緒。這個執行緒重要性在於它負責把事件分發給適合的使用者元件,這些事件包括繪製事件。並且這個執行緒也是你的程式與Android UI工具包中的元件(比如android.widget和android.view包中的元件


1、Redis是什麼鬼? Redis是一個簡單的,高效的,分散式的,基於記憶體的快取工具。 假設好伺服器後,通過網路連線(類似資料庫),提供Key-Value式快取服務。 簡單,是Redis突出的特色。 簡單可以保證核心功能的穩定和優異。 2、效能