1. 程式人生 > >異常A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same

異常A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same


11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): java.lang.Throwable: A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same thread. (Expected Looper Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448} called on Looper (JavaBridge, tid 250) {5289c660}, FYI main Looper is Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448})
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at android.webkit.WebView.checkThread(WebView.java:2072)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at android.webkit.WebView.loadUrl(WebView.java:803)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at com.leiting.sdk.channel.leiting.object.BaseObject.reload(BaseObject.java:251)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at com.android.org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at com.android.org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:24)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
11-10 13:40:51.377: W/System.err(3684): java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Throwable: A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same thread. (Expected Looper Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448} called on Looper (JavaBridge, tid 250) {5289c660}, FYI main Looper is Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448})
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.webkit.WebView.checkThread(WebView.java:2082)
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.webkit.WebView.loadUrl(WebView.java:803)
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at com.leiting.sdk.channel.leiting.object.BaseObject.reload(BaseObject.java:251)
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at com.android.org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.nativeDoRunLoopOnce(Native Method)
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at com.android.org.chromium.base.SystemMessageHandler.handleMessage(SystemMessageHandler.java:24)
11-10 13:40:51.381: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
11-10 13:40:51.385: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
11-10 13:40:51.385: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
11-10 13:40:51.385: W/System.err(3684): Caused by: java.lang.Throwable: A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same thread. (Expected Looper Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448} called on Looper (JavaBridge, tid 250) {5289c660}, FYI main Looper is Looper (main, tid 1) {52837448})
11-10 13:40:51.385: W/System.err(3684): 	at android.webkit.WebView.checkThread(WebView.java:2072)
11-10 13:40:51.385: W/System.err(3684): 	... 7 more
11-10 13:40:51.393: D/com.leiting.sdk(3684): mWebView WebChromeClientUncaught Error: Error calling method on NPObject.
11-10 13:40:51.393: I/chromium(3684): [INFO:CONSOLE(43)] "Uncaught Error: Error calling method on NPObject.", source: file:///android_asset/html/error.html (43)




                view.post(new Runnable() {
			public void run() {


異常A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'. All WebView methods must be called on the same

在建立webview的另外一個地方呼叫webview載入網頁,出現異常: 11-10 13:40:49.793: W/WebView(3684): java.lang.Throwable: A WebView method was called on thread 'Ja

【Android】java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Throwable: A WebView method was called on thread 'JavaBridge'.

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近些日。cocos2dx遊戲專案要接入一個不主流的支付,達到遊戲內跳轉微信充值,在按照某支付文件寫示例demo的時候各種成功,然而蛋疼的就是移植到遊戲內的時候出現問題。異常就是標題Can't create handler inside thread that has not

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a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session

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