1. 程式人生 > >live555 客戶端 接受rtsp 儲存為 h264

live555 客戶端 接受rtsp 儲存為 h264

rt, 這個是幫別人寫的一個專案。 主要流程就是通過 live555 接受rtsp資料。

這裡我寫成了一個c++ 介面, 可以接受若干urls, 同時每隔60s輸出這些urls的h264資料。 我照著testRTSPCLient寫的, 因為那個檔案太長了, 所以我給分開了。

廢話不多少, 上傳程式碼。

這個是標頭檔案, 摘自testRTSPCLient, 同時加上了自己寫的類。


#include "liveMedia.hh"
#include "BasicUsageEnvironment.hh"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>

// Forward function definitions:

// RTSP 'response handlers':
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString);
void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString);

// Other event handler functions:
void subsessionAfterPlaying(void* clientData); // called when a stream's subsession (e.g., audio or video substream) ends
void subsessionByeHandler(void* clientData); // called when a RTCP "BYE" is received for a subsession
void streamTimerHandler(void* clientData);
// called at the end of a stream's expected duration (if the stream has not already signaled its end using a RTCP "BYE")

// The main streaming routine (for each "rtsp://" URL):
void openURL(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* progName, char const* rtspURL);

// Used to iterate through each stream's 'subsessions', setting up each one:
void setupNextSubsession(RTSPClient* rtspClient);

// Used to shut down and close a stream (including its "RTSPClient" object):
void shutdownStream(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int exitCode = 1);

UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const RTSPClient& rtspClient);

UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const MediaSubsession& subsession);

// Define a class to hold per-stream state that we maintain throughout each stream's lifetime:

class StreamClientState {
	virtual ~StreamClientState();

	MediaSubsessionIterator* iter;
	MediaSession* session;
	MediaSubsession* subsession;
	TaskToken streamTimerTask;
	double duration;

// If you're streaming just a single stream (i.e., just from a single URL, once), then you can define and use just a single
// "StreamClientState" structure, as a global variable in your application.  However, because - in this demo application - we're
// showing how to play multiple streams, concurrently, we can't do that.  Instead, we have to have a separate "StreamClientState"
// structure for each "RTSPClient".  To do this, we subclass "RTSPClient", and add a "StreamClientState" field to the subclass:

class ourRTSPClient: public RTSPClient {
	static ourRTSPClient* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* rtspURL,
		int verbosityLevel = 0,
		char const* applicationName = NULL,
		portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum = 0);

	ourRTSPClient(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* rtspURL,
		int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName, portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum);
	// called only by createNew();
	virtual ~ourRTSPClient();

	StreamClientState scs;

// Define a data sink (a subclass of "MediaSink") to receive the data for each subsession (i.e., each audio or video 'substream').
// In practice, this might be a class (or a chain of classes) that decodes and then renders the incoming audio or video.
// Or it might be a "FileSink", for outputting the received data into a file (as is done by the "openRTSP" application).
// In this example code, however, we define a simple 'dummy' sink that receives incoming data, but does nothing with it.

class DummySink: public MediaSink {
	static DummySink* createNew(UsageEnvironment& env,
		MediaSubsession& subsession, // identifies the kind of data that's being received
		char const* streamId = NULL); // identifies the stream itself (optional)

	DummySink(UsageEnvironment& env, MediaSubsession& subsession, char const* streamId);
	// called only by "createNew()"
	virtual ~DummySink();

	static void afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize,
		unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
	struct timeval presentationTime,
		unsigned durationInMicroseconds);
	void afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
	struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds);

	// redefined virtual functions:
	virtual Boolean continuePlaying();

	u_int8_t* fReceiveBuffer;
	MediaSubsession& fSubsession;
	char* fStreamId;

	// my code

private: //H264
	u_int8_t* fReceiveBufferadd4;

	u_int8_t const* sps;
	unsigned spsSize;
	u_int8_t const* pps;
	unsigned ppsSize;

public:	void setSprop(u_int8_t const* prop, unsigned size);
		// mycode end

// my code

class zjk
	void doEventLoopzjk(BasicTaskScheduler0* Basicscheduler);
// my code



#include "call.h"

#include <sstream>

// my variable
extern vector<string> data;
extern map<string, int> inds;
extern int nowind;
extern string nowstr;

extern int duration;
extern bool isend;

// Implementation of "ourRTSPClient":

ourRTSPClient* ourRTSPClient::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* rtspURL,
	int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName, portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum) {
		return new ourRTSPClient(env, rtspURL, verbosityLevel, applicationName, tunnelOverHTTPPortNum);

ourRTSPClient::ourRTSPClient(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* rtspURL,
	int verbosityLevel, char const* applicationName, portNumBits tunnelOverHTTPPortNum)
	: RTSPClient(env,rtspURL, verbosityLevel, applicationName, tunnelOverHTTPPortNum, -1) {

ourRTSPClient::~ourRTSPClient() {

// Implementation of "StreamClientState":

	: iter(NULL), session(NULL), subsession(NULL), streamTimerTask(NULL), duration(0.0) {

StreamClientState::~StreamClientState() {
	delete iter;
	if (session != NULL) {
		// We also need to delete "session", and unschedule "streamTimerTask" (if set)
		UsageEnvironment& env = session->envir(); // alias


// Implementation of "DummySink":

// Even though we're not going to be doing anything with the incoming data, we still need to receive it.
// Define the size of the buffer that we'll use:

DummySink* DummySink::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, MediaSubsession& subsession, char const* streamId) {
	return new DummySink(env, subsession, streamId);

DummySink::DummySink(UsageEnvironment& env, MediaSubsession& subsession, char const* streamId)
	: MediaSink(env),
	fSubsession(subsession) {
		fStreamId = strDup(streamId);
		fReceiveBuffer = new u_int8_t[DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE];

		// my dcde
		fReceiveBufferadd4 = new u_int8_t[DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE+4];
		fReceiveBufferadd4[0] = 0;
		fReceiveBufferadd4[1] = 0;
		fReceiveBufferadd4[2] = 0;
		fReceiveBufferadd4[3] = 1;

		// my code


DummySink::~DummySink() {
	delete[] fReceiveBuffer;
	delete[] fStreamId;

	delete [] fReceiveBufferadd4;

void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(void* clientData, unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned durationInMicroseconds) {
	DummySink* sink = (DummySink*)clientData;
	sink->afterGettingFrame(frameSize, numTruncatedBytes, presentationTime, durationInMicroseconds);

// If you don't want to see debugging output for each received frame, then comment out the following line:

// my code
void DummySink::setSprop(u_int8_t const* prop, unsigned size)
	u_int8_t *buf;
	u_int8_t *buf_start;
	buf = new u_int8_t [1000];
	buf_start = buf + 4;

	buf[0]   = 0;
	buf[1]   = 0;
	buf[2]   = 0;
	buf[3]   = 1;
	memcpy (buf_start, prop, size);

	std::stringstream stream;
	for (int i = 0; i< size+4; i++)
		stream << buf[i];

	nowstr = stream.str();
	data[nowind] = data[nowind] + nowstr;

	delete [] buf;

	// envir() << "after setSprop\n";
// my code end

void DummySink::afterGettingFrame(unsigned frameSize, unsigned numTruncatedBytes,
struct timeval presentationTime, unsigned /*durationInMicroseconds*/) {
	// We've just received a frame of data.  (Optionally) print out information about it:
	if (fStreamId != NULL) envir() << "Stream \"" << fStreamId << "\"; ";
	envir() << fSubsession.mediumName() << "/" << fSubsession.codecName() << ":\tReceived " << frameSize << " bytes";
	if (numTruncatedBytes > 0) envir() << " (with " << numTruncatedBytes << " bytes truncated)";
	char uSecsStr[6+1]; // used to output the 'microseconds' part of the presentation time
	sprintf(uSecsStr, "%06u", (unsigned)presentationTime.tv_usec);
	envir() << ".\tPresentation time: " << (int)presentationTime.tv_sec << "." << uSecsStr;
	if (fSubsession.rtpSource() != NULL && !fSubsession.rtpSource()->hasBeenSynchronizedUsingRTCP()) {
		envir() << "!"; // mark the debugging output to indicate that this presentation time is not RTCP-synchronized
	envir() << "\tNPT: " << fSubsession.getNormalPlayTime(presentationTime);
	envir() << "\n";

	// my code
	if (!strcmp("video", fSubsession.mediumName()) &&
		!strcmp("H264", fSubsession.codecName()))
		if (frameSize + 4 != 0)
			memcpy (fReceiveBufferadd4 + 4, fReceiveBuffer, frameSize);

			std::stringstream stream;
			for (int i = 0; i< frameSize+4; i++)
				stream << fReceiveBufferadd4[i];

			char name[256];
			sprintf(name, "%s", fStreamId);
			int strl = strlen(name);
			name[strl-1] = '\0';
			nowind = inds[name];

			nowstr = stream.str();
			data[nowind] = data[nowind] + nowstr;

		int height = fSubsession.videoHeight();
		int width = fSubsession.videoWidth();
	// ,y code end

	// Then continue, to request the next frame of data:

Boolean DummySink::continuePlaying() {
	if (fSource == NULL) return False; // sanity check (should not happen)

	// Request the next frame of data from our input source.  "afterGettingFrame()" will get called later, when it arrives:
	fSource->getNextFrame(fReceiveBuffer, DUMMY_SINK_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE,
		afterGettingFrame, this,
		onSourceClosure, this);
	return True;



void zjk::doEventLoopzjk(BasicTaskScheduler0* Basicscheduler) 
{ // Repeatedly loop, handling readble sockets and timed events:  
	while (isend) {
		//ADD Sth else



#include "call.h"

// my variable
extern vector<string> data;
extern map<string, int> inds;
extern int nowind;
extern string nowstr;

extern int duration;
extern bool isend;

#define RTSP_CLIENT_VERBOSITY_LEVEL 1 // by default, print verbose output from each "RTSPClient"

static unsigned rtspClientCount = 0; // Counts how many streams (i.e., "RTSPClient"s) are currently in use.

void openURL(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* progName, char const* rtspURL) {
	// Begin by creating a "RTSPClient" object.  Note that there is a separate "RTSPClient" object for each stream that we wish
	// to receive (even if more than stream uses the same "rtsp://" URL).
	RTSPClient* rtspClient = ourRTSPClient::createNew(env, rtspURL, RTSP_CLIENT_VERBOSITY_LEVEL, progName);
	if (rtspClient == NULL) {
		env << "Failed to create a RTSP client for URL \"" << rtspURL << "\": " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";


	string tmp = string(rtspClient->url());

	// Next, send a RTSP "DESCRIBE" command, to get a SDP description for the stream.
	// Note that this command - like all RTSP commands - is sent asynchronously; we do not block, waiting for a response.
	// Instead, the following function call returns immediately, and we handle the RTSP response later, from within the event loop:

// Implementation of the RTSP 'response handlers':

void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
	do {
		UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
		StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

		if (resultCode != 0) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to get a SDP description: " << resultString << "\n";
			delete[] resultString;

		char* const sdpDescription = resultString;
		env << *rtspClient << "Got a SDP description:\n" << sdpDescription << "\n";

		// Create a media session object from this SDP description:
		scs.session = MediaSession::createNew(env, sdpDescription);
		delete[] sdpDescription; // because we don't need it anymore
		if (scs.session == NULL) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to create a MediaSession object from the SDP description: " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";
		} else if (!scs.session->hasSubsessions()) {
			env << *rtspClient << "This session has no media subsessions (i.e., no \"m=\" lines)\n";

		// Then, create and set up our data source objects for the session.  We do this by iterating over the session's 'subsessions',
		// calling "MediaSubsession::initiate()", and then sending a RTSP "SETUP" command, on each one.
		// (Each 'subsession' will have its own data source.)
		scs.iter = new MediaSubsessionIterator(*scs.session);
	} while (0);

	// An unrecoverable error occurred with this stream.

// By default, we request that the server stream its data using RTP/UDP.
// If, instead, you want to request that the server stream via RTP-over-TCP, change the following to True:

void setupNextSubsession(RTSPClient* rtspClient) {
	UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
	StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

	scs.subsession = scs.iter->next();
	if (scs.subsession != NULL) {
		if (!scs.subsession->initiate()) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to initiate the \"" << *scs.subsession << "\" subsession: " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";
			setupNextSubsession(rtspClient); // give up on this subsession; go to the next one
		} else {
			env << *rtspClient << "Initiated the \"" << *scs.subsession << "\" subsession (";
			if (scs.subsession->rtcpIsMuxed()) {
				env << "client port " << scs.subsession->clientPortNum();
			} else {
				env << "client ports " << scs.subsession->clientPortNum() << "-" << scs.subsession->clientPortNum()+1;
			env << ")\n";

			// Continue setting up this subsession, by sending a RTSP "SETUP" command:
			rtspClient->sendSetupCommand(*scs.subsession, continueAfterSETUP, False, REQUEST_STREAMING_OVER_TCP);

	// We've finished setting up all of the subsessions.  Now, send a RTSP "PLAY" command to start the streaming:
	if (scs.session->absStartTime() != NULL) {
		// Special case: The stream is indexed by 'absolute' time, so send an appropriate "PLAY" command:
		rtspClient->sendPlayCommand(*scs.session, continueAfterPLAY, scs.session->absStartTime(), scs.session->absEndTime());
	} else {
		scs.duration = scs.session->playEndTime() - scs.session->playStartTime();
		rtspClient->sendPlayCommand(*scs.session, continueAfterPLAY);

void continueAfterSETUP(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
	do {
		UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
		StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

		if (resultCode != 0) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to set up the \"" << *scs.subsession << "\" subsession: " << resultString << "\n";

		env << *rtspClient << "Set up the \"" << *scs.subsession << "\" subsession (";
		if (scs.subsession->rtcpIsMuxed()) {
			env << "client port " << scs.subsession->clientPortNum();
		} else {
			env << "client ports " << scs.subsession->clientPortNum() << "-" << scs.subsession->clientPortNum()+1;
		env << ")\n";

		// mycode

		const char *sprop = scs.subsession->fmtp_spropparametersets();
		u_int8_t const* sps = NULL;
		unsigned spsSize = 0;
		u_int8_t const* pps = NULL;
		unsigned ppsSize = 0;

		if (sprop != NULL) {
			unsigned int numSPropRecords;
			SPropRecord* sPropRecords = parseSPropParameterSets(sprop, numSPropRecords);
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < numSPropRecords; ++i) {
				if (sPropRecords[i].sPropLength == 0) continue; // bad data
				u_int8_t nal_unit_type = (sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes[0])&0x1F;
				if (nal_unit_type == 7/*SPS*/) {
					sps = sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes;
					spsSize = sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;
				} else if (nal_unit_type == 8/*PPS*/) {
					pps = sPropRecords[i].sPropBytes;
					ppsSize = sPropRecords[i].sPropLength;

		// mycode end

		// Having successfully setup the subsession, create a data sink for it, and call "startPlaying()" on it.
		// (This will prepare the data sink to receive data; the actual flow of data from the client won't start happening until later,
		// after we've sent a RTSP "PLAY" command.)

		scs.subsession->sink = DummySink::createNew(env, *scs.subsession, rtspClient->url());
		// perhaps use your own custom "MediaSink" subclass instead
		if (scs.subsession->sink == NULL) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to create a data sink for the \"" << *scs.subsession
				<< "\" subsession: " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";

		env << *rtspClient << "Created a data sink for the \"" << *scs.subsession << "\" subsession\n";
		scs.subsession->miscPtr = rtspClient; // a hack to let subsession handler functions get the "RTSPClient" from the subsession 

		// mycode
		char name[256];
		sprintf(name, "%s", rtspClient->url());
		int strl = strlen(name);
		name[strl-1] = '\0';
		nowind = inds[name];

		if (sps != NULL) {

			((DummySink *)scs.subsession->sink)->setSprop(sps, spsSize);
		if (pps != NULL) {
			((DummySink *)scs.subsession->sink)->setSprop(pps, ppsSize);
		//mydode end

			subsessionAfterPlaying, scs.subsession);

		// Also set a handler to be called if a RTCP "BYE" arrives for this subsession:
		if (scs.subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
			scs.subsession->rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(subsessionByeHandler, scs.subsession);
	} while (0);
	delete[] resultString;

	// Set up the next subsession, if any:

void continueAfterPLAY(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString) {
	Boolean success = False;

	do { 
		UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
		StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

		if (resultCode != 0) {
			env << *rtspClient << "Failed to start playing session: " << resultString << "\n";

		// Set a timer to be handled at the end of the stream's expected duration (if the stream does not already signal its end
		// using a RTCP "BYE").  This is optional.  If, instead, you want to keep the stream active - e.g., so you can later
		// 'seek' back within it and do another RTSP "PLAY" - then you can omit this code.
		// (Alternatively, if you don't want to receive the entire stream, you could set this timer for some shorter value.)
		if (scs.duration > 0) {

			scs.duration = duration;

			unsigned const delaySlop = 0; // number of seconds extra to delay, after the stream's expected duration.  (This is optional.)
			scs.duration += delaySlop;
			unsigned uSecsToDelay = (unsigned)(scs.duration*1000000);
			scs.streamTimerTask = env.taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecsToDelay, (TaskFunc*)streamTimerHandler, rtspClient);

		env << *rtspClient << "Started playing session";
		if (scs.duration > 0) {
			env << " (for up to " << scs.duration << " seconds)";
		env << "...\n";

		success = True;
	} while (0);
	delete[] resultString;

	if (!success) {
		// An unrecoverable error occurred with this stream.

// Implementation of the other event handlers:

void subsessionAfterPlaying(void* clientData) {
	MediaSubsession* subsession = (MediaSubsession*)clientData;
	RTSPClient* rtspClient = (RTSPClient*)(subsession->miscPtr);

	// Begin by closing this subsession's stream:
	subsession->sink = NULL;

	// Next, check whether *all* subsessions' streams have now been closed:
	MediaSession& session = subsession->parentSession();
	MediaSubsessionIterator iter(session);
	while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
		if (subsession->sink != NULL) return; // this subsession is still active

	// All subsessions' streams have now been closed, so shutdown the client:

void subsessionByeHandler(void* clientData) {
	MediaSubsession* subsession = (MediaSubsession*)clientData;
	RTSPClient* rtspClient = (RTSPClient*)subsession->miscPtr;
	UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias

	env << *rtspClient << "Received RTCP \"BYE\" on \"" << *subsession << "\" subsession\n";

	// Now act as if the subsession had closed:

void streamTimerHandler(void* clientData) {
	ourRTSPClient* rtspClient = (ourRTSPClient*)clientData;
	StreamClientState& scs = rtspClient->scs; // alias

	scs.streamTimerTask = NULL;

	// Shut down the stream:

void shutdownStream(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int exitCode) {
	UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
	StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias

	// First, check whether any subsessions have still to be closed:
	if (scs.session != NULL) { 
		Boolean someSubsessionsWereActive = False;
		MediaSubsessionIterator iter(*scs.session);
		MediaSubsession* subsession;

		while ((subsession = iter.next()) != NULL) {
			if (subsession->sink != NULL) {
				subsession->sink = NULL;

				if (subsession->rtcpInstance() != NULL) {
					subsession->rtcpInstance()->setByeHandler(NULL, NULL); // in case the server sends a RTCP "BYE" while handling "TEARDOWN"

				someSubsessionsWereActive = True;

		if (someSubsessionsWereActive) {
			// Send a RTSP "TEARDOWN" command, to tell the server to shutdown the stream.
			// Don't bother handling the response to the "TEARDOWN".
			rtspClient->sendTeardownCommand(*scs.session, NULL);

	env << *rtspClient << "Closing the stream.\n";
	// Note that this will also cause this stream's "StreamClientState" structure to get reclaimed.

	if (--rtspClientCount == 0) {
		// The final stream has ended, so exit the application now.
		// (Of course, if you're embedding this code into your own application, you might want to comment this out,
		// and replace it with "eventLoopWatchVariable = 1;", so that we leave the LIVE555 event loop, and continue running "main()".)
		// exit(exitCode);
		isend = 0;
		// return;

// A function that outputs a string that identifies each stream (for debugging output).  Modify this if you wish:
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const RTSPClient& rtspClient) {
	return env << "[URL:\"" << rtspClient.url() << "\"]: ";

// A function that outputs a string that identifies each subsession (for debugging output).  Modify this if you wish:
UsageEnvironment& operator<<(UsageEnvironment& env, const MediaSubsession& subsession) {
	return env << subsession.mediumName() << "/" << subsession.codecName();


同時我用了map來正確處理不同的url資料。  另外我的url明明是*.mkv, 但是live555貌似會修改成*.mkv/, 所以我在用map的時候會把最後一個/去掉, 不知道是不是特例。


maincall.h, maincall.cpp

#include "call.h"

vector<string> maincall(vector<string> urls);
#include "maincall.h"

char eventLoopWatchVariable = 0;

// my variable
vector<string> data;
map<string, int> inds;
int nowind;
string nowstr;

int duration;
bool isend;

vector<string> maincall(vector<string> urls) {

	// Begin by setting up our usage environment:
	TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
	UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);

	// We need at least one "rtsp://" URL argument:
	if (argc < 2) {
	usage(*env, argv[0]);
	return 1;

	// There are argc-1 URLs: argv[1] through argv[argc-1].  Open and start streaming each one:
	for (int i = 1; i <= argc-1; ++i) {
	openURL(*env, argv[0], argv[i]);

	// mycode

	for (int i = 0; i< urls.size(); i++)
		string url = urls[i];
		openURL(*env, "play", url.c_str());

		nowind = data.size();
		nowstr = "";
		inds[url] = nowind;

	duration = 60;
	isend = 1;
	// mycode end

	// All subsequent activity takes place within the event loop:
	// env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(&eventLoopWatchVariable);
	// This function call does not return, unless, at some point in time, "eventLoopWatchVariable" gets set to something non-zero.
	zjk *z = new zjk();
	z->doEventLoopzjk((BasicTaskScheduler0 *)scheduler);

	vector<string> results;

	for (int i = 0; i< data.size(); i++)
		nowstr = data[i];

	env->reclaim(); env = NULL;
	delete scheduler; scheduler = NULL;

	return results;

	// If you choose to continue the application past this point (i.e., if you comment out the "return 0;" statement above),
	// and if you don't intend to do anything more with the "TaskScheduler" and "UsageEnvironment" objects,
	// then you can also reclaim the (small) memory used by these objects by uncommenting the following code:
	env->reclaim(); env = NULL;
	delete scheduler; scheduler = NULL;

這裡我設定duration為60s, 你可以改成你想要的值。

最後是main檔案, 一個純粹的呼叫輸出。

#include "maincall.h"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <vector>
#include <string>

int main()
	vector<string> urls;

	string a = "rtsp://";
	string b = "rtsp://";
	string c = "rtsp://";
	string d = "rtsp://";


	vector<string> results;
	results = maincall(urls);

	for (int i = 0; i< results.size(); i++)
		string str = results[i];
		int len = str.length();

		char name[256];
		sprintf(name, "%d.264", i+1);

		FILE *fp = fopen(name, "wb");
		fwrite(str.c_str(), len, 1, fp);
	return 0;











live555 客戶 接受rtsp 儲存 h264

rt, 這個是幫別人寫的一個專案。 主要流程就是通過 live555 接受rtsp資料。 這裡我寫成了一個c++ 介面, 可以接受若干urls, 同時每隔60s輸出這些urls的h264資料。 我照著testRTSPCLient寫的, 因為那個檔案太長了, 所以我給分開了

Live555 實時接收RTSP碼流儲存H264檔案

一、openRTSP 執行 ./openRTSP -f 25 -w 1280 -h 720 "rtsp://"   二、testRTSpClient  修改testRTSpClient.cpp

ffmpeg 實現RTSP/RTMP 從伺服器拉音視訊流,儲存h264和AAC

int my_av_bsf_filter(const AVBitStreamFilter *filter, AVPacket *pPacket, const AVCodecParameters *src) { int ret; AVBSFContext *ctx = NULL; if (!fi


aci line eight spl 9.png .cn mil clas wid 這是進行客戶端測試,發起為OLWasdfasdfasda sdsadf這是進行客戶端測試,發起為OLW


 1、建立TaskScheduler和BasicUsageEnvironment類; 2、命令列解析,獲取 流媒體地址和其他選項; 3、建立RTSPClient物件; 4、如果需要,RTSPClient物件傳送OPTIONS命


簡介 本文為一個簡單demo,測試live555作為RTSP的服務端,使用android自帶的VideoView播放RTSP視訊流。 客戶端 核心程式碼 private void playRtspStream(String rtspUr


JAVA呼叫SQL後臺儲存過程時,有時突然就變得很慢,在後臺直接執行儲存過程沒問題,但在前臺呼叫儲存過程時就是很慢,而且在前臺呼叫成功後,再次呼叫還是一樣的慢,但更新一下儲存過程再呼叫就很快了。但這始終不能徹底解決問題,過段時間又會出來同樣的問題。 解決辦法: 簡單

客戶收到一個視窗 0 的包怎麼處理

調整視窗大小: 當TCP堆 棧接收到資料的時候,生成一個確認資訊並以回覆的方式傳送,但是放置在接收端快取中的資料並不總是立即被處理。當伺服器忙於處理從多個客戶端接收的報文, 伺服器很有可能因為清理快取而變得緩慢,無法騰出空間接收新的資料,如果沒有流控,則可


網路上很多文章都是這樣配的: @Resource private WebServiceContext wscontext; public String getIP(){ MessageContext ctx = wscontext.getMessage


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>搜尋記錄歷史</title> <m

使用Struts 2將客戶JSON資料對映伺服器Java物件

上文()介紹瞭如何將Java物件序列化成JSON格式並傳到客戶端。這篇文章就說說如何將客戶端的JSON資料對映為伺服器端的Java物件。 pom.xml 需要引入struts2-json-plugin包。 <dependencies> <depen


調用 pcm 2個 h265 pri 源碼 返回 .cn memcpy 一、myRtspClient音頻解析架構 AudioTypeBase是處理解析各種編碼的音頻數據的接口類。處理MPA數據的MPEG_Audio類和處理g711-mulaw的PCMU_Audio類均從Au


因為專案原因需要在海思Hi3531平臺上實現RTSP客戶端,之前沒接觸過流媒體,作為小白,就記錄下學習過程吧。 客戶端和伺服器端均採用live555,之前嘗試過Darwin Stream Server作為伺服器,可以播放樣例視訊檔案,不能播放塞進去的H264檔案。是D

基於live555rtsp 客戶模組優化

該模組支援多路rtsp流,基於這個模組做了一個錄影服務 錄影服務需要穩定性比較好,在測試的過程中發現 執行幾個小時 1天 後 程式出現崩潰。 經過仔細排查 做了如下優化解決 更改 BasicUsageEnvironment 庫的 doeventloop函式 voi


  Live555不僅實現了RTSP伺服器端,還實現了RTSP客戶端,我們通過testRTSPClient.cpp這個程式來看一下,Live555的RTSP客戶端與伺服器端建立RTSP連線的過程。   首先來看一下main函式: 1 char eventLoopWatchVariable =


JPG和PNG的區別: PNG is a true color lossless format. In practice it can accomplish a compression on standard photos of a factor of 2-3


重啟 硬件 ima 上線 防火墻 選擇 查看 強制 管理器 問題:客戶新上了一臺華為USG系列防火墻,配置完成後發現自帶的有SSL V-P-N服務,隨機把該功能配置啟用作為外出員工查看公司部分資源的接入通道,上線運行幾個月一直使用正常。突然有一天客戶說有員工連不上,提示“接


關於RTSP怎麼握手,RTP包和H264的格式網上已經很多了,我就不贅述了。只說一下在做這個客戶端的時候遇到的問題。說明下,我的客戶端程式碼是從ffmpeg裡面提取出來的。 1、傳送PLAY命令後,服務端抓包顯示已經在發資料了,但是客戶端似乎沒收到資料。  經過仔細檢查後

windows10 配置 華vpn客戶

安裝客戶端 啟用 客戶 五步 安裝 資源管理器 網卡 cli windows 2017-05-08 1. 安裝客戶端軟件VPNClient_V100R001C02SPC703.exe 2. 新建vpn 安裝完成後,打開客戶端連接vpn,發現未啟用虛擬網卡(


內存泄露 rcp 分配內存 strcpy light cpp tac 第三方 _file__ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.