1. 程式人生 > >codeigniter Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

codeigniter Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php


A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: mkdir(): Invalid path
Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php
Line Number: 117


以ci 3.0為例:

將config配置檔案中 將sess_save_path改為如下

$config['sess_save_path'] = FCPATH.'/public/sess_save_path';


codeigniter Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

codeigniter Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php 原因不明,解決辦法: $config[‘sess_save_path’] = NULL; 改為 $confi

codeigniter Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

session報錯 A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Warning Message: mkdir(): Invalid path Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php Line Nu

CodeIgniter框架中 Nginx伺服器下去掉index.php


Selenium,解決Message: 'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH

images x86 解壓 files src cati ica sage 路徑 Windows系統解決辦法如下: Firefox: 1、下載geckodriver.exe:下載地址:https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releas

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at:

library error alt mac erro eve mis -s select 今天更新了一下mac系統,然後發現 idea的svn插件不能用了,有的報 有的報 is not under version 經查找需要做如下處理,打開終端,安裝

Invalid 'log4jConfigLocation' parameter: class path resource [log4j.xml] cannot be resolved to URL because it does not exist

cau 是否 大堆 class not tomcat cati gpo div 有一天手賤,無意間把eclipse中項目刪了,重新從svn上拉代碼,然後在導進eclipse,啟動Tomcat,報錯 Invalid ‘log4jConfigLocation‘ paramete

解決問題 xcrun: error: invalid active developer path

git comm 方法 run jin line cti dev div 文章轉載自 碼經筆記 [https://majing.io] https://majing.io/posts/10000002011165 升級到macOS High Sierra後,執行git

WebDriverException:Message:'geckodriver'executable needs to be in Path

執行 mes ble log ref web pat lease 第三方 geckodriver是一原生態的第三方瀏覽器,對於selenium3.x版本都會使用geckodriver來驅動firefox,所以需要下載geckodriver.exe,下載地址:https://

解決MAC下xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)的問題

log clas cti sin run select class 升級 invalid 將系統升級到了最新10.13.3 macOS High Sierra後,在使用ctags命令時會出現如下問題: xcrun: error: invalid active develo

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH.

ssa 新版 exec pip安裝 tab 網上 最新 重啟 AS 報這個錯查了一下解決方法: 1、使用pip安裝selenium,默認安裝最新版本,需要到官網上下載與系統相應的最新版本geckodriver:https://github.com/mozilla/gecko

Caused by: io.protostuff.ProtobufException: Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).

char ppr cau within num authent cor ping xxx [ERROR] com.xxxx.redis.RedisClientTemplate.getOject(RedisClientTemplate.java:60):http-bio-80

關於Selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Invalid locator strategy: css selector 的問題

nbsp 是否 ali 兼容 exception 問題 selenium cto 出現 在執行腳本時報Selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Invalid locator strategy: css

【Error】升級了Mojave後使用git遇到的報錯xcrun: error: invalid active developer path

升級了Mojave後使用git遇到的報錯: $ git status xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Dev

MacOS 升級後出現 xcrun: error: invalid active developer path, missing xcrun

升級macOS mojove,終端裡使用git的時候,彈出一行莫名其妙的錯誤: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /

springcloud的Turbine配置監控多個服務的一些坑!!!!InstanceMonitor$MisconfiguredHostException,No message available","path":"/actuator/hystrix.stre

踩了幾個小時坑,使用儀表盤監控單個服務的時候很容易,但是一到多個服務,瞬間坑就來了,大概碰到下面三個:   1InstanceMonitor$MisconfiguredHostException, No message available","path":"/actuator/hystrix.s

mac執行 git 時出現xcrun: error: invalid active developer path解決方法

mac執行git命令時候出現: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/Comman

MacOS:xcrun: error: invalid active developer path

mac下執行git操作或者make編譯時,可能會出現如下錯誤: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Deve

MacOS 更新後,出現xcrun: error: invalid active developer path解決方法

報錯: xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin

[問題] mac執行svn及PyCharm提交命令時出現xcrun: error: invalid active developer path解決方法

mac執行svn命令時候出現: MacBook-Pro-Nisj:~ nisj$ svn xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at:

【oracle報錯】ORA-29280: invalid directory path

資料庫版本:;系統版本:Oracle Linux 6.4 場景: 使用v_filehandle:=utl_file.fopen('/data','output_test.txt','w');開啟文字時報錯如下: ERROR at line 1: ORA-29280: inva