1. 程式人生 > >Ambari學習10_ambari安裝過程Registration with the server failed和[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

Ambari學習10_ambari安裝過程Registration with the server failed和[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try





('ERROR 2015-02-06 20:09:43,441 NetUtil.py:56 - [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:100AE081:elliptic curve routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:unknown group ERROR 2015-02-06 20:09:43,442 NetUtil.py:58 - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions. Refer to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022468 for more details. INFO 2015-02-06 20:09:43,442 NetUtil.py:81 - Server at https://Master.domain.dev:8440 is not reachable, sleeping for 10 seconds... INFO 2015-02-06 20:09:45,343 main.py:83 - loglevel=logging.INFO INFO 2015-02-06 20:09:45,343 main.py:55 - signal received, exiting. INFO 2015-02-06 20:09:45,343 ProcessHelper.py:39 - Removing pid file INFO 2015-02-06 20:09:45,344 ProcessHelper.py:46 - Removing temp files INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,815 main.py:83 - loglevel=logging.INFO INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,816 DataCleaner.py:36 - Data cleanup thread started INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,816 DataCleaner.py:71 - Data cleanup started INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,816 DataCleaner.py:73 - Data cleanup finished INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,973 PingPortListener.py:51 - Ping port listener started on port: 8670 INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,973 main.py:227 - Connecting to the server at: https://Master.domain.dev:8440 INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,974 NetUtil.py:72 - DEBUG: Trying to connect to the server at https://Master.domain.dev:8440 INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:19,974 NetUtil.py:42 - Connecting to the following url https://Master.domain.dev:8440/cert/ca ERROR 2015-02-06 20:10:20,023 NetUtil.py:56 - [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:100AE081:elliptic curve routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:unknown group ERROR 2015-02-06 20:10:20,023 NetUtil.py:58 - SSLError: Failed to connect. Please check openssl library versions. Refer to: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1022468 for more details. INFO 2015-02-06 20:10:20,023 NetUtil.py:81 - Server at https://Master.domain.dev:8440 is not reachable, sleeping for 10 seconds... ', None) Connection to Slave5.domain.dev closed. SSH command execution finished host=Slave5.domain.dev, exitcode=0 Command end time 2015-02-06 12:07:47 Registering with the server... Registration with the server failed.




  • RHEL / CentOS 6.5
  • Ambari 1.4 or later

Root Cause: The OpenSSL library available and installed by default on RHEL/CentOS 6.5 has a bug. Refer to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1025598 for detailed information on the bug.


  1. Check the OpenSSL library version installed on your host(s):
    rpm -qa | grep openssl
  2. If the output says openssl-1.0.1e-15.x86_64 (1.0.1 build 15) you will need to upgrade the OpenSSL library by running the following command:

    yum upgrade openssl

  3. Verify you have the newer version of OpenSSL (1.0.1 build 16):

    rpm -qa | grep openssl


  4. Restart Ambari Agent(s) and Click Retry Failed on the Wizard


在安裝到倒數第二步“Install, Start and Test”時,一直安裝不成功,提示

[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try



  1. yum clean all
  2. yum makecache


Ambari學習10_ambari安裝過程Registration with the server failed[Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

今天重新安裝ambari過程中,遇到了幾個問題,耗費了我很長時間,在此記錄一下 ambari重新安裝可參考我之前的一篇隨筆 http://www.cnblogs.com/6tian/p/4097401.html 遇到的問題一: 此問題是在安裝第二步,註冊主機時遇

使用yum安裝時failure: repodata/repomd.xml from local: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

出現這種問題大多數是yum倉庫沒有配置好的問題。 一、首先,先檢查能不能上網 ping www.baidu.com 如果沒有迴應的話,就是網路配置或者倉庫配置的問題的問題。如果有迴應那就是倉庫配置的問題。 1、有迴應 開啟這個檔案 [[email 

R第二問 CentOS6.5安裝 yum [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try

yum安裝  1、安裝epel yum源 (機器是CentOS6.5,選擇相應版本的epel源)     1)安裝     rpm -ivh http://mirror.utexas.edu/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

CentOS 7 mySQL安裝 [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

1.環境說明:MySql 5.6 2.問題說明:執行yum install mysql-community-server後出現如下錯誤: 3.解決辦法: 執行上圖中建議執行的命令:yum --enablerepo=mysql56-community clean metad

Centos7系統安裝yum遇到的問題failure: repodata/repomd.xml from base: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. http:


安裝軟體報錯No more mirrors to try.

Error downloading packages: gcc-4.8.5-28.el7_5.1.x86_64: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. 這個錯其實是網路不通。 (1)看ping是否通 比如 ping ba

虛擬機器執行yum install安裝包報錯:No more mirrors to try,提示某個包在yum不存在------解決辦法

第一種辦法: 執行yum clean all清除所有快取 執行yum list(本地yum源庫可能會報錯,需要重新配置本地yum源庫) 重新執行 yum install 包名  安裝成功 第二種辦法: rpm手動下載上傳安裝,這種方法需要考慮依賴

Ambari安裝----Confirm Hosts Registering with the server failed解決辦法

安裝Ambari到Confirm Hosts這步過不去了!點選紅色“Failed”,檢視詳細錯誤:==========================  Creating target directory...==========================  Comma


問題1:Confirm Hosts時,遇到Repository的問題 Error Summary ------------- Repository base is listed more than once in the configuration Repository updates


5.在安裝的時候遇到的問題 5.1使用ambari-server start的時候出現ERROR: Exiting with exit code -1. 5.1.1REASON: Ambari Server java process died with e

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