1. 程式人生 > >【bitset】C++方便快捷的位元位管理標準庫


0x00 前言




0x01 測試程式碼


#   Copyright (C) 2018 All rights reserved.
#   filename : test_bitset.cpp
#   author   : chendian / 
[email protected]
# date : 2018-08-08 # ==========================================================================*/
#include <bitset> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int initial(bool flag=false) { string
s = "00010111"; string t = "1111111100010111"; string r = "11101000"; bitset<8> z; // init with all-zero bitset<8> a(s); // init with string object bitset<8> b(23); // init with integer bitset<8> c(0x17); // init with hex bitset<8> d(t, 8, 8); // init with substring
bitset<8> e(string(r.rbegin(), r.rend())); // init with reversed string z[4] = z[2] = z[1] = z[0] = 1; // assignment if(flag) cout<<a<<endl<<b<<endl<<c<<endl<<d<<endl<<e<<endl<<z<<endl; // All above are the same. return 0; } int check(bitset<8> bs) { cout<<"this is: ["<<bs.to_ulong()<<"] " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; // bs.to_ullong() can only be used after c++11 cout<<"=================================="<<endl; cout<<"bitset size: "<<bs.size()<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"has value 1: "<<bs.any()<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"all value 0: "<<bs.none()<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"has 1 count: "<<bs.count()<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"pos[3] is 1: "<<bs.test(3)<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"pos[3] to 1: "<<bs.set(3)<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"pos[3] to 0: "<<bs.reset(3)<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"neg pos[3]: "<<bs.flip(3)<<"\t| " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; cout<<"=================================="<<endl; cout<<"this is: ["<<bs.to_ulong()<<"] " <<bs.to_string()<<endl; return 0; } int operators() { bitset<4> foo (string("1001")); bitset<4> bar (string("0011")); cout << (foo^=bar) << endl; // 1010 (XOR,assign) cout << (foo&=bar) << endl; // 0010 (AND,assign) cout << (foo|=bar) << endl; // 0011 (OR,assign) cout << (foo<<=2) << endl; // 1100 (SHL,assign) cout << (foo>>=1) << endl; // 0110 (SHR,assign) cout << (~bar) << endl; // 1100 (NOT) cout << (bar<<1) << endl; // 0110 (SHL) cout << (bar>>1) << endl; // 0001 (SHR) cout << (foo==bar) << endl; // false (0110==0011) cout << (foo!=bar) << endl; // true (0110!=0011) cout << (foo&bar) << endl; // 0010 cout << (foo|bar) << endl; // 0111 cout << (foo^bar) << endl; // 0101 return 0; } int usage() { // init with all zeros. string cname[6] = {"red", "yellow", "green", "blue", "white", "black"}; enum Color{red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, numColors}; bitset<numColors> usedColors; // something happens usedColors.set(red); usedColors.set(blue); cout << "bitfield of used colors: " << usedColors << endl; cout << "bitfield of unused colors: " << ~usedColors << endl; // process if any color is used if (usedColors.any()) { for (int c = 0; c < numColors; ++c) { if (usedColors[Color(c)]) cout<<cname[Color(c)]<<" is used"<<endl; else cout<<cname[Color(c)]<<" is not used"<<endl; } } } int main() { bitset<8> bs(23); initial(); check(bs); //operators(); usage(); return 0; }


this is: [23] 00010111
bitset size: 8  | 00010111
has value 1: 1  | 00010111
all value 0: 0  | 00010111
has 1 count: 4  | 00010111
pos[3] is 1: 0  | 00010111
pos[3] to 1: 00011111   | 00010111
pos[3] to 0: 00010111   | 00011111
neg pos[3]:  00011111   | 00010111
this is: [31] 00011111
bitfield of used colors: 001001
bitfield of unused colors: 110110
red is used
yellow is not used
green is not used
blue is used
white is not used
black is not used

0x02 Reference



0x00 前言 C++的STL向來是一個非常厲害且好用的東西, 提供了大量近乎優化到極致的解決方案,在日常程式設計或是競賽中, STL使用的嫻熟可以省去大量的時間和腦力得出非常優質的解法, 這回是我突然看見了bitset這個我不太常使用的類庫,用於狀態壓

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