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6 Practical Books for Beginning Machine Learning

There are a lot of good books on machine learning, but most people buy the wrong ones.

A question I get asked the most is what books should people buy to get stared in machine learning. My answer to beginners is: “don’t buy textbooks


In this post I want to point out a few key books that are aimed at beginners that you should buy (and read!) if you are just starting out.

I am not reviewing these books, if you want reviews, click a link and read the Amazon reviews. I will list a few reasons why I think each is a good book to pick up and read for a beginner.

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques

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I started with this book and it made a big impression on me back in the day.

  • Introduction to applied machine learning (forget the mention of data mining in the title).
  • Focus on the algorithms and on the process of applied machine learning.
  • 100 pages dedicated to the companion platform for applied machine learning called Weka.

If you want to focus on the process and use a mature graphical tool, I highly recommend this book.

Machine Learning an Algorithmic Perspective

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As the title suggests, this book focuses on machine learning algorithms.

  • Focus on machine learning algorithms
  • A little math with lots of examples in Python
  • Sharp focused chapters with references and further exercises

If you’re a programmer and into Python, I highly recommend picking up this book and getting stuck into each example.

Machine Learning in Action

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Another very hands on text with a strong focus on the algorithms.

  • Focus on machine learning algorithms
  • Worked examples in Python (NumPy)
  • Lots of exposition rather than math

There’s a lot of example code, large slabs of it in some places, so I’d suggest that you are competent in Python before giving it a look. 

Programming Collective Intelligence

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This is a very popular book targeted at beginners.

  • Worked examples in Python
  • Larger examples related to the web (rather than toy datasets)
  • Lots of exposition as well as exercises at the end of chapters

Out of the three python-centric books, I’d recommend this one. It is broader and more cohesive than the other two.

Machine Learning for Hackers

Amazon Image

Machine learning is more than just algorithms, there’s a lot of process and analysis work.

  • More time spent on process and analysis
  • Worked problems and examples in R
  • Includes an introduction to R

The data analysis example in the second chapter was amazing. It’s a rare example of how to think about and process a dataset BEFORE you throw algorithms at it. The book is worth it for this example alone.

Applied Predictive Modeling

Amazon Image

Another R book, this one assumes prior knowledge of R, and if you have it, this book is amazing.

  • Treatment on process, but focus on algorithms and their usage
  • Worked examples in R
  • Light on math

This is a big book, but I highly recommend it if you’re ready for it. I’d recommend Machine Learning for Hackers first to get you warmed up.

General Tips

Get the most out of each book you read. If you invested the money to buy it, then invest the time to read it slowly and truly learn something.

  • Pick one book and read it, cover-to-cover.
  • Read with intent, don’t scan.
  • Take notes.
  • Try the exercises, even if you just run the solutions.


6 Practical Books for Beginning Machine Learning

Tweet Share Share Google Plus There are a lot of good books on machine learning, but most people

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class 中一 技術分享 cnblogs 訓練數據 是否 多個 期望 部分 怎樣評價我們的學習算法得到的假設以及如何防止過擬合和欠擬合的問題。 當我們確定學習算法的參數時,我們考慮的是選擇參數來使訓練誤差最小化。有人認為,得到一個很小的訓練誤差一定是一件好事。但其實,僅

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交叉 來講 相對 同時 test 如果 開始 遞增 相互 算法正則化可以有效地防止過擬合, 但正則化跟算法的偏差和方差又有什麽關系呢?下面主要討論一下方差和偏差兩者之間是如何相互影響的、以及和算法的正則化之間的相互關系 假如我們要對高階的多項式進行擬合,為了防止過擬合現象

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繪制 學習曲線 pos 情況 但我 容量 繼續 並且 inf 繪制學習曲線非常有用,比如你想檢查你的學習算法,運行是否正常。或者你希望改進算法的表現或效果。那麽學習曲線就是一種很好的工具。學習曲線可以判斷某一個學習算法,是偏差、方差問題,或是二者皆有。 為了繪制一條學習曲

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ice 簡單 pos .com img 想要 技術 分割 就是 針對高偏差、高方差問題的解決方法: 1、解決高方差問題的方案:增大訓練樣本量、縮小特征量、增大lambda值 2、解決高偏差問題的方案:增大特征量、增加多項式特征(比如x1*x2,x1的平方等等)、減少la

【文獻閱讀】Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms

https://blog.csdn.net/u011995719/article/details/77834375         命名技巧:        

【原】Coursera—Andrew Ng機器學習—課程筆記 Lecture 10—Advice for applying machine learning

Lecture 10—Advice for applying machine learning   10.1 如何除錯一個機器學習演算法? 有多種方案: 1、獲得更多訓練資料;2、嘗試更少特徵;3、嘗試更多特徵;4、嘗試新增多項式特徵;5、減小 λ;6、增大 λ 為了避免一個方案一個方

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這一週的課程沒涉及什麼特別“硬”的知識,都是在說如何使學習演算法表現得更好,但是這些知識也很重要,有助於提高“軟”實力,特別是在除錯演算法的時候,尤其有幫助。 1. Learning Curve和Validation Curve 所謂的Learning Curv

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