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Native Mobile App Development

For native application, the developer uses a programming language and an integrated development environment designed specifically to produce applications for the platform.

There are currently two dominant native operating system platforms for mobile devices:

  • iOS from Apple
  • Android from Google

For iOS, the native programming languages are Objective-C and Swift, and the integrated development environment is called Xcode and is available only on Apple Mac computers.

For Android, the native language is a variant of Java specific to Android or Kotlin, and the main integrated development environment is called Android Studio, though there are also other possibilities including Eclipse. Android Studio is available for both Apple Mac computers and for Microsoft Windows based PCs.


Native Mobile App Development

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瞭解更多,可學習《React Native視訊教程》 ,或關注我的GitHub和加入: React Native學習交流群 用React Native開發好APP之後,如何將APP釋出以供使用者使用呢?一款APP的釋出流程無外乎:簽名打包—>釋出到各s

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