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Entity FrameWork樂觀併發模式

樂觀併發關係到樂觀的嘗試將entity儲存到資料庫時,希望entity資料在讀取之後,沒有被改變過。如果資料被改變過,將會丟擲一個異常,而你必須在嘗試再次儲存前解決這個衝突。本篇涵蓋了如何在EntityFrameWork中處理這樣的異常。本篇涉及的技術在對於使用Code First或是EF Desinger來建立模型時是同樣適用的






using (var context = new BloggingContext()) 
    var blog = context.Blogs.Find(1); 
    blog.Name = "The New ADO.NET Blog"
; bool saveFailed; do { saveFailed = false; try { context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) { saveFailed = true; // Update the values of the entity that failed to save from the store
ex.Entries.Single().Reload(); } } while (saveFailed); }


context.Database.SqlCommand("UPDATE dbo.Blogs SET Name = 'Another Name' WHERE BlogId = 1");




using (var context = new BloggingContext()) 
    var blog = context.Blogs.Find(1); 
    blog.Name = "The New ADO.NET Blog"; 

    bool saveFailed; 
        saveFailed = false; 
        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) 
            saveFailed = true; 

            // Update original values from the database 
            var entry = ex.Entries.Single(); 

    } while (saveFailed); 

Sometimes you may want to combine the values currently in the database with the values currently in the entity. This usually requires some custom logic or user interaction. For example, you might present a form to the user containing the current values, the values in the database, and a default set of resolved values. The user would then edit the resolved values as necessary and it would be these resolved values that get saved to the database. This can be done using the DbPropertyValues objects returned from CurrentValues and GetDatabaseValues on the entity’s entry. For example:



using (var context = new BloggingContext()) 
    var blog = context.Blogs.Find(1); 
    blog.Name = "The New ADO.NET Blog"; 

    bool saveFailed; 
        saveFailed = false; 
        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) 
            saveFailed = true; 

            // Get the current entity values and the values in the database 
            var entry = ex.Entries.Single(); 
            var currentValues = entry.CurrentValues; 
            var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); 

            // Choose an initial set of resolved values. In this case we 
            // make the default be the values currently in the database. 
            var resolvedValues = databaseValues.Clone(); 

            // Have the user choose what the resolved values should be 
            HaveUserResolveConcurrency(currentValues, databaseValues, resolvedValues); 

            // Update the original values with the database values and 
            // the current values with whatever the user choose. 
    } while (saveFailed); 

public void HaveUserResolveConcurrency(DbPropertyValues currentValues, 
                                       DbPropertyValues databaseValues, 
                                       DbPropertyValues resolvedValues) 
    // Show the current, database, and resolved values to the user and have 
    // them edit the resolved values to get the correct resolution. 


上述程式碼使用DbPropertyValues 例項來傳遞當前值,資料庫值,和最終值。更方便的方法是使用你的entity例項型別來完成。使用DbPropertyValues的ToObject和SetValues來完成,比如

using (var context = new BloggingContext()) 
    var blog = context.Blogs.Find(1); 
    blog.Name = "The New ADO.NET Blog"; 

    bool saveFailed; 
        saveFailed = false; 
        catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) 
            saveFailed = true; 

            // Get the current entity values and the values in the database 
            // as instances of the entity type 
            var entry = ex.Entries.Single(); 
            var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); 
            var databaseValuesAsBlog = (Blog)databaseValues.ToObject(); 

            // Choose an initial set of resolved values. In this case we 
            // make the default be the values currently in the database. 
            var resolvedValuesAsBlog = (Blog)databaseValues.ToObject(); 

            // Have the user choose what the resolved values should be 

            // Update the original values with the database values and 
            // the current values with whatever the user choose. 

    } while (saveFailed); 

public void HaveUserResolveConcurrency(Blog entity, 
                                       Blog databaseValues, 
                                       Blog resolvedValues) 
    // Show the current, database, and resolved values to the user and have 
    // them update the resolved values to get the correct resolution. 



Entity FrameWork樂觀併發模式


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