1. 程式人生 > >I've deleted my default VPC. How do I get it back?

I've deleted my default VPC. How do I get it back?

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I've deleted my default VPC. How do I get it back?

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

[iOS] How do I save user preferences for my iPhone app?

One of the easiest ways would be saving it in the NSUserDefaults: Setting: NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [userD

How do I delete my HN account and history?

Not that I particularly wish to at all...but, given recent issues across social networks...I would like to know what steps it would take to remove my ident

Ask HN: My school makes us use Chrome, how do I mitigate privacy loss?

My high school (Lewiston High School, 04240) makes us use Google Chromebooks and unfortunately Chrome just auto-updated to 69. We /have/ to use Chrome and

How do I measure my advertising funnel? Documentation

However, it’s surprisingly hard to answer questions about the ROI of your ad campaigns, and many technical marketers aren’t able to dig into the numbers wi

How do I find out my usage data? Documentation

If you have questions about your data usage or how it relates to your bill, we recommend logging into your Segment workspace, clicking on the top left arro

How do I find my source slug? Documentation

Your source slug can be found in the URL when you’re looking at the source destinations page or live debugger. The URL structure will look like this:If you

How do I find my write key? Documentation

The write key is a unique identifier for your Source. It lets Segment know which Source is sending the data and therefore which destinations should receive

How do I measure the ROI of my Marketing Campaigns? Documentation

The purpose of marketing campaigns is to drive traffic to your store front. But how do you know which campaigns yield the most conversions or what channel

How do I pause my game?

Object[] objects =FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject));foreach(GameObject go in objects){         go.SendMessage("OnPauseGame",SendMessag

How do I find what queries were executing in a SQL memory dump?-----stack

been sea under lba bject ecif tool data- mil https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/askjay/2010/10/03/how-do-i-find-what-queries-were-execu

ubuntu How do I configure proxies without GUI?

cli pri art lar open config user settings 修改 想法: 我的想法是想是一臺國內的 ubuntu 雲主機可以通過另外一臺在國外(新加坡)的服務器 ,來實現可以訪問 google ,哈哈,比較好查資料:) 下面的做法 去修改 /et

How do I clone a generic list in C#?

code sele listt list ati class ocl list() () static class Extensions { public static IList<T> Clone<T>(this IList<T>

how do I access the EC Embedded Controller firmware level with wmi win32?

Imports System Imports System.Management Imports System.Windows.Forms Namespace WMISample Public Class MyWMIQuery Public Overloads Shar

How do I add a Foreign Key Field to a ModelForm in Django?

What I would like to do is to display a single form that lets the user: Enter a document title (from Document model

Dlib how do I save image

解決c++ - In Dlib how do I save image with overlay?   推薦:how to save a c++ object in java object and use it http://blog.csdn.net/luoshen

How do I interpret scsi status messages in RHEL like "sd 2:0:0:243: SCSI error: return code = 0x0800

Issue What does "return code = 0xNNNNNNNN" mean, for example 0x08000002 within the following: Raw Oct 23 14:56:25 uname kernel: sdas: C

【轉】How do I set the real time scheduling priority of a process?

In the event that a process is not achieving the desired performance performance benchmarks, it can be helpful to set CPU affinity, real

How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio?

我有一個資料夾,裡的圖檔是 96×96, 我希望在這一個資料夾下的檔案被異動時,會自動產生縮圖(64×64)到其他的資料夾下。 PIL 是 Python 下最有名的影像處理套件。 這個套件,似乎在升級改版本,把一些比較少人用的屬性或方法在新版本裡拿掉,新版本也加入了更多新的功能。一般人應該都只會使用基本

Dissecting the Disruptor: How do I read from the ring buffer?

作者:Trisha The next in the series of understanding the Disruptor pattern developed at LMAX. After the last post we all understand ring buffers and