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Tutorial: Build a .NET Bot with AWS

The .NET core chatbot application code allows you to order flowers using a Chatbot powered by Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Cognito Identity. This application can be deployed from AWS CodeCommit or GitHub to a CI/CD pipeline using AWS Developer Tools like AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy.

The chatbot uses Amazon Lex to build a text based conversational interface for a web application. AWS Lambda is used as code hooks for this bot to validate user responses. You can also create AWS Lambda functions to perform initialization and fulfillment, or both, in your Lex intent configuration. A blueprint for this Lex bot will be provided and preconfigured for you in Module 2.

The chatbot uses Amazon Cognito Identity to control user access to the AWS resources supporting your chatbot. The bot is deployed on Amazon EC2 running Windows or Linux using AWS Developer Tools for Continuous Integration and Delivery.

To start using the bot, a user would simply type "I want to order flowers," "order flowers," or something similar. The user can then chose the desired flower type, the date, and time of pickup.


Tutorial: Build a .NET Bot with AWS

The .NET core chatbot application code allows you to order flowers using a Chatbot powered by Amazon Lex, AWS Lambda, and Amazon Cognito Identi

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