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Understand the Account Options for AWS Educate

When you fill out your AWS Educate application, you choose an AWS account that you've already successfully created and activated, or create an AWS Educate Starter Account.

Using your own AWS account with AWS Educate

AWS accounts are managed by Amazon Web Services and require a credit card, but you're free to use any AWS services, and resources on your account persist after your AWS Educate credits are exhausted.

To use your own AWS account with AWS Educate:

  1. Sign in to your AWS account, and then take note of your 12-digit account ID on the page.
  2. Visit Apply for AWS Educate, and then follow the on-screen instructions to apply. Provide your 12-digit account ID when prompted.
  3. Choose Next.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your email address, and then choose Next.
  5. Read the AWS Educate Student Site Terms and Conditions, determine whether you're eligible and you accept the terms, and then choose Submit to accept the terms. (If you're ineligible for the program or don't want to accept the terms, don't choose Submit
    , and don't move forward with the application.)

Your welcome email and AWS Educate promotional credit will arrive within 48 hours. Redeem the credit code on the page of your AWS account.

The AWS promotional credits are applied to applicable services until the credit is exhausted or expires. You receive new credits by email every 12 months until you graduate or are no longer eligible for AWS Educate.

Using AWS Educate Starter Accounts

AWS Educate Starter Accounts are managed by a third party (qwikLABs), and are subject to a separate agreement between you and qwikLABs under separate terms and conditions.

You don't need a credit card to use a Starter Account, because free AWS Educate credits are already available on the account. However, when you exhaust the balance on the account, the account is closed, and any running services or other resources on the account are lost.

Note: Starter Accounts can use only some AWS services.

To create a Starter Account:

  1. Visit Apply for AWS Educate, and then follow the on-screen instructions to apply. When prompted, choose Click here to select an AWS Educate Starter Account.
  2. Read any applicable qwikLABs terms and conditions governing the Starter Account, determine whether you're eligible and you accept the terms, and then choose Submit to accept the terms.
    Note: If you're ineligible for the account or don't want to accept the terms, don't choose Submit, and don't move forward with account creation.
  3. Check for an email from AWS Activate. This email includes a link to set a password and enable access to your Starter Account.
  4. Choose Start Lab, and then choose Go to Console.
  5. When you finish working with your Starter Account, close your browser tab.
    Important: If you choose End Lab, you will lose access to your Starter Account. Don't choose End Lab unless you no longer want to use your Starter Account.

Account credit is automatically added to your Starter Account once every 12 months from the date your application is approved until you graduate or are no longer eligible for AWS Educate.


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