1. 程式人生 > >統計訊號分析與處理 2016 大作業選題

統計訊號分析與處理 2016 大作業選題

[1] iterative convex refinement for sparse recovery
[2] optimal noise benefits in neyman-pearson and inequality-constrained statistical signal detection
[3] separating function estimation tests a new perspective on binary composite hypothesis testing
[4] speech enhancement with nonstationary acoustic noise detection in time domain
[5] optimaldistributedminimum-variancebeamforming approaches for speech enhancement in wireless acoustic sensor networks
[6] state of the art in statistical methods for language and speech processing
[7] quadratically constrained minimum dispersion beamforming for non-gaussian signals via gradient projection
[8] a hybrid technique for blind separation of non-gaussian and time-correlated sources using a multicomponent approach
[9] speaker recognition by machines and humans_ a tutorial review

[10] randomized sensor selection in sequential hypothesis testing
[11] interference-plus-noise covariance matrix reconstruction via spatial power spectrum sampling for robust adaptive beamforming
[12] tensor decompositions for signal processing applications
[13] threshold setting for adaptive matched filter and adaptive coherence estimator
[14] robust adaptive beamforming based on interference covariance matrix reconstruction and steering vector estimation
[15] acoustic recognition of multiple bird species based on penalized maximum likelihood
[16] toward discovery of the artist's style_ learning to recognize artists by their artworks
[17] sequential bayesian sparse signal reconstruction using array data
[18] iterative robust minimum variance beamforming
[19] a rank-one tensor updating algorithm for tensor completion

[20] k-svd an algorithm for designing overcomplete dictionaries for sparse representation
[21] a new parametric glrt for multichannel adaptive signal detection
[22] norm constrained capon beamforming using multi-rank signal models with kalman filter implementation
[23] maximally robust capon beamformer
[24] rank-constrained separable semidefinite programming with applications to optimal beamforming
[25] robust adaptive beamforming based on steering vector estimation with as little as possible prior information
[26] fast signal separation of 2-d sparse mixture via approximate message-passing
[27] doubly constrained robust capon beamformer with ellipsoidal uncertainty sets
[28] optimal widely linear mvdr beamforming for noncircular signals
[29] optimizing speech intelligibility in a noisy environment_ a unified view

[30] supervised monaural speech enhancement using complementary joint sparse representations
[31] acoustic scene classification_ classifying environments from the sounds they produce
[32] new conditional posterior cramér-rao lower bounds for nonlinear sequential bayesian estimation
[33] on the invariance, coincidence, and statistical equivalence of the glrt, rao test, and wald test
[34] linking speech enhancement and error concealment based on recursive mmse estimation
[35] sequential detection with mutual information stopping cost
[36] dictionary learning for blind one bit compressed sensing
[37] robust adaptive beamforming for general rank signal model with positive semidefinite constraint via potdc
[38] generalized iterated kalman filter and its performance evaluation
[39] decision fusion for image quality assessment using an optimization approach

[40] distributed compressed sensing off the grid
[41] distributed detection over channels with memory
[42] generalized nested sampling for compressing low rank toeplitz matrices
[43] a new robust estimation method for arma models
[44] sensitivity analysis of likelihood ratio test in  distributed and or gaussian noise
[45] joint learning of multiple regressors for single image super-resolution
[46] minimum dispersion beamforming for non-gaussian signals
[47] performance analysis of spatial smoothing schemes in the context of large arrays
[48] a repeated significance test with applications to sequential detection in sensor networks
[49] robust adaptive beamforming in partly calibrated sparse sensor arrays

[50] adaptive detection and estimation in the presence of useful signal and interference mismatches
[51] on low complexity robust beamforming with positive semidefinite constraints
[52] widely linear mvdr beamformers for the reception of an unknown signal corrupted by noncircular interferences
[53] a simple sampler for the horseshoe estimator
[54] adaptive detection of a partly known signal corrupted by strong interference
[55] optimal adaptive waveform design for cognitive mimo radar
[56] adaptive widely linear reduced-rank interference suppression based on the multistage wiener filter
[57] compositional models for audio processing_uncovering the structure of sound mixtures
[58] maximum likelihood acoustic factor analysis models for robust speaker verification in noise
[59] effective binaural multi-channel processing algorithm for improved environmental presence

[60] beamforming via nonconvex linear regression
[61] robust adaptive beamforming using multidimensional covariance fitting
[62] cfar detection strategies for distributed targets under conic constraints
[63] on the computational intractability of exact and approximate dictionary learning
[64] countering radio frequency interference in single-sensor quadrupole resonance
[65] parametric spatial sound processing_ a flexible and efficient solution to sound scene acquisition, modification, and reproduction
[66] sparse inverse covariance estimation
[67] opportunistic beamforming with wireless powered 1-bit feedback through rectenna array
[68] maximum likelihood estimation from uncertain data in the belief function framework
[69] robust sparse blind source separation

[70] adaptive uncertainty based iterative robust capon beamformer using steering vector mismatch estimation
[71] non-parametric detection of the number of signals hypothesis testing and random matrix theory
[72] fast sparse period estimation
[73] robust adaptive beamforming using a low-complexity shrinkage-based mismatch estimation algorithm
[74] a compressed sensing approach to blind separation of speech mixture
[75] eigenvalue beamforming using a multirank mvdr beamformer and subspace selection


統計訊號分析處理 2016 作業選題

[1] iterative convex refinement for sparse recovery [2] optimal noise benefits in neyman-pearson and inequality-constrained statistical signal detection [3


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六、Kafka 用戶日誌上報實時統計分析設計

包含 示例 結果 *** 進行 初步 ons 用戶 1.4 一、項目整體概述 簡述項目的背景 背景:用戶行跡企業運營 分析項目的目的 通過對項目的分析,可以初步得到以下目的: •實時掌握用戶動態 &bul

資料分析處理 -- Leveldb 實現原理

LevelDb日知錄之一:LevelDb 101   說起LevelDb也許您不清楚,但是如果作為IT工程師,不知道下面兩位大神級別的工程師,那您的領導估計會Hold不住了:Jeff Dean和Sanjay Ghemawat。這兩位是Google公司重量級的工程師,為數甚少的Google Fel


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摘要 MPU6050是一種非常流行的空間運動感測器晶片,可以獲取器件當前的三個加速度分量和三個旋轉角速度。由於其體積小巧,功能強大,精度較高,不僅被廣泛應用於工業,同時也是航模愛好者的神器,被安裝在各類飛行器上馳騁藍天。 隨著Arduino開發板的普及,許多朋友希望能夠自己製作基於M

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計算機軟體與理論 專業 題一 一、設計目的 1.掌握各種排序的基本思想。 2.掌握各種排序方法的演算法實現。 3.掌握各種排序方法的優劣分析及花費的時間的計算。 4.掌握各種排序方法所適應的不同場合。 二、設計內容和要求 利用隨機函式產生3000個隨機整數,利用選擇排序、起


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[轉]資料分析處理之二:Leveldb 實現原理

鄭重宣告:本篇部落格是自己學習 Leveldb 實現原理時參考了郎格科技系列部落格整理的,原文地址:LevelDb日知錄之一:LevelDb 101  說起LevelDb也許您不清楚,但是如果作為IT工程師,不知道下面兩位大神級別的工程師,那您的領導估計會Hold不住了:Je