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AWS SDK for Python

Up-to-date and Consistent Interface

Boto3's 'client' and 'resource' interfaces have dynamically generated classes driven by JSON models that describe AWS APIs. This allows us to provide very fast updates with strong consistency across all supported services.

Support for Python 2 and 3

Boto3 was written from the ground up to provide native support in Python versions 2.6.5+, 2.7 and 3.3+.


Boto3 comes with 'waiters', which automatically poll for pre-defined status changes in AWS resources. For example, you can start an Amazon EC2 instance and use a waiter to wait until it reaches the 'running' state, or you can create a new Amazon DynamoDB table and wait until it is available to use. Boto3 has waiters for both

client and resource APIs.

Service-specific High-level Features

Boto3 comes with many features that are service-specific, such as automatic multi-part transfers for Amazon S3 and simplified query conditions for Amazon DynamoDB.


AWS SDK for Python

Up-to-date and Consistent Interface Boto3's 'client' and 'resource' interfaces have dynamically generated classes driven by JSON mod

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