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Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS

The Quick Start includes a 90-day free evaluation of PCF on AWS. You can use the trial version to independently evaluate the platform and its capabilities, or contact Pivotal for a proof of concept installation.

During the Quick Start deployment, you will need to accept the PCF End User License Agreement (EULA). You must also supply a

Pivotal Network API token.

This Quick Start deploys a recent major version of PCF by default. However, there could be a delay before a new PCF version published in the Pivotal Network becomes available in the Quick Start.

You are responsible for the cost of the AWS infrastructure, storage, and data services used while running this Quick Start reference deployment. There is no additional cost for using the Quick Start. The AWS CloudFormation template for this Quick Start includes configuration parameters for PCF. Some of these settings, such as the deployment size, will affect the cost of deployment.


Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AWS

The Quick Start includes a 90-day free evaluation of PCF on AWS. You can use the trial version to independently evaluate the platform and its

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DevOps on AWS之Cloudformation實踐篇

cloudformation入門實踐 AWS cloudformation通過模板對AWS雲資源進行編排和呼叫。並且可以通過模板程式碼層面的修改就可以對現有環境進行升級改造,雲端業務的靈活便捷特點展現無疑。下面我們通過一個入門級的簡單動手案例給大家展示cloudformation是如何使用的。希望大家也動手