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On-demand, Auto-scaling Relational Database

You are running a news website using an Aurora Serverless database with a storage size of 80 GB. While there is light load on the site most of the time, there are peaks of activity in the morning or as news stories break. For example, there is a period of 1 hour, 10 minutes and 15 seconds in the morning where the database scales to 4 ACUs and a period of 40 minutes and 34 seconds after a breaking news story where the database is scaled up to 8 ACUs. The remainder of the day (22 hours, 12 minutes, and 46 seconds), the database runs at a capacity of 2 ACUs. In total, you also used 90,000 I/O operations during the day.

You will be billed for the following usage during this period:


On-demand, Auto-scaling Relational Database

You are running a news website using an Aurora Serverless database with a storage size of 80 GB. While there is light load on the site most of th

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