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Amazon RDS SQL Server Storage Optimization

Free space in the transaction logs is expected, but you can de-allocate excessive free space by following the instructions at DBCC SHRINKFILE (Transact-SQL).

You can reduce the excessive allocation of free space for transaction logs by using ALTER DATABASE File and Filegroup Options (Transact-SQL)

to configure the auto-growth settings for the database.

Temporary database (tempdb)

The SQL Server tempdb grows automatically. If the tempdb is consuming a large amount of available storage, you can shrink it by following the instructions at Shrinking the tempdb Database.

Database indexes

When a significant portion of available storage is dedicated to indexes, you might be able to conserve some space through index tuning. You can gather detailed information about index usage by running the sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats (Transact-SQL) dynamic management view, which can help you evaluate tuning priorities.


Amazon RDS SQL Server Storage Optimization

Free space in the transaction logs is expected, but you can de-allocate excessive free space by following the instructions at DBCC SHRINKFILE (

Amazon RDS SQL Server資料庫託管_關係型資料庫服務

Amazon RDS for SQL Server 支援“附帶許可證”授權模式。您不需要單獨購買 Microsoft SQL Server 許可證。“附帶許可”定價中包含軟體、底層硬體資源,以及 Amazon RDS 管理功能。 您可以利用按小時計費的優勢,即無

Amazon RDS SQL Server詳細資訊_開源關係資料庫

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Amazon RDS MySQL Server Activity

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Amazon RDS Out of Storage

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Amazon RDS MySQL Server Gone Away

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Change the Compatibility Level of Your RDS SQL Server Instance

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

RDS-SQL SERVER使用者控制檯監控資訊詳解

RDS-SQL SERVER使用者控制檯監控資訊詳解 一. 工具 Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 提供了一些工具來監控資料庫。方法之一是動態管理檢視。動態管理檢視 (DMV)返回的伺服器狀態資訊可用於監控伺服器例項的執行狀況、診斷問題和優化效能。

【故障公告】升級阿里雲 RDS SQL Server 例項故障經過

昨天晚上,我們使用的阿里雲 RDS SQL Server 2008 R2 例項突然出現持續 CPU 100% 問題,後來我們通過重啟例項恢復了正常(詳見故障公告)。但是在恢復正常後發現了新問題,這臺 RDS 例項 IOPS 不夠用,必須要進行升級,而且當時過了 0 點也是升級的好時間,再加上我們對升級到更

【故障公告】阿里雲 RDS SQL Server 資料庫例項 CPU 100% 引發全站故障

非常抱歉,今天 8:48 開始,我們使用的阿里雲 RDS SQL Server 資料庫例項突然出現 CPU 100%  問題,引發全站故障,由此給您帶來麻煩,請您諒解。 發現故障後立即進行主備切換,和往常一樣,第1次主備切換失敗,第2次主備切換完成後恢復正常。 上次同樣故障發生在2020年11月

Side Traces in Amazon RDS for SQL Server

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Amazon RDS MySQL Storage Optimization

Note: The total storage used by an individual database and table can't be calculated if the database includes tables with variable-length colum

Amazon RDS Oracle Storage Optimization

3.    If killing sessions is not an option, consider other steps, such as creating another default temp2 tablespace, dropping the original temp

Amazon RDS for SQL Server Customers

Unilever is a global consumer goods corporation with a presence in more than 190 countries. Unilever previously used on-premises data centers to h

Amazon RDS for SQL Server Pricing

As with On-Demand DB Instances under the "License Included" service model, you do not need separately purchased SQL Server licenses for Reserved

Amazon RDS for SQL Server 定價

與“附帶許可”服務模型中的按需資料庫例項一樣,您無需為預留例項單獨購買 SQL Server 許可。 藉助 Amazon RDS 預留例項,您可以將資料庫例項預留一年或三年,並藉此獲得與按需例項定價相比而言更大的折扣。RI 有三種付款選項(不預付、部分預付、全額預

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