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AWS Global Summits 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are held in major cities around the world, and attract technologists from all industries and skill levels who want to discover how AWS can help them innovate quickly and deliver flexible, reliable solutions at scale.

When attending an AWS Summit, you will hear from AWS Leaders, Experts, Partners, and Customers. Learn by attending technical breakout sessions, demonstrations, hands-on workshops, labs, and team challenges. Network with AWS Partners and your peers in our Partner and Solutions Expo.


AWS Global Summits 2018

AWS Global Summits are free events that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn about AWS. Summits are hel

AWS Public Sector Summits 2018

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

AWS Summits 2018

Join the AWS Summit in London and learn how the cloud is accelerating innovation in businesses of all sizes. During this free event you wi

PCB 所建不凡 AWS 技術峰會2018 ? 深圳站 2018.9.20

不可 相同 小時 例子 定性 硬件 認知 統一 安裝 在去【AWS 技術峰會2018 ? 深圳站】之提前並沒有AWS提前做功課,主要PCB這行業基本自己搭服務器搭應用,不會買雲服務器。由於沒用過企業級的雲服務器,對雲這方面還是了解還是非常有限的。 市面上的雲服務廠家(阿裏雲

【容器魔方解讀】AWS Re:Invent 2018大會

每年雲端計算領域技術與商業風向標之一的AWS Re:Invent大會上週在美國拉斯×××召開,如往屆一樣,AWS密集釋出了上百項的新產品或新技術。隨著國內近兩年雲端計算尤其是公有云的普及度越來越高,國內各技術媒體和開發者對AWS Re:Invent高度關注,很多資訊幾乎是與美國無時差地傳遞到國內。前期容器魔方

一篇文章帶你看懂AWS re:Invent 2018大會,揭祕Amazon Aurora

本文由雲+社群發表 | 本文作者: 劉峰,騰訊雲NewSQL資料庫產品負責人。曾職於聯想研究院,Teradata北京研發中心,從事資料庫相關工作8年。2017年加入騰訊資料庫產品中心,擔任NewSQL資料庫產品負責人。 雲資料庫與傳統資料庫的戰爭已打響,一個字概括就是“搶”。 如火如茶的 AWS re

一篇文章帶你看懂AWS re:Invent 2018大會,揭秘Amazon Aurora

2018年 保健 god 發揮 監控服務 insight 遊戲機 pci 雲計算 本文由雲+社區發表 | 本文作者: 劉峰,騰訊雲NewSQL數據庫產品負責人。曾職於聯想研究院,Teradata北京研發中心,從事數據庫相關工作8年。2017年加入騰訊數據庫產品中心,擔任Ne

Summit Symposium InterSystems Global Summit 2018 | AITopics

Very soon, almost every product and application will include artificial intelligence. Come listen, discuss, and share! The Artificial Intelligence and Mach

Guest Speakers at Global Summit 2018 InterSystems

Gil Weinberg, Ph.D. is a professor in Georgia Tech's School of Music and the founding director of the Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology, where he le

AWS Global Transit Network

Q: What is a transit VPC? A transit VPC is a common strategy for connecting multiple, geographically disperse VP

[Updated Nov 21] Media & Entertainment Guide to AWS re:Invent 2018

From November 26 through November 30, over 50,000 attendees will spread out across  on the Las Vegas Strip, which promises to make re:Inv

AWS re:Invent 2018 기조 연설 온라인 생중계 및 세미나 안내

2018년 11월 26일부터 29일까지(미국 태평양 시간)  미국 라스베가스에서 개최하는 AWS re:Invent 행사는 전 세계 최대 클라우드 컴퓨팅 컨퍼런스입니다. 클라우드 기술의 미래를 보여 줄 수 있는 새로운 아마존웹서비스의 서비스와 기능이 발표되고 개발

AWS re:Invent 2018 即將到來 – 您準備好了嗎?

在我寫這篇文章的時候,距離 re:Invent 2018 大會還剩 133 天。我們活動團隊的所有同事都在全力以赴,確保我們的客戶在拉斯維加斯獲得最棒體驗。與他們會過面後,我決定寫這篇文章,幫助您更好地瞭解我們提供的資源、值得期待的內容,並讓您有時間制定計劃和做好準備。 應對

我們最新的幾位 AWS 社群英雄 (2018 年春季版)

AWS 社群英雄計劃有助於聚焦全球各地的明星式 AWS 開發人員正在開展的一些創新工作。 這些英雄不僅具備紮實的雲專業知識,還熱衷於社群構建和教育,願意花時間通過社交媒體和個人活動來分享他們的知識。此外,他們還積極幫助推廣聚會、研討會和會議中的內容。 今年三月,我們很高興請到



AWS Global Accelerator to boost performance across regions

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has lifted the lid off a handful of products and services ahead of its annual re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, announcing on Mo

登上雲端 重在安全—安華雲安全亮相2018 AWS技術峰會

roc 幫助 規劃 系統架構 afa RoCE 二維碼 log 健康 6月29日,AWS技術峰會2018上海站在世博中心順利舉行。作為雲屆的超級盛會,來自全國各地超過6000名的雲計算領域專家、企業代表、雲計算從業人員、技術發燒友和參觀者匯聚一堂,探討雲計算領域最新技術和產