1. 程式人生 > >Migrate a MySQL Instance to Aurora using S3

Migrate a MySQL Instance to Aurora using S3

Upload your backup to an S3 bucket

1.    Create an S3 bucket. For detailed instructions, see Create a Bucket.
Note: Your bucket must be in the same region as your EC2 instance and your new Amazon Aurora cluster.

2.    Choose the bucket you created, and then choose Create Folder


3.    Choose the folder, and choose Upload.

4.    Upload the files, set the permissions, set the properties, and then choose Upload.

Import your database from Amazon S3 to Aurora

1.    Open the AWS RDS console, and choose Dashboard in the navigation pane.

2.    Choose Restore Aurora DB Cluster from S3.

3.    Enter the Source Engine Version you noted earlier.

4.    From the S3 Backup Location drop-down menu, select the S3 bucket you created and enter your S3 Bucket Prefix.

Note: Don't use leading or trailing slashes ("/") when entering the bucket name in the S3 Bucket Prefix


5.    Create an IAM role to give the RDS service permission to access the S3 bucket and choose Next Step.

6.    Specify your DB details and choose Next Step.

7.    Configure your Advanced Settings and Database Options, and enter the IAM role you created for the DB Cluster Identifier.

8.    Choose Launch DB Instance.

9.    After the cluster is available, choose View Your DB Instances to confirm the Aurora instance was created successfully.


Migrate a MySQL Instance to Aurora using S3

Upload your backup to an S3 bucket 1.    Create an S3 bucket. For detailed instructions, see Create a Bucket. Note: Your bucket must

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