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Effective Use ofWord Order for Text Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks(閱讀理解)




As a running toy example, suppose that vocabulary V = {“don’t”, “hate”, “I”, “it”, “love” } and we associate the words with dimensions of vector in alphabetical order (as shown), and that document D=“I love it”. Then, we have a document vector:

x = [ 0 0 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 1 0 ]


對於I love 和 love it進行編碼,我們可以看到,按照詞表的順序


bow-CNN for text





Effective Use ofWord Order for Text Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks閱讀理解

一篇公開在2014年的文章,從現在的角度來看這篇文章的話,我們發現作者提出的方法很難算是主流方法,但在當時也有一定的啟發意義。這裡我們就簡單介紹一下這篇文章。本文提出了將CNN直接應用於高維度的文字資料上,為我們提供了兩者CNN網路Seq-CNNAs a running to

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