1. 程式人生 > >系統技術非業餘研究 » gen_tcp如何限制封包大小

系統技術非業餘研究 » gen_tcp如何限制封包大小


1. {active, false} 封包透過gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Length) -> {ok, Packet} | {error, Reason} 來接收。
2. {active, true} 封包以訊息方式投遞。

對於第一種方式:gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Length) 我們開看下程式碼實現:

/* inet_drv.c */
#define TCP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 0x4000000  /* 64 M */

/* TCP requests from Erlang */
static ErlDrvSSizeT tcp_inet_ctl(ErlDrvData e, unsigned int cmd,
                                 char* buf, ErlDrvSizeT len,
                                 char** rbuf, ErlDrvSizeT rsize)
case TCP_REQ_RECV: {
        unsigned timeout;
        char tbuf[2];
        int n;

        DEBUGF(("tcp_inet_ctl(%ld): RECV\r\n", (long)desc->inet.port));
        /* INPUT: Timeout(4),  Length(4) */
        if (!IS_CONNECTED(INETP(desc))) {
            if (desc->tcp_add_flags & TCP_ADDF_DELAYED_CLOSE_RECV) {
                desc->tcp_add_flags &= ~(TCP_ADDF_DELAYED_CLOSE_RECV|
                return ctl_reply(INET_REP_ERROR, "closed", 6, rbuf, rsize);
            return ctl_error(ENOTCONN, rbuf, rsize);
        if (desc->inet.active || (len != 8))
            return ctl_error(EINVAL, rbuf, rsize);
        timeout = get_int32(buf);
        buf += 4;
        n = get_int32(buf);
        DEBUGF(("tcp_inet_ctl(%ld) timeout = %d, n = %d\r\n",
        if ((desc->inet.htype != TCP_PB_RAW) && (n != 0))
            return ctl_error(EINVAL, rbuf, rsize);
        if (n > TCP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
            return ctl_error(ENOMEM, rbuf, rsize);
        if (enq_async(INETP(desc), tbuf, TCP_REQ_RECV) < 0)
            return ctl_error(EALREADY, rbuf, rsize);
        if (INETP(desc)->is_ignored || tcp_recv(desc, n) == 0) {

邏輯上很簡單,如果封包的型別是TCP_PB_RAW,就需要顯式的指定長度,否則封包的長度是對端決定的,長度只能設定為0。然後就呼叫tcp_recv來非同步接收資料。在前面的 博文 裡面講過,tcp_recv資料的時候,需要分配接收緩衝區,緩衝區的大小正是n, 所以這裡做了個限定,不能超過TCP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 也就是說最大64M, 超過了會報ENOMEM錯誤!


{packet_size, Integer}(TCP/IP sockets)
Sets the max allowed length of the packet body. If the packet header indicates that the length of the packet is longer than the max allowed length, the packet is considered invalid. The same happens if the packet header is too big for the socket receive buffer.

For line oriented protocols (line,http*), option packet_size also guarantees that lines up to the indicated length are accepted and not considered invalid due to internal buffer limitations.


/*inet_drv.c */
typedef struct {
    unsigned int psize;         /* max packet size (TCP only?) */
} inet_descriptor;

static int inet_set_opts(inet_descriptor* desc, char* ptr, int len)
            DEBUGF(("inet_set_opts(%ld): s=%d, PACKET_SIZE=%d\r\n",
                    (long)desc->port, desc->s, ival));
            desc->psize = (unsigned int)ival;

/* Allocate descriptor */
static ErlDrvData inet_start(ErlDrvPort port, int size, int protocol)
    desc->psize = 0;                   /* no size check *

/* Copy a descriptor, by creating a new port with same settings                                                           
 * as the descriptor desc.                                                                                                
 * return NULL on error (SYSTEM_LIMIT no ports avail)                                                                     
static tcp_descriptor* tcp_inet_copy(tcp_descriptor* desc,SOCKET s,
                                     ErlDrvTermData owner, int* err)
 copy_desc->inet.psize    = desc->inet.psize;

static int tcp_remain(tcp_descriptor* desc, int* len)
    DEBUGF(("tcp_remain(%ld): s=%d, n=%d, nfill=%d nsz=%d\r\n",
            (long)desc->inet.port, desc->inet.s, n, nfill, nsz));

    tlen = packet_get_length(desc->inet.htype, ptr, n,
                             desc->inet.psize, desc->i_bufsz,
    if (tlen > 0) {
        if (tlen <= n) { /* got a packet */
            *len = tlen;
            DEBUGF((" => nothing remain packet=%d\r\n", tlen));
            return 0;
        else { /* need known more */
            if (tcp_expand_buffer(desc, tlen) < 0)
                return -1;
            *len = tlen - n;
            DEBUGF((" => remain=%d\r\n", *len));
            return *len;
    else if (tlen == 0) { /* need unknown more */
        *len = 0;
        if (nsz == 0) {
             if (nfill == n) {
                if (desc->inet.psize != 0 && desc->inet.psize > nfill) {
                    if (tcp_expand_buffer(desc, desc->inet.psize) < 0)
                        return -1;
                    return desc->inet.psize;
                    goto error;
            DEBUGF((" => restart more=%d\r\n", nfill - n));
            return nfill - n;
        else {
            DEBUGF((" => more=%d \r\n", nsz));
            return nsz;
    DEBUGF((" => packet error\r\n"));
    return -1;

static int tcp_recv(tcp_descriptor* desc, int request_len)
else if (desc->i_remain == 0) {  /* poll remain from buffer data */
        if ((nread = tcp_remain(desc, &len)) < 0)
            return tcp_recv_error(desc, EMSGSIZE);
        else if (nread == 0)
            return tcp_deliver(desc, len);
        else if (len > 0)
            desc->i_remain = len;  /* set remain */

/* packet_parser.c */

/* Return > 0 Total packet length.in bytes                                                                                
 *        = 0 Length unknown, need more data.                                                                             
 *        < 0 Error, invalid format.                                                                                      
int packet_get_length(enum PacketParseType htype,
                      const char* ptr, unsigned n, /* Bytes read so far */
                      unsigned max_plen,     /* Max packet length, 0=no limit */
                      unsigned trunc_len,    /* Truncate (lines) if longer, 0=no limit */
                      int*     statep)       /* Protocol specific state */
    case TCP_PB_2:
        /* TCP_PB_2:    [L1,L0 | Data] */
        hlen = 2;
        if (n < hlen) goto more;
        plen = get_int16(ptr);
        goto remain;

    case TCP_PB_4:
        /* TCP_PB_4:    [L3,L2,L1,L0 | Data] */
        hlen = 4;
        if (n < hlen) goto more;
        plen = get_int32(ptr);
        goto remain;
case TCP_PB_LINE_LF: {
        /* TCP_PB_LINE_LF:  [Data ... \n]  */
        const char* ptr2;
        if ((ptr2 = memchr(ptr, '\n', n)) == NULL) {
            if (n > max_plen && max_plen != 0) { /* packet full */
                DEBUGF((" => packet full (no NL)=%d\r\n", n));
                goto error;
            else if (n >= trunc_len && trunc_len!=0) { /* buffer full */
                DEBUGF((" => line buffer full (no NL)=%d\r\n", n));
                return trunc_len;
            goto more;

    case TCP_PB_HTTPH_BIN:
        *statep = !0;
    case TCP_PB_HTTP:
    case TCP_PB_HTTP_BIN:
        /* TCP_PB_HTTP:  data \r\n(SP data\r\n)*  */
        plen = n;
        if (((plen == 1) && NL(ptr)) || ((plen == 2) && CRNL(ptr)))
            goto done;
        else {
            const char* ptr1 = ptr;
            int   len = plen;

            if (!max_plen) {
    /* This is for backward compatibility with old user of decode_packet                                      
                 * that might use option 'line_length' to limit accepted length of                                        
                 * http lines.                                                                                            
                max_plen = trunc_len;

            while (1) {
                const char* ptr2 = memchr(ptr1, '\n', len);

                if (ptr2 == NULL) {
                    if (max_plen != 0) {
                        if (n >= max_plen) /* packet full */
                            goto error;
                    goto more;
                else {
                    plen = (ptr2 - ptr) + 1;

                    if (*statep == 0) {
                        if (max_plen != 0 && plen > max_plen)
                            goto error;
                        goto done;
        int tlen = hlen + plen;
        if ((max_plen != 0 && plen > max_plen)
            || tlen < (int)hlen) { /* wrap-around protection */
            return -1;
        return tlen;

1. 預設情況下 psize為0, 代表不限制包長度。
2. psize是繼承的,也就是說accept出來的gen_tcp會繼承listen的那個gen_tcp的屬性。
3. 如文件所說,psize會限制 http/line類包的最大行的長度, 限制{packet, 1 | 2 | 4} 型別的包的長度。
4. 如果超過限制,返回的錯誤碼是EMSGSIZE.

所以總結起來就是packet_size用來限制包的大小,預設不限制, 在被動模式下除了主動模式的限制外還有最大64M的限制。
觸碰到限制後,返回的出錯碼是EMSGSIZE或者ENOMEM, 需要程式來判定。

小結: 原始碼面前無祕密!


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系統技術業餘研究 » gen_tcp如何限制大小

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