1. 程式人生 > >Automatic Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach (Signals and Communication Technology): Dong Yu, Li Deng: 9781447157786:

Automatic Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach (Signals and Communication Technology): Dong Yu, Li Deng: 9781447157786:

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancement in the field of automatic speech recognition with a focus on deep learning models including deep neural networks and many of their variants. This is the first automatic speech recognition book dedicated to the deep learning approach. In addition to the rigorous mathematical treatment of the subject, the book also presents insights and theoretical foundation of a series of highly successful deep learning models.


Automatic Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach (Signals and Communication Technology): Dong Yu, Li Deng: 9781447157786:

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancement in the field of automatic speech recognition with a focus on deep learn

論文閱讀 | DeepDrawing: A Deep Learning Approach to Graph Drawing

作者:Yong Wang, Zhihua Jin, Qianwen Wang, Weiwei Cui, Tengfei Ma and Huamin Qu 本文發表於VIS2019, 來自於香港科技大學的視覺化小組(屈華民教授領導)的研究 1. 簡介 圖資料廣泛用於各個領域,例如生物資訊學,金融和社交網路分析。

A Bayesian Approach to Deep Neural Network Adaptation with Applications to Robust Automatic Speech Recognition

機器學習 屬於 瓶頸 特征 oid ack enter 變換 表示 基於貝葉斯的深度神經網絡自適應及其在魯棒自動語音識別中的應用 直接貝葉斯DNN自適應 使用高斯先驗對DNN進行MAP自適應 為何貝葉斯在模型自適應中很有用? 因為自適應問題可以視為後驗估計

『 論文閱讀』A Multi-View Deep Learning Approach for Cross Domain User Modeling in Recommendation Systems

AbstractMULTI-VIEW-DNN聯合了多個域做的豐富特徵,使用multi-view DNN模型構建推薦,包括app、新聞、電影和TV,相比於最好的演算法,老使用者提升49%,新使用者提升110%。並且可以輕鬆的涵蓋大量使用者,解決冷啟動問題。主要做user embedding的過程,通多使用者在多

A Deep Learning-Based System for Vulnerability Detection(二)

  接著上一篇,這篇研究實驗和結果。 A.用於評估漏洞檢測系統的指標 TP:為正確檢測到漏洞的樣本數量 FP:為檢測到虛假漏洞樣本的數量(誤報) FN:為未檢真實漏洞的樣本數量(漏報) TN:未檢測到漏洞樣本的數量   這篇文獻廣泛使用指標假陽性率(FPR),假陰性率(FNR),真陽性率或者召回率

A Deep Learning Based DDoS Detection System in Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

標題:基於深度學習的軟體定義網路(SDN)DDoS檢測系統 來源:Security and Safety 時間:2016年11月 摘要 分散式拒絕服務(DDoS)是當今組織網路基礎架構遇到的最普遍的攻擊之一。 本文在軟體定義網路(SDN)環境中提出了基於深度學習的多向量DDoS檢測系統。 SDN提供了針對

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Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting

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Tweet Share Share Google Plus Develop a Deep Learning Model to Automatically Describe Photograph


原文: convolutional-lstm-network-a-machine-learning-approach-for-precipitation-nowcasting 部落格內容: 關於該文章的學習摘要 將論文的關鍵內容進行了翻譯、配圖說明,配合原文閱讀,應該

【Person Re-ID】Margin Sample Mining Loss: A Deep Learning Based Method for Person Re-identification

Introduction Person Re-ID目前依然是一項十分具有挑戰的任務。姿勢,視角,光照,背景和遮擋都給這項任務帶來困難。 傳統的方法通過學習low-level特徵,比如顏色、外形、區域性描述子等來描述一個人。而CNN通過學習high-lev

【論文筆記】Margin Sample Mining Loss: A Deep Learning Based Method for Person Re-identification

摘要 Person re-identification (ReID) is an important task in computer vision. Recently, deep learning with a metric learning loss has becom

Amazon Transcribe – Automatic Speech Recognition

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16 On Large-Batch Training for Deep Learning: Generalization Gap and Sharp Minima 1609.04836v1

Nitish Shirish Keskar, Dheevatsa Mudigere, Jorge Nocedal, Mikhail Smelyanskiy, Ping Tak Peter TangNorthwestern University & Intel* SGD及其變種在batch size增大

Distributed deep learning with Horovod and PowerAI DDL

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《On Large-Batch Training for Deep Learning: Generalization Gap and Sharp Minima》-ICLR2017文章閱讀

這是一篇發表在ICLR2017上面的文章。 這篇文章探究了深度學習中一個普遍存在的問題——使用大的batchsize訓練網路會導致網路的泛化效能下降(文中稱之為Generalization Gap)。文中給出了Generalization Gap現象的解釋:大

A Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition》論文筆記

1. 論文思想 在這篇文章中尉人臉識別提出了一種損失函式,叫做center loss,在網路中加入該損失函式之後可以使得網路學習每類特徵的中心,懲罰每類的特徵與中心之間的距離。並且該損失函式是可訓練的,並且在CNN中容易優化。那麼,將center loss與softmax相結合會增加