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Difference between Range and Xrange in Python






Highly divisible triangular number


triangular = 0
triangular_step = 0

def triangular_num():
    global triangular_step, triangular
    # make step add 1, and figure out triangular num
    triangular_step += 1
    triangular += triangular_step

def divisor_num(digit):
    num = 0
tmp in range(1, digit + 1): if digit % tmp == 0: num += 1 return num if __name__ == "__main__": while True: triangular_num() dn = divisor_num(triangular) with open('./out.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(triangular) + ' : ' + str(dn) + '\n'
) if dn > 500: break







Difference between Range and Xrange in Python

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