1. 程式人生 > >Eclipse gerrit Mylyn gerrit高版本連線不上問題

Eclipse gerrit Mylyn gerrit高版本連線不上問題


Please see the GettingStarted: Eclipse page if you are looking for how to set up OpenDaylight with the Eclipse IDE.

This page describes how to configure the Eclipse UI plugin called Mylyn, which includes support for Gerrit, allowing you to e.g. define filters to see pending incoming Gerrit changes etc. and integrate this with the "Task focused" Mylyn-based way of working. Mylyn Gerrit also contributes some convenience functions to EGit.

Also note the GettingStarted:_Eclipse:_EGit page which explains how to configure Eclipse to be able to pull push code from & to Git / Gerrit.

NOTE: As of 2016.4.14 the released version of Mylyn's Gerrit plugin is only compatible with Gerrit 2.9.0/4 - 2.11.3 buthttps://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/ is already 2.12.2 - it's therefore not surprising that it it fails with "Problem updating repository: Gerrit connection issue: Failed to obtain Gerrit configuration" for "Query type: All Open Changes" on even an anonymous connection. Watch

https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=485981 for Gerrit 2.12 support in Mylyn. (TODO Re-test, as #485981 mentions 2.12.1 vs. opendaylight's 2.12.2 - but probably OK.)

  1. Select 'Help'->'Install New Software' from the menu at the top
  2. Click 'Add'
  3. Name the Repository 'Mylyn Release' (it doesn't really matter)
  4. Click OK

Add Mylyn Upgrade Site.jpg

  1. Click 'Select All' and unselect the 'Subclispe' related options under 'Mylyn Integration'.
  2. Click 'Next'

Select Mylyn Features.jpg

  1. Ignore the warning
  2. Click 'Next'

Mylyn Warnings.jpg

Accept the terms of the license Click 'Finish'

Accept License.jpg

This will install all the extra stuff you need to interact with Gerrit, Bugzilla, Jenkins, etc.

Next up you need to configure the 'Signed Off' by for the DCO. To do that

  1. Bring up the Preferences in Eclipse
  2. Select 'Team'->'Git'->'Commit Dialog'
  3. Click 'Insert Signed-off-by'
  4. Click 'OK'

Set signed off by.jpg

You will now have a fresh clean Eclipse as shown below. Select 'Connect to your task and ALM tools':

Eclipse Fresh.jpg

You will be prompted to pick the type of repository. Choose 'Gerrit Code Review' and Click 'Next'

Add Task Repository.jpg

  1. Enter Label: 'Daylight'
  2. Uncheck 'Anonymous'
  3. Enter your Gerrit User ID and Password
  4. Click 'Finish'

Note that your Gerrit User ID and Password here is the one you use to login to the Gerrit Web UI, i.e. what you type intohttps://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/login/ which is NOT THE SAME as the credentials from https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/settings/http-password (which is, only, for git push using a HTTP password instead of SSH key).

Eclipse Add Task Repository.jpg

Click 'Yes'

  1. Title: My Changes
  2. Query Type: My Changes
  3. Click 'Finish'

Eclipse Edit Query.jpg


Eclipse gerrit Mylyn gerrit版本連線問題

轉載至:https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/GettingStarted:_Eclipse:_Mylyn Please see the GettingStarted: Eclipse page if you are looking f

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