1. 程式人生 > >mysql 5.7在windows伺服器2008中無法安裝

mysql 5.7在windows伺服器2008中無法安裝




If your operating system is Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 and you do not have Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed, MySQL 5.7 will regularly restart and in the MySQL server error log file you will see this message:

mysqld got exception 0xc000001d

This error message occurs because you are also using a CPU that
does not support the VPSRLQ instruction and indicates that the CPU instruction that was attempted is not supported. To fix this error, you must install SP1. This adds the required operating system support for the CPU capability detection and disables that support when the CPU does not have the required instructions.

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mysql 5.7在windows伺服器2008無法安裝

在安裝中出現各種的異常 在官網中尋求結果得到 Important If your operating system is Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 an

Mac 安裝 MySQL 5.7 後登入後無法執行命令【You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.】

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Windows 10或其他系統版本無法安裝.NET Framework Runtime 3.5 SP1的解決辦法

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MySQL 5.7伺服器無法啟動和密碼錯誤

首先,伺服器無法啟動: 第一,在安裝目錄裡建立一個my.ini,內容如下: 1 [mysql] 2 # 設定mysql客戶端預設字符集 3 default-character-set=utf8 4 [mysqld] 5 #設定3306埠 6 por

MySQL 5.7.18 zip版本的安裝使用方法

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MySQL 5.7.18 在centos下安裝記錄

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mysql 5.7.20解壓版安裝配置

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Mysql 5.6多實例標準化安裝與配置

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mysql 5.7.12二進制安裝

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mysql 5.7.21 二進制安裝

MySQL1. 說明適用於CentOS 6.*和CentOS 7.* 系統版本:CentOS 6.8_x86-64 mysql版本:mysql-5.7.21-linux-glibc2.5-x86_64.tar.gz mysql程序安裝路徑:/data/mysql mysql數據存放路徑:/data/m

MySQL 5.6.37源碼編譯安裝

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Mysql 5.6版本二進制安裝

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MySQL 5.7.22 二進制安裝

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sha link dia x86 tar skip import tps iba 下載安裝包:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ 下載好後,解壓,我這裏把mysql-5.7.23-el7-x86_64.tar 改名成了mysql


-c mpat ora else temporary 文件 cte name remove mysql-5.7.23源碼編譯安裝 1.下載源碼 # wget https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/MySQL-5.7/mysql-5.7.23.ta

MySQL 5.7 源碼的目錄結構

ibm conf cmake scrip tree 配置 main.c ext client MySQl Server的源碼可以直接去Github瀏覽。 這裏我們選擇5.7版本的:https://github.com/mysql/mysql-server/tree/5.7

mysql 5.7.23 解壓版安裝教程

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