1. 程式人生 > >flex4類似於Safari佈局圖片牆佈局


package  {
	import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
	import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	import flash.geom.Vector3D;
	import mx.controls.Alert;
	import mx.controls.Image;
	import mx.core.IVisualElement;
	import mx.core.UIComponent;
	import spark.filters.GlowFilter;
	import spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase;
	 * Flex 4,
	 * @author Qiang JiShen
	 * 類似於Safari佈局
	public class TopSiteLayout extends LayoutBase {
		private var _columnWidth:Number;
		private var _rowHeight:Number;
		private var _columns:int;
		private var _rows:int;
		private var isColumnWidthSet:Boolean;
		private var isRowHeightSet:Boolean;
		private var isColumnsSet:Boolean;
		private var isRowsSet:Boolean;
		private var _horizontalGap:Number;
		private var _verticalGap:Number;
		private var rotatingAngle:Number;
		private var radius:Number;
		private var cameraPosition:Number;
		private var chordLength:Number;
		private var arcLength:Number;
		public static var VIEW_ANGLE:Number = 140;
		public function TopSiteLayout() {
			_columnWidth = 0;
			_rowHeight = 0;
			_rows = 0;
			_horizontalGap = 0;
			_verticalGap = 0;
		 * Specifies the width in pixels of each column. If not specified
		 * the width will be auto calculated depending on the width of the target
		 * and the number of columns
		public function get columnWidth():Number {
			return _columnWidth;
		public function set columnWidth(value:Number):void {
			_columnWidth = value;
			isColumnWidthSet = true;
		 * Specifies the height in pixels of each row. If not specified
		 * the height will be auto calculated depending on the height of the target
		 * and the number of rows
		public function get rowHeight():Number {
			return _rowHeight;
		public function set rowHeight(value:Number):void {
			_rowHeight = value;
			isRowHeightSet = true;
		 * The number of columns to display. If not specified
		 * the number will be self determined
		public function get columns():int {
			return _columns;
		public function set columns(value:int):void {
			_columns = value;
			isColumnsSet = true;
		 * The number of rows to display. If not specified
		 * the number will be self determined
		public function get rows():int {
			return _rows;
		public function set rows(value:int):void {
			_rows = value;
			isRowsSet = true;
		 * The space in pixels between two rows
		public function get horizontalGap():Number {
			return _horizontalGap;
		public function set horizontalGap(value:Number):void {
			_horizontalGap = value;
		 * The space in pixels between two columns
		public function get verticalGap():Number {
			return _verticalGap;
		public function set verticalGap(value:Number):void {
			_verticalGap = value;
		override public function updateDisplayList(width:Number, height:Number):void {
			chordLength = width;
			calculateRadiusAndArc(width, height);
			var degreesMove:Number = rotatingAngle / (_columns - 1);
			if (isNaN(degreesMove))
				degreesMove = 0;
			var startDegree:Number = -rotatingAngle / 2;
			for (var i:int = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
				for (var j:int = 0; j < _columns; j++) {
					var index:int = i * _columns + j;
					if (index >= target.numElements) {
					var element:IVisualElement = target.getVirtualElementAt(index);
					element.setLayoutBoundsSize(_columnWidth, _rowHeight, true);
					var pp:PerspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection();
					pp.fieldOfView = 15;
					pp.projectionCenter = new Point(width / 2, height / 2);
					element["transform"].perspectiveProjection = pp;
					var matrix:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
					matrix.appendTranslation(-_columnWidth / 2.5, 0, radius);
					matrix.appendRotation(startDegree + degreesMove * j, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
					matrix.appendTranslation(width / 2, (_rowHeight + _horizontalGap) * i, -cameraPosition);
					element.setLayoutMatrix3D(matrix, false);
		protected function calculateRadiusAndArc(width:Number, height:Number):void {
			var viewAngleRadians:Number = VIEW_ANGLE * Math.PI / 180;
			//chordLength = 2r * sin (angle/2);
			var sinus:Number = Math.sin(viewAngleRadians);
			radius = chordLength / (2 * Math.sin(viewAngleRadians / 2));
			//chordLength = 2*Math.sqrt(r*r - h*h)
			cameraPosition = Math.sqrt(4 * radius * radius - chordLength * chordLength) / 2;
			arcLength = viewAngleRadians * radius;
			measureRowsColsWidth(arcLength, height);
			//the old length of the arc minus width for element
			//half for the left, half for the right
			var newArcLength:Number = arcLength - (_columnWidth + _verticalGap);
			//the angle of the new arc, a.k.a the allowed degrees move
			var rotatingAngleRadians:Number = newArcLength / radius
			rotatingAngle = rotatingAngleRadians * 180 / Math.PI;
		private function measureRowsColsWidth(width:Number, height:Number):void {
			if (isRowHeightSet == false) {
				_rowHeight = (height - _rows * _horizontalGap) / _rows;
			if (isColumnWidthSet == false) {
				_columnWidth = (width - _columns * _verticalGap) / _columns;
		private function calculateRowsCols():void {
			if (isColumnsSet == false && isRowsSet == false) {
				_columns = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(target.numElements));
				_rows = Math.ceil(target.numElements / _columns);
			} else if (isColumnsSet == false) {
				_columns = Math.ceil(target.numElements / _rows);
			} else if (isRowsSet == false) {
				_rows = Math.ceil(target.numElements / _columns);


            <util:TopSiteLayout columns="4" rows="4"/>



package { import flash.geom.Matrix3D; import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Vector3D;

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