1. 程式人生 > >利用fiddler抓包,抓微信公眾號的資料


Ctrl +f5 搜尋:開始

import System;
import System.Net.Http;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import System.Web.HttpUtility;
import System.Text;
import System.Runtime.Serialization;
import System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
import System.IO;
// import Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
import System.Text.RegularExpressions;
import Fiddler; // INTRODUCTION // // Well, hello there! // // Don't be scared! :-) // // This is the FiddlerScript Rules file, which creates some of the menu commands and // other features of Fiddler. You can edit this file to modify or add new commands. // // The original version of this file is named SampleRules.js and it is in the
// \Program Files\Fiddler\ folder. When Fiddler first runs, it creates a copy named // CustomRules.js inside your \Documents\Fiddler2\Scripts folder. If you make a // mistake in editing this file, simply delete the CustomRules.js file and restart // Fiddler. A fresh copy of the default rules will be created from the original
// sample rules file. // The best way to edit this file is to install the FiddlerScript Editor, part of // the free SyntaxEditing addons. Get it here: http://fiddler2.com/r/?SYNTAXVIEWINSTALL // GLOBALIZATION NOTE: Save this file using UTF-8 Encoding. // JScript.NET Reference // http://fiddler2.com/r/?msdnjsnet // // FiddlerScript Reference // http://fiddler2.com/r/?fiddlerscriptcookbook class Handlers { // ***************** // // This is the Handlers class. Pretty much everything you ever add to FiddlerScript // belongs right inside here, or inside one of the already-existing functions below. // // ***************** // The following snippet demonstrates a custom-bound column for the Web Sessions list. // See http://fiddler2.com/r/?fiddlercolumns for more info /* public static BindUIColumn("Method", 60) function FillMethodColumn(oS: Session): String { return oS.RequestMethod; } */ // The following snippet demonstrates how to create a custom tab that shows simple text /* public BindUITab("Flags") static function FlagsReport(arrSess: Session[]):String { var oSB: System.Text.StringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); for (var i:int = 0; i<arrSess.Length; i++) { oSB.AppendLine("SESSION FLAGS"); oSB.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}\n", arrSess[i].id, arrSess[i].fullUrl); for(var sFlag in arrSess[i].oFlags) { oSB.AppendFormat("\t{0}:\t\t{1}\n", sFlag.Key, sFlag.Value); } } return oSB.ToString(); } */ // You can create a custom menu like so: /* QuickLinkMenu("&Links") QuickLinkItem("IE GeoLoc TestDrive", "http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/HTML5/Geolocation/Default.html") QuickLinkItem("FiddlerCore", "http://fiddler2.com/fiddlercore") public static function DoLinksMenu(sText: String, sAction: String) { Utilities.LaunchHyperlink(sAction); } */ public static RulesOption("Hide 304s") BindPref("fiddlerscript.rules.Hide304s") var m_Hide304s: boolean = false; // Cause Fiddler to override the Accept-Language header with one of the defined values public static RulesOption("Request &Japanese Content") var m_Japanese: boolean = false; // Automatic Authentication public static RulesOption("&Automatically Authenticate") BindPref("fiddlerscript.rules.AutoAuth") var m_AutoAuth: boolean = false; // Cause Fiddler to override the User-Agent header with one of the defined values // The page http://browserscope2.org/browse?category=selectors&ua=Mobile%20Safari is a good place to find updated versions of these RulesString("&User-Agents", true) BindPref("fiddlerscript.ephemeral.UserAgentString") RulesStringValue(0,"Netscape &3", "Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; I)") RulesStringValue(1,"WinPhone8.1", "Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 520) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537") RulesStringValue(2,"&Safari5 (Win7)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.21.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.5 Safari/533.21.1") RulesStringValue(3,"Safari9 (Mac)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11) AppleWebKit/601.1.56 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Safari/601.1.56") RulesStringValue(4,"iPad", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F5027d Safari/600.1.4") RulesStringValue(5,"iPhone6", "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F70 Safari/600.1.4") RulesStringValue(6,"IE &6 (XPSP2)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)") RulesStringValue(7,"IE &7 (Vista)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1)") RulesStringValue(8,"IE 8 (Win2k3 x64)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0)") RulesStringValue(9,"IE &8 (Win7)", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)") RulesStringValue(10,"IE 9 (Win7)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)") RulesStringValue(11,"IE 10 (Win8)", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)") RulesStringValue(12,"IE 11 (Surface2)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko") RulesStringValue(13,"IE 11 (Win8.1)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko") RulesStringValue(14,"Edge (Win10)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.11082") RulesStringValue(15,"&Opera", "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) Presto/2.12.388 Version/12.17") RulesStringValue(16,"&Firefox 3.6", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.7") RulesStringValue(17,"&Firefox 43", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:43.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0") RulesStringValue(18,"&Firefox Phone", "Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0") RulesStringValue(19,"&Firefox (Mac)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0") RulesStringValue(20,"Chrome (Win)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.48 Safari/537.36") RulesStringValue(21,"Chrome (Android)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.1.1; Nexus 5 Build/LMY48B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.78 Mobile Safari/537.36") RulesStringValue(22,"ChromeBook", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 6680.52.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.74 Safari/537.36") RulesStringValue(23,"GoogleBot Crawler", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)") RulesStringValue(24,"Kindle Fire (Silk)", "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us; Silk/ AppleWebKit/533.16 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/533.16 Silk-Accelerated=true") RulesStringValue(25,"&Custom...", "%CUSTOM%") public static var sUA: String = null; // Cause Fiddler to delay HTTP traffic to simulate typical 56k modem conditions public static RulesOption("Simulate &Modem Speeds", "Per&formance") var m_SimulateModem: boolean = false; // Removes HTTP-caching related headers and specifies "no-cache" on requests and responses public static RulesOption("&Disable Caching", "Per&formance") var m_DisableCaching: boolean = false; public static RulesOption("Cache Always &Fresh", "Per&formance") var m_AlwaysFresh: boolean = false; // Force a manual reload of the script file. Resets all // RulesOption variables to their defaults. public static ToolsAction("Reset Script") function DoManualReload() { FiddlerObject.ReloadScript(); } public static ContextAction("Decode Selected Sessions") function DoRemoveEncoding(oSessions: Session[]) { for (var x:int = 0; x < oSessions.Length; x++){ oSessions[x].utilDecodeRequest(); oSessions[x].utilDecodeResponse(); } UI.actUpdateInspector(true,true); } var fcont = ""; static function set_fcont(cont) { //fcont += cont; } static function url2data(str) { var out = {}; var name,value; var num=str.indexOf("?") str=str.substr(num+1); //取得所有引數 stringvar.substr(start [, length ] var arr=str.split("&"); //各個引數放到數組裡 for(var i=0;i < arr.length;i++){ num=arr[i].indexOf("="); if(num>0){ name=arr[i].substring(0,num); value=arr[i].substr(num+1); out[name]=value; } } return out; } static function get_fname() { return "D:\\AndroidShare\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ".csv"; } static function get_pubid_name_fname() { var dt = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") return "D:\\AndroidShare\\" + dt + ".wxid.csv"; } static function OnBeforeRequest(oSession: Session) { // Sample Rule: Color ASPX requests in RED // if (oSession.uriContains(".aspx")) { oSession["ui-color"] = "red"; } // Sample Rule: Flag POSTs to fiddler2.com in italics // if (oSession.HostnameIs("www.fiddler2.com") && oSession.HTTPMethodIs("POST")) { oSession["ui-italic"] = "yup"; } // Sample Rule: Break requests for URLs containing "/sandbox/" // if (oSession.uriContains("/sandbox/")) { // oSession.oFlags["x-breakrequest"] = "yup"; // Existence of the x-breakrequest flag creates a breakpoint; the "yup" value is unimportant. // } if ((null != gs_ReplaceToken) && (oSession.url.indexOf(gs_ReplaceToken)>-1)) { // Case sensitive oSession.url = oSession.url.Replace(gs_ReplaceToken, gs_ReplaceTokenWith); } if ((null != gs_OverridenHost) && (oSession.host.toLowerCase() == gs_OverridenHost)) { oSession["x-overridehost"] = gs_OverrideHostWith; } if ((null!=bpRequestURI) && oSession.uriContains(bpRequestURI)) { oSession["x-breakrequest"]="uri"; } if ((null!=bpMethod) && (oSession.HTTPMethodIs(bpMethod))) { oSession["x-breakrequest"]="method"; } if ((null!=uiBoldURI) && oSession.uriContains(uiBoldURI)) { oSession["ui-bold"]="QuickExec"; } if (m_SimulateModem) { // Delay sends by 300ms per KB uploaded. oSession["request-trickle-delay"] = "300"; // Delay receives by 150ms per KB downloaded. oSession["response-trickle-delay"] = "150"; } if (m_DisableCaching) { oSession.oRequest.headers.Remove("If-None-Match"); oSession.oRequest.headers.Remove("If-Modified-Since"); oSession.oRequest["Pragma"] = "no-cache"; } // User-Agent Overrides if (null != sUA) { oSession.oRequest["User-Agent"] = sUA; } if (m_Japanese) { oSession.oRequest["Accept-Language"] = "ja"; } if (m_AutoAuth) { // Automatically respond to any authentication challenges using the // current Fiddler user's credentials. You can change (default) // to a domain\\username:password string if preferred. // // WARNING: This setting poses a security risk if remote // connections are permitted! oSession["X-AutoAuth"] = "(default)"; } if (m_AlwaysFresh && (oSession.oRequest.headers.Exists("If-Modified-Since") || oSession.oRequest.headers.Exists("If-None-Match"))) { oSession.utilCreateResponseAndBypassServer(); oSession.responseCode = 304; oSession["ui-backcolor"] = "Lavender"; } if (oSession.fullUrl.Contains("mp/getappmsgext?")) { //file.writeLine("Request url: " + oSession.url); //file.writeLine("Request header:" + "\n" + oSession.oRequest.headers); //file.writeLine("Request body: " + oSession.GetRequestBodyAsString()); //file.writeLine("\n"); // file.close(); } } // This function is called immediately after a set of request headers has // been read from the client. This is typically too early to do much useful // work, since the body hasn't yet been read, but sometimes it may be useful. // // For instance, see // http://blogs.msdn.com/b/fiddler/archive/2011/11/05/http-expect-continue-delays-transmitting-post-bodies-by-up-to-350-milliseconds.aspx // for one useful thing you can do with this handler. // // Note: oSession.requestBodyBytes is not available within this function! /* static function OnPeekAtRequestHeaders(oSession: Session) { var sProc = ("" + oSession["x-ProcessInfo"]).ToLower(); if (!sProc.StartsWith("mylowercaseappname")) oSession["ui-hide"] = "NotMyApp"; } */ // // If a given session has response streaming enabled, then the OnBeforeResponse function // is actually called AFTER the response was returned to the client. // // In contrast, this OnPeekAtResponseHeaders function is called before the response headers are // sent to the client (and before the body is read from the server). Hence this is an opportune time // to disable streaming (oSession.bBufferResponse = true) if there is something in the response headers // which suggests that tampering with the response body is necessary. // // Note: oSession.responseBodyBytes is not available within this function! // static function OnPeekAtResponseHeaders(oSession: Session) { //FiddlerApplication.Log.LogFormat("Session {0}: Response header peek shows status is {1}", oSession.id, oSession.responseCode); if (m_DisableCaching) { oSession.oResponse.headers.Remove("Expires"); oSession.oResponse["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"; } if ((bpStatus>0) && (oSession.responseCode == bpStatus)) { oSession["x-breakresponse"]="status"; oSession.bBufferResponse = true; } if ((null!=bpResponseURI) && oSession.uriContains(bpResponseURI)) { oSession["x-breakresponse"]="uri"; oSession.bBufferResponse = true; } } //這裡開始是你要的資料 static function OnBeforeResponse(oSession: Session) { if (m_Hide304s && oSession.responseCode == 304) { oSession["ui-hide"] = "true"; } var line = []; //過濾無關請求,只關注特定請求 if (oSession.fullUrl.Contains("mp/getappmsgext?")) { oSession.utilDecodeResponse();//消除儲存的請求可能存在亂碼的情況 var fso; var file; var fname; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //檔案儲存路徑,可自定義 fname = get_fname() if ( !fso.FileExists(fname) ) { file = fso.OpenTextFile(fname,8 ,true, -1); file.WriteLine("公眾號ID\t文章標題\t閱讀數\t點贊數\t採集時間") } else { file = fso.OpenTextFile(fname,8 ,true, -1); } var now = DateTime.Now.ToString(); var queryParams = url2data(oSession.url); var pubId = queryParams.__biz; pubId = Convert.FromBase64String(pubId); pubId = Encoding.Default.GetString(pubId); var title = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(queryParams.title); title = filteremoji(title) var respBody = oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString(); var respObj = Fiddler.WebFormats.JSON.JsonDecode(respBody); // FiddlerObject.alert(respObj.JSONObject); // FiddlerObject.alert(Fiddler.WebFormats.JSON.JsonEncode(respObj)); // file.writeLine("Response body: " + respBody); var read_num = respObj.JSONObject['appmsgstat']['read_num']; var like_num = respObj.JSONObject['appmsgstat']['like_num']; var time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); file.WriteLine(pubId + "\t" + title + "\t" + read_num + "\t" + like_num + "\t" + time); file.close(); } //公眾號Id,公眾號名稱對應 if (oSession.fullUrl.Contains("mp.weixin.qq.com/s?")) { oSession.utilDecodeResponse();//消除儲存的請求可能存在亂碼的情況 //FiddlerObject.alert(oSession.clientIP); //return; var fso; var file; var fname; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //檔案儲存路徑,可自定義 fname = get_pubid_name_fname() if ( !fso.FileExists(fname) ) { file = fso.OpenTextFile(fname,8 ,true, -1); file.WriteLine("公眾號ID\t公眾號名稱\t公眾號微信\t文章日期") } else { file = fso.OpenTextFile(fname,8 ,true, -1); } var now = DateTime.Now.ToString(); var queryParams = url2data(oSession.url); var pubId = queryParams.__biz; pubId = Convert.FromBase64String(pubId); pubId = Encoding.Default.GetString(pubId); var title = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(queryParams.title); var respBody = oSession.GetResponseBodyAsString(); //var respObj = Fiddler.WebFormats.JSON.JsonDecode(respBody); // FiddlerObject.alert(respObj.JSONObject); // FiddlerObject.alert(Fiddler.WebFormats.JSON.JsonEncode(respObj)); var pattern = /<strong class="profile_nickname"\>([\s\S]+?)<\/strong>/i; //var pattern = /(<strong class="profile_nickname">)/; mat = respBody.match(pattern) //FiddlerObject.alert(mat); var line = pubId + "\t"; var pubname = ""; if (mat) pubname = mat[1]; line += pubname + "\t"; var pubwx = ""; var pattern = /<label class="profile_meta_label">微訊號<\/label>[\s\S]*?<span class="profile_meta_value">([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/i; var mat = respBody.match(pattern); if (mat) pubwx = mat[1].replace(/[\t\r\n]/g, ''); line += pubwx + "\t"; //文章日期 var pattern = /<em id="post-date" class="rich_media_meta rich_media_meta_text">([\s\S]+?)<\/em>/i; //var pattern = /(<strong class="profile_nickname">)/; mat = respBody.match(pattern) //FiddlerObject.alert(mat); var art_dt = ''; if (mat) art_dt = mat[1]; line += art_dt; file.WriteLine(line); file.close(); } } public static function filteremoji(emojireg){ return emojireg.replace(/\ud83c[\udf00-\udfff]|\ud83d[\udc00-\ude4f]|\ud83d[\ude80-\udeff]/g , ''); } public static function JsonToObject(jsonString) { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(System.Object); var mStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString)); return serializer.ReadObject(mStream); } /* // This function executes just before Fiddler returns an error that it has // itself generated (e.g. "DNS Lookup failure") to the client application. // These responses will not run through the OnBeforeResponse function above. static function OnReturningError(oSession: Session) { } */ /* // This function executes after Fiddler finishes processing a Session, regardless // of whether it succeeded or failed. Note that this typically runs AFTER the last // update of the Web Sessions UI listitem, so you must manually refresh the Session's // UI if you intend to change it. static function OnDone(oSession: Session) { } */ /* static function OnBoot() { MessageBox.Show("Fiddler has finished booting"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe"); UI.ActivateRequestInspector("HEADERS"); UI.ActivateResponseInspector("HEADERS"); } */ /* static function OnBeforeShutdown(): Boolean { // Return false to cancel shutdown. return ((0 == FiddlerApplication.UI.lvSessions.TotalItemCount()) || (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Allow Fiddler to exit?", "Go Bye-bye?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2))); } */ /* static function OnShutdown() { MessageBox.Show("Fiddler has shutdown"); } */ /* static function OnAttach() { MessageBox.Show("Fiddler is now the system proxy"); } */ /* static function OnDetach() { MessageBox.Show("Fiddler is no longer the system proxy"); } */ // The Main() function runs everytime your FiddlerScript compiles static function Main() { var today: Date = new Date(); FiddlerObject.StatusText = " CustomRules.js was loaded at: " + today; // Uncomment to add a "Server" column containing the response "Server" header, if present // UI.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn("Server", 50, "@response.server"); // Uncomment to add a global hotkey (Win+G) that invokes the ExecAction method below... // UI.RegisterCustomHotkey(HotkeyModifiers.Windows, Keys.G, "screenshot"); } // These static variables are used for simple breakpointing & other QuickExec rules BindPref("fiddlerscript.ephemeral.bpRequestURI") public static var bpRequestURI:String = null; BindPref("fiddlerscript.ephemeral.bpResponseURI") public static var bpResponseURI:String = null; BindPref("fiddlerscript.ephemeral.bpMethod") public static var bpMethod: String = null; static var bpStatus:int = -1; static var uiBoldURI: String = null; static var gs_ReplaceToken: String = null; static var gs_ReplaceTokenWith: String = null; static var gs_OverridenHost: String = null; static var gs_OverrideHostWith: String = null; // The OnExecAction function is called by either the QuickExec box in the Fiddler window, // or by the ExecAction.exe command line utility. static function OnExecAction(sParams: String[]): Boolean { FiddlerObject.StatusText = "ExecAction: " + sParams[0]; var sAction = sParams[0].toLowerCase(); switch (sAction) { case "bold": if (sParams.Length<2) {uiBoldURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Bolding cleared"; return false;} uiBoldURI = sParams[1]; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Bolding requests for " + uiBoldURI; return true; case "bp": FiddlerObject.alert("bpu = breakpoint request for uri\nbpm = breakpoint request method\nbps=breakpoint response status\nbpafter = breakpoint response for URI"); return true; case "bps": if (sParams.Length<2) {bpStatus=-1; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Response Status breakpoint cleared"; return false;} bpStatus = parseInt(sParams[1]); FiddlerObject.StatusText="Response status breakpoint for " + sParams[1]; return true; case "bpv": case "bpm": if (sParams.Length<2) {bpMethod=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Request Method breakpoint cleared"; return false;} bpMethod = sParams[1].toUpperCase(); FiddlerObject.StatusText="Request Method breakpoint for " + bpMethod; return true; case "bpu": if (sParams.Length<2) {bpRequestURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="RequestURI breakpoint cleared"; return false;} bpRequestURI = sParams[1]; FiddlerObject.StatusText="RequestURI breakpoint for "+sParams[1]; return true; case "bpa": case "bpafter": if (sParams.Length<2) {bpResponseURI=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="ResponseURI breakpoint cleared"; return false;} bpResponseURI = sParams[1]; FiddlerObject.StatusText="ResponseURI breakpoint for "+sParams[1]; return true; case "overridehost": if (sParams.Length<3) {gs_OverridenHost=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Host Override cleared"; return false;} gs_OverridenHost = sParams[1].toLowerCase(); gs_OverrideHostWith = sParams[2]; FiddlerObject.StatusText="Connecting to [" + gs_OverrideHostWith + "] for requests to [" + gs_OverridenHost + "]"; return true; case "urlreplace": if (sParams.Length<3) {gs_ReplaceToken=null; FiddlerObject.StatusText="URL Replacement cleared"; return false;} gs_ReplaceToken = sParams[1]; gs_ReplaceTokenWith = sParams[2].Replace(" ", "%20"); // Simple helper FiddlerObject.StatusText="Replacing [" + gs_ReplaceToken + "] in URIs with [" + gs_ReplaceTokenWith + "]"; return true; case "allbut": case "keeponly": if (sParams.Length<2) { FiddlerObject.StatusText="Please specify Content-Type to retain during wipe."; return false;} UI.actSelectSessionsWithResponseHeaderValue("Content-Type", sParams[1]); UI.actRemoveUnselectedSessions(); UI.lvSessions.SelectedItems.Clear(); FiddlerObject.StatusText="Removed all but Content-Type: " + sParams[1]; return true; case "stop": UI.actDetachProxy(); return true; case "start": UI.actAttachProxy(); return true; case "cls": case "clear": UI.actRemoveAllSessions(); return true; case "g": case "go": UI.actResumeAllSessions(); return true; case "goto": if (sParams.Length != 2) return false; Utilities.LaunchHyperlink("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q=" + Utilities.UrlEncode(sParams[1])); return true; case "help": Utilities.LaunchHyperlink("http://fiddler2.com/r/?quickexec"); return true; case "hide": UI.actMinimizeToTray(); return true; case "log": FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString((sParams.Length<2) ? "User couldn't think of anything to say..." : sParams[1]); return true; case "nuke": UI.actClearWinINETCache(); UI.actClearWinINETCookies(); return true; case "screenshot": UI.actCaptureScreenshot(false); return true; case "show": UI.actRestoreWindow(); return true; case "tail": if (sParams.Length<2) { FiddlerObject.StatusText="Please specify # of sessions to trim the session list to."; return false;} UI.TrimSessionList(int.Parse(sParams[1])); return true; case "quit": UI.actExit(); return true; case "dump": UI.actSelectAll(); UI.actSaveSessionsToZip(CONFIG.GetPath("Captures") + "dump.saz"); UI.actRemoveAllSessions(); FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Dumped all sessions to " + CONFIG.GetPath("Captures") + "dump.saz"; return true; default: if (sAction.StartsWith("http") || sAction.StartsWith("www.")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(sParams[0]); return true; } else { FiddlerObject.StatusText = "Requested ExecAction: '" + sAction + "' not found. Type HELP to learn more."; return false; } } } }



我的個人微信公眾號 微信公眾號ID:strongerHuang. 有許多重要的內容和資訊都會在公眾號中分享,相信你關注公眾號一定會喜歡那裡。(PS:1.許多失效網盤連結可以在公眾號底部選單找到; 2.該公號只有我一個人在管理和維護)




本文並非作者原創,本文來自 zsyoung 的CSDN 部落格 ,全文地址請點選:https://blog.csdn.net/zsyoung/article/details/78849982?utm_source=copy 在這裡只是把相關步驟清晰明化一下: 1.安裝node.js &n


Ctrl +f5 搜尋:開始 import System; import System.Net.Http; import System.Windows.Forms; import System.Web.HttpUtility; import System.T


微信一直是一個自己玩的小圈子,前段時間搜狗推出的微信搜尋帶來了一絲曙光。搜狗搜尋推出了內容搜尋和公眾號搜尋兩種,利用後者可以抓取微信公眾號的最新內容,看了下還是比較及時的。 每個公眾號都有一個openid,最早可以直接利用http://weixin.sogou

[Python爬蟲] 之十五:Selenium +phantomjs根據公眾文章

頭部 drive lac 過程 標題 操作 函數 軟件測試 init   借助搜索微信搜索引擎進行抓取   抓取過程   1、首先在搜狗的微信搜索頁面測試一下,這樣能夠讓我們的思路更加清晰        在搜索引擎上使用微信公眾號英文名進行“搜公眾號&r


1-1 獲取 targe 測試類 同步 用戶標簽 str 數據統計 短連接 微信公眾號開發套件涵蓋微信提供的大多數常用接口,具體實現功能如下:一、消息管理1、模板消息。支持單個用戶發送和批量發送,支持同步發送和一步發送。2、一次性訂閱消息。3、客服消息。包括下發文本、圖片等


未經允許請勿轉載 曾經嘗試過抓取微信文章的小夥伴,一定很熟悉搜狗微信。搜狗微信是騰訊官方提供的搜尋引擎,專門用來搜尋微信公眾號發表的文章(不包含服務號)。 對於想要獲取微信文章進行研究學習的小夥伴,首先探索的途徑通常是搜狗微信。那麼關於搜狗微信以及微信相關的抓取,需

免費列印 免費娃娃 多次關注公眾-吸粉神器 技術實現細節

背景 微信列印與微信娃娃機火了一大把,都是利用微信公共平臺實現照片的列印,技術人員透過現象看本質,來尋找吸粉神器背後的實現。 具體流程: 找到當地的一臺印表機 掃描二維碼關注公共主頁 傳送圖片 傳送微信印表機上的列印碼 收到如果想再次免費列印,請關注收到

python3.6 公眾

專案介紹 本專案針對微信公眾號文章爬取,通過微信公眾號名稱或微訊號,爬取釋出的文章,並對文章進行去重操作 若有其他問題請加群943841699,共同探討技術 本專案借鑑很多其他專案,就不一一列出   原始碼地址 https://gitee.com/xywdy/wechat_c


在這個萬物互聯的時代,手機端(App)、電腦端(Web),連線著你我他。 本次學習了手機抓包的相關知識,瞭解了Charles-mitmproxy-Appium的基本使用,通過對當當圖書評論的爬取,得以實踐。 那麼就讓我們來看看噹噹圖書「活著」的差評吧! / 01 / Charles

免費列印 免費娃娃 多次關注公眾-吸粉神器 技術實現細節

背景 微信列印與微信娃娃機火了一大把,都是利用微信公共平臺實現照片的列印,技術人員透過現象看本質,來尋找吸粉神器背後的實現。 具體流程: 找到當地的一臺印表機 掃描二維碼關注公共主頁 傳送圖片


使用 Fiddler 抓包分析公眾號 開啟微信隨便選擇一個公眾號,檢視公眾號的所有歷史文章列表    在 Fiddler 上已經能看到有請求進來了,說明公眾號的文章走的都是HTTPS協議,這些請求就是微信客戶端向微信伺服器傳送的HTTP請求。 模擬微信請求  1


今天公司要我抓取微信公眾號文章,我百度了半天得到的方法有三種: 具體內容我就不復制了請去下面這個連結去看,寫的挺好 微信公眾號文章採集方案 在三者中我選擇了比較穩妥的第二種:對手機微信進行中間人攻擊 因為之前被封過小號,所以感覺解封微信太麻煩 而關於如何中間人攻擊請參考下面的連結




抓取微信公眾號的文章 一.思路分析 目前所知曉的能夠抓取的方法有: 1、微信APP中微信公眾號文章連結的直接抓取(http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MzU4ODk2MA==&mid=2735446906&idx=1&am


前兩天在linux 上面寫了一版爬取微信公眾號的文章 今天重新修改一下,讓它在windows上面也能執行 執行下面的程式碼需要安裝以下內容: pip install pyquery pip install requests pip install selenium


機器能做的事就別讓人來做! 目標: 抓取特定微信公眾號文章 思路:利用selenium模擬瀏覽器行為,進行抓取(理由:搜狗已將文章連結進行處理,且頁面為動態生成) 框架:    步驟: 1、登入搜狗   a、找到登入按鈕並點選   self.browser.


網路爬蟲實戰之微信公眾號 簡介: 這篇文章主要教大家怎麼獲取一些電腦無法訪問的微信公眾號資料,乾貨滿滿,30分鐘包學會。 實戰 環境 作業系統: win10 python版本: 2.7.3 安裝 抓包工具有很多,


微信小程式公眾號訂閱號,歷史熱門文章內容,留言閱讀數量點贊數量等資料都可以採集抓取,怎樣做?方法會很難嗎?楚江資料 p02721606 給你幾個微信公眾號爬蟲,微信資料採集爬取so easy!1.基於搜狗微信搜尋的微信公眾號爬蟲a.專案地址:https://github