1. 程式人生 > >ORA-01466: unable to read data

ORA-01466: unable to read data

> Solution Description:
> =====================
> This is usually caused when some change has been made to the
> initialisation parameter FIXED_DATE or the system date. It can occur
> Under different circumstances.
> 1. When doing Date testing and the init.ora parameter FIXED_DATE

> has been set to a future date. When the database is started, then
> that date & TIME does not change.
> So any objects created will have exactly the same Date & Time
> stamp as the FIXED_DATE.
> Now When you come to run the EXPORT, it checks the SYSDATE
> and the creation dates for the objects.

> You need to modify the TIME in the FIXED_DATE parameter,
> i.e. add 1 hour or few minutes, etc and you will not
> encounter the error ORA-1466 anymore.
> 2. The Operating System was reinstalled because of the server crash.
> The system date was not set correctly. The year was set to 2001

> instead of 1997 when they reinstalled Oracle. After some DB
> activity
> they realized the date was incorrect and reset it to 1997 causing
> some
> objects to exist with future dates.
> Perform full database export without specifying consistent=y and
> recreate the database.- Òþ²Ø±»ÒýÓÃÎÄ×Ö -


ORA-01466: unable to read data

> Solution Description:> =====================>> This is usually caused when some change has been made to the> initialisation parameter FIXE

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