1. 程式人生 > >Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots

Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots

在 ../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradles 檔案中 新增

project.ext.react = [
    entryFile: "index.js"




Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots

一 在 ../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradles 檔案中 新增 project.ext.react = [ entryFile: "in

React Native demo執行報錯:Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots

android執行GaGaMall出現如圖錯誤,怎麼弄都不行,index.android.js明明在根目錄的,頭疼的要死...可是同事那邊下的,在npm install後,拷貝過來又行了... 然後想了想,我原來是用cnpm install安裝的,可能是cnpm出了問題,

【原】Cannot find entry file index.ios.js [index.android.js] in any of the roots

今天在執行新的React Native專案時,出現了錯誤。 錯誤資訊如圖: 在stackoverflow上搜索了一下,發現很多人遇到過這個問題。React Native的github上也有相

Could not find output/file.out in any of the configured local directories

轉載:http://blog.pureisle.net/archives/1785.html 十二、如果遇到如下錯誤: FAILED java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.net.URISyntaxException: R

nvcc fatal : Cannot find compiler 'cl.exe' in PATH

我在測試使用Matlab2018a並行gpu計算程式設計步驟,安裝從英偉達官網下載的 cuda_9.2.148_win10 開發環境是VS2017,勾選安裝  適用於桌面的 VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) 工具集   1.安裝結束後,我們在計算機上

Golang安裝mysql資料庫驅動報錯cannot find package "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" in any of 的解決辦法

在安裝mysql資料庫驅動時。經常發生這樣的錯誤首先確保不是自己匯入庫的拼寫錯誤。然後檢查自己的環境變數的配置。 變數名:GOROOT 環境變數值是C:\Go\  GOPATH環境環境變數值是 C:\Go\bin也許每個人go的安裝路徑不同,但是安裝路徑下的GO資料夾 和bi

解決maven專案中出Build path is incomplete. Cannot find class file for org/apache/ibatis/session/SqlSession

錯誤描述:Build path is incomplete. Cannot find class file for org/apache/ibatis/session/SqlSession 意思是找不到org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScan

react-native 0.46升級0.51報錯:Bundling `index.android.js` [development, non-minified] 0.0% (0/1), failed

如圖: 解決: 1:android /app/build.gradle 新增如下: project.ext.react = [ entryFile: "index.js"

Error: Cannot find module '../lib/utils/unsupported.js'

重新安裝node.js 後npm 被能使用(如下面) 是因為安裝的node.js 9.9.0 不是穩定版本 sudo n stable //指定個穩定版本即可 module.js:545


最近在學習React-Native的移動端App開發,使用Genymotion模擬器除錯程式碼,用Sublime Text 3編寫程式碼。 每次修改js程式碼之後,我們都是雙擊R來重新整理Genymo

React-Native 對index.android.js的修改reload之後不能顯示在模擬器上

1、首先開啟模擬器的開發者選項→除錯→選中USB除錯 2、嘗試將這個檔案:專案路徑\node_modules\react-native\node_modules\node-haste\lib\Fil

安裝Centos 6.4提示找不到安裝檔案 The centos disc was not found in any of your drives.Please insert the centos d

【1】安裝Centos 6.4提示找不到安裝檔案 The centos disc was not found in any of your drives.Please insert the centos disc and press OK to retry  解決方法: 把CD

question 3 of Nowcode : write a array and return the object in it of the reverse direction

function printListFromTailToHead(head) { var curObj = head; //curObj is the pointer that points the head var Arr = []; while (curOb

I went in search of the 'perfect face'

As the saying goes: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But this egalitarian sentiment is easy to forget in our image-conscious age of photoshopped soc

In pursuit of the elusive stem cell

How does the body renew itself? How do cancer cells use the same or similar processes to form tumors and spread throughout the body? How might we use those

論文筆記(3)--(Re-ID)In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification

deep metric learning – 深度度量學習,也就是相似度學習 Classification Loss – 當目標很大時,會嚴重增加網路引數,而訓練結束後很多引數都會被摒棄。 Verification Loss – 只能成對的判斷兩張圖片的相似度,因此很難應用到目標聚類和檢索上

React.js Open Source of the Month (v.Sep 2018)

React.js Open Source of the Month (v.Sep 2018)For the past month, we ranked nearly 200 React.js Open Source Projects to pick the Top 10.We compared project

Error resolving template [index], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers

1,首先我按照網上找的在controller上面的註解改成@RestController,這個是不行的。給我返回了一個   -------------------------    /login 2,把返回的 return "/login" 改成

【論文筆記】In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification

1、前言 Triplet loss是非常常用的一種deep metric learning方法,在影象檢索領域有非常廣泛的應用,比如人臉識別、行人重識別、商品檢索等。傳統的triplet loss訓練需要一個三元組,包括三張圖片:achor,positive,

成功解決This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all

解決問題:This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions