1. 程式人生 > >kettle imestamp : Unable to get timestamp from resultset at index 22

kettle imestamp : Unable to get timestamp from resultset at index 22


Timestamp : Unable to get timestamp from resultset at index 30








kettle imestamp : Unable to get timestamp from resultset at index 22

在做ETL的時候,連線MySQL讀取含有timestamp型別的表,出現如下錯誤: 經Google,據說是MySQL自身的問題。解決方法也很簡單,在Spoon的資料庫連線中,開啟選項,加入一行命令引數: zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull 如圖所示: 問題

kettle 轉換欄位遇到問題(couldn't get row from result set unable to get timestamp from resultset at index 9)

在做ETL的時候,連線MySQL讀取含有timestamp型別的表,出現如下錯誤: 經Google,據說是MySQL自身的問題。解決方法也很簡單,在Spoon的資料庫連線中,開啟選項,加入一行命令引數: zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertTo

Unable to load script from assets 'index.android.bundle' 出錯?

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[React-Native] Unable to load script from assets 'index.android.bundle'.

unable als android win oid .com -i ets ava react native for android 拋出下面異常,解決方法: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to load script from

Unable to load script from assets 'index.android.bundle'. Make sure your bundle is packaged correctl

第一種:使用bundle命令:(缺點:後續沒辦法reload,只能重複生成bundle檔案) 1.在Android/app/src/main目錄下建立一個空的assets資料夾 2: 在工程根目錄下資料bundle命令: react-native bundle --platform

react-native 啟動的時候報錯unable to load script from assets 'index.android bundle'

實行命令react-native run-android報以下錯誤 unable to load script from assets 'index.android bundle'  ,make sure your bundle is packaged correctly or y

項目初始化以後出現:Unable to load script from assets 'index.android.bundle

運行 rsquo users 新建 detail nts log ati use Mac中真機測試React Native project時出現Unable to load script from assets ‘index.android.bundle‘

ReactNative--出現異常的解決方法:Unable to load script from assets 'index.android.bundle'

當我們搭建環境,執行第一個專案時手機介面出現紅色背景,這說明報異常了,不能正常編譯。我是在真機上進行的測試出現的問題。廢話不多說,上正題。 首先先說一個問題我這個是新版本建立的專案,此時專案根目錄是沒有index.android.js檔案的,我看網上說手動複製index.js重新命名一個

Kettle Unable to get list of element types for namespace 'pentaho'

我把公司的kettle5.0升級到7.0之後遇到了這個問題,困擾了很久,百度谷歌都查不到結果,所以只能自己查詢原因。 由於已經被搞好了,現在無法截圖了,總之就是下面這行報錯,遇到這個錯誤的同學估計也不需要看截圖就明白: Unable to get list of element types for nam

php SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

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BEA-141281 unable to get file lock

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ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment的解決方法

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ERROR: JDWP Unable to get JNI 1.2 environment, jvm->GetEnv() return code = -2

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weblogic unable to get file lock問題

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[PHP] curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

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curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate 錯誤

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uwsgi部署相關問題Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding

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ERROR JDWP Unable to get JNI 1 2 environment jvm GetEnv

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Unable to get provider com.google.firebase.provider.FirebaseInitProvider 報錯

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get provider com.google.firebase.provider.FirebaseInitProvider: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't

vue+cordova開發webapp,安裝cordova camera外掛所遇到的坑(Unable to load PlatfomApi from platform......Api.js)

最近老闆讓我用phonegap平臺和vue框架開發一個webapp的一個上傳頭像的介面,初次接觸phonegap,從安裝到使用遇到了好多坑,也查了很多的資料,首先安裝以及配置環境就不多說了大家可以參考: https://blog.csdn.net/webxiaoma/article/de