1. 程式人生 > >Hyperledger Project: Opportunities for developers and enterprises

Hyperledger Project: Opportunities for developers and enterprises

Mark Parzygnat will be presenting to the Startup Breakfast Club in Montreal and taking questions from the audience. He will be introducing Hyperledger from both an enterprise and startup perspective.

For Enterprises: Wondering if Blockchain can disrupt your industry? Want to know if you could be among the disruptors and leaders to transform your business transactions?

For Startups: Enterprises are looking for Blockchain solutions. Want to better understand the use cases driving their adoption and need for skilled resources?

Resources for you

About The Presenter

Mark Parzygnat

Mark Parzygnat is the Program Director for Blockchain at IBM. He is responsible for products, marketing, demos and strategies to drive adoption for blockchain technologies for IBM and Hyperledger across the globe and industries. He works directly with the Linux Foundation and the community of 150+ institutions developing blockchain for business platforms and tools.


Hyperledger Project: Opportunities for developers and enterprises

Mark Parzygnat will be presenting to the Startup Breakfast Club in Montreal and taking questions from the audience. He will be introducing Hyperledger fro

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