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Introducing Knctl, a command line tool for Knative

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Date(s) - 2018-Dec-04
2:00 pm EST - 3:00 pm EST

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We believe that most application developers should not worry about lower level platform primitives. Rather, they should focus on their application code. The recently announced Knative open source software project was created to simplify the application developer experience on top of Kubernetes by offering higher level primitives.

Knative reduces the effort required to scale an application to the required capacity. It simplifies the ongoing deployment of new versions of an application, trivializes building source code by packaging it as an executable application within a container image, and advances event-driven application architectures.

To encourage adoption of Knative and aid early evaluators of this open source project, we both collaborated to create Knctl – a command-line interface (CLI) that makes interacting with Knative simple. Our aim is to make development and deployment workflows easier than using kubectl for managing Knative resources.


Introducing Knctl, a command line tool for Knative

Map Unavailable Date/Time Date(s) - 2018-Dec-04 2:00 pm EST - 3:00 pm EST Add to iCal calendar iCal Categories We believe that most app

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