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Connect with IBM @ Node+JS Interactive

We’re excited to be Platinum sponsors at Node+JS Interactive 2018 and look forward to connecting with you to explore the impact Node and JavaScript are having on technology of all kinds. To help make your event experience even better, the IBM team will be delivering sessions on new and relevant topics, providing hands-on experience in Workshops and QuickLabs, and will have many of our own developers and contributors at our booth to discuss the latest in Node.js, Cloud Native development, AI integration, and more.

Free 1-hour Workshops

Join us for one or both of our free 1-hour hands-on workshops. Bring your own laptops and we’ll provide the rest, including our developers who will be there to answer any questions as you explore the technology.

  • REST APIs in minutes with LoopBack 4 @ 13:00 October 10
    Abstract: LoopBack 4 is an API creation framework that has been rewritten from the ground up and features a new programming interface, OpenAPI support and so much more.  In this workshop, you can create your own ToDo REST APIs with LoopBack 4 using Node.js and TypeScript.  First, scaffold a LoopBack 4 application using the CLI tool.  Then, add LoopBack artifacts to connect to a data source. Finally, implement the operations defined by the REST APIs and play with it.  If you want more, you can even create GraphQL APIs in the same application. You’ll experience the real magic and find out what’s behind the scene.  Whether you’re an existing LoopBack 3 user or new to LoopBack 4, don’t miss this workshop!
  • Create and Deploy a Microservices using CloudNativeJS.io capabilities @ 13:00 October 11
    Abstract: Create, Deploy, Monitor, and then Breath Easy. Learn how to take a simple Express.js application and make it “cloud native”, adding health checks, monitoring with Prometheus, and request tracking with Zipkin, and more. You’ll deploy your services to Docker and Kubernetes locally and then to the Cloud.
  • Hands-on QuickLabs (15 minute)

    If you feel like a break or have 15 spare minutes in your busy schedule, why not drop by the IBM booth and get your hands on some code. Our QuickLabs are setup to give you a quick hit of some cool Node and JavaScript scenarios, covering Cloud Native Development, Serverless, and LoopBack 4. Everything you need, including laptops, instructions, and our own developers will be at the booth for you to quickly run through one or more of these coding challenges.

  • No Infrastructure, Just Code: See the Simplicity of Serverless
    Abstract: Serverless computing simplifies development of cloud-native applications, especially micro-service-oriented solutions.  Come and explore hands-on cloud-native development and build then deploy a number of Serverless Cloud Functions, including web actions that can be invoked from the browser or from Microservices, all inside a browser.
  • Create Highly Scalable Web Application Microservices with Node.js
    Abstract: Experience aspects of our 1-hour workshop in 15 minutes. Explore cloud-native development focused on Express.js through the App Service Console and leverage health checks, AppMetrics dashboard, Prometheus, Zipkin, and more. Deploy your services to Docker locally and then to the Cloud.
  • REST APIs in minutes with LoopBack 4
    Abstract: LoopBack 4 is an API creation framework that has been rewritten from the ground up and features a new programming interface, OpenAPI support and so much more.  In this QuickLab, you can create your own ToDo REST APIs with LoopBack 4 using Node.js and TypeScript and its CLI tool.  First, scaffold a LoopBack 4 application.  Then, add LoopBack artifacts such as models, datasources, and repositories to your application. Finally, create controllers which allow you to implement the operations defined by the REST APIs and play with it.  If you want more, you can even create GraphQL APIs in the same application. You’ll experience the real magic and find out what’s behind the scene.  

    IBMers speaking @ Node+JS Interactive

    Check out these sessions featuring IBM speakers:
    • Keynote: Building Cloud Native APIs — Chris Bailey @ 9:00 October 10
    • Session: Offline First: Making your app awesome when the network isn’t — Teri Chadbourne @ 14:20 October 10
    • Session: N-API: The next generation Node.js API is ready! — Michael Dawson & Arunesh Chandra (Microsoft) @ 11:40 October 10
    • Session: The Art of Building Node.js Projects at scale — Raymond Feng @ 10:20 October 11
    • Session: Wiring the Internet of Things with Node-RED — Nick O’Leary @ 11:20 October 11
    • Session: Optimize your JSON payload efficiency x10 times — Giressh Punathil @ 14:40 October 11
    • Panel: Building a secure ecosystem for Node.js, — Michael Dawson – participant, @ 14:00 October 11

    IBM Booth

    Stop by the IBM booth to get hands on experience with how IBM is leveraging Node.js and other open technologies including Apache OpenWhisk, Kubernetes, and many others to build cloud native applications and services supporting AI, IoT and Mobile solutions. In addition, if you’ve seen a talk by an IBMer and would like to talk to them further but are having a hard time catching up with them, stop by the booth and we’ll make sure to get you connected.

    Can’t make it to Node+JS Interactive?

    If you find yourself unable to attend Node+JS Interactive 2018 or get too busy with all that’s happening at the event, all is not lost. We invite you to check out the following [email protected] resources available to you now and after the event. These resources will give you hands-on experience with some of the cool tools and technology, and yes code, that IBM will be showcasing at Node+JS Interactive, right from your laptop. Enjoy!

    Node.js on developer.ibm.com for blogs, tutorials, videos, and other technical resources.


    Connect with IBM @ Node+JS Interactive

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